
Fairy Tail: A Gremory's Tale

Once the heir to his clan, the Gremory clan, a prestigious clan of devils in the underworld. One of the prodigies amongst the youth of the underworld. He was praised as someone who could possibly surpass his brother, one of the satans. He was someone with a bright future aiming to bring honor to his clan. But...all of this crumbled down as he found himself in an unfamiliar world in his body as a kid. This is the tale of a devil prodigy and the heir of the Gremory clan...Lucius Gremory in another world. How would he fare in this brand new place? Will he survive for long to reach his full potential? Or will he die before achieving it?

Heir_of_Gremory · Anime & Comics
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Gremory Clan's Heir


"...ke up!"

"Hey! Kid, wake up."

In a forest, a tall, muscular man with shoulder-length orange hair which was slicked back and a stubbly beard tried to wake up a kid by lightly shaking his body.

His attire is rather simple; he wears a long, black, high-collared, and tattered cloak with shoulder plates; around his waist is a simple belt. He also wore loose-fitting dark pants, complete with an armored waist-guard bearing plate similar to the ones on his shoulders, tucked inside simple boots.

The kid seems to be sleeping while leaning on a tree. The kid had short crimson-colored hair with an attractive face. He wore some expensive-looking noble clothes.


The man smiled after hearing the kid groan. Slowly, the kid's eyes opened showing beautiful blue eyes. The kid looked around, confusion was evident in his eyes, and raised his vigilance.

"Hey kid, why we're you sleeping in a forest. That's dangerous, especially since you don't know when a stray monster attacks you. Where Are your parents, why are you alone?"

"...Where am I? Weren't I just going back to our territory from a noble party?" The kid muttered softly, he then looked up at the man and asked carefully, "Would you happen to know where am I? And do you know the way to the Gremory Clan's Territory?"

The man was confused, "Hey kid, what are you talking about? Gremory Clan's Territory? I haven't heard nor know where that is. You are in the kingdom of Fiore in Ishgar and we are in a forest near Magnolia Town." The man explained which prompted the kid to be shocked.

At this time, the kid finally noticed his current body size.

'I...my body turned back to when I was a kid? But how...?! I remember, we just got back from a party organized by the Sitri's and are on our way back to our territory. What happened to me and where am I? Fiore? Ishgar? And he mentioned something about kingdom. Could I possibly be in the human world? But that doesn't explain why my body is like this.'

"Hey kid, are you alright?"

The kid was brought out of his contemplation and looked up towards the man, "May I ask if you know about the United States of America, France, or Europe in general?" he asked to try and confirm his current location.

But once again, he was met with the man's confusion. "Are you fine, kid? What are you saying, there's no such country or place as what you've mentioned."

"What...?" The kid was devastated by hearing that. It was then followed by confusion as he tried on thinking about where he could possibly be. From his knowledge, there was no Kingdom of Fiore from any of the worlds and pocket dimensions in his 'World'.

He only knew of the places found on the three main worlds; the underworld, heaven, and the human world. And he knew there was no such place as Fiore in one of the dimensions created by the gods. Which begs the question, where he is? He just cannot fathom his current situation and deep inside of him, he rejected a conclusion that he thought.

"Sigh...Looks like you're confused. Just where are your parents, kid? Do you have any place to go?" The man said, "By the way, my name is Gildarts Clive. What's yours?"

"...Lucius Gremory, the heir of the Gremory Clan of the 72 pillar clans," Lucius replied proudly,

"I've been hearing you mention this Gremory Clan, that's your family, right? Are you some kind of noble, but then what are you doing here?" Gildarts asked feeling confused.

Lucius looked at him, "Our clan has a noble rank of Duke, yes but now...I don't know where it is. Just where is it? And this place, Fiore, I haven't heard of it in any of the places I know." he started rambling and slowly his tone became desperate.

Just the thought of him not getting the chance to meet his family again, devastated him.

Gildarts watched as Lucius slowly started breaking down. "Get a grip of yourself, kid!"

"Ah..!" Lucius got out of it and tried using teleportation but he can't pinpoint the location of the underworld

In the end, he smiled sadly, 'As I thought, although I thought of it as kind of impossible, I'm pretty sure I am in a different world now.' he thought.

The concept of another world isn't actually that new to him as the underworld, heaven, or even the various divine worlds in which gods reside are considered a different world.

But those dimensions or worlds still reside around the earth or the human world. Though in some books, he also read a certain thing about how elves and dwarfs migrated to the 'other' world due to rapid human development.

But he considered that as merely a made-up tale and didn't really believe it and thought that, maybe those two races built their own separate dimension like the gods and isolated themselves in it which is why the various races thought of them as migrating into a different world.

But now, he himself experienced being transported to another world.

"...Mr. Clive, would you happen to know where I could take up a job. I think I can't go back home...for now." Lucius asked, he know himself that his chances of going back home were slim. Especially when he didn't even know what brought him here in the first place.

Was it some kind of magic? Or a powerful being such as the dragon gods? Or just through sheer coincidence?

Lucius wasn't sure but he crossed out the possibility of the dragon gods being involved as those beings won't actively interfere in their world.

"...You can follow me to Magnolia. I will talk to the master and ask if you can stay at the guild. By chance, do you know magic, kid?" Gildarts asked

"Magic? Guild?" Lucius muttered, "If it's magic, I know how to use it." As he speak, he created a small flame atop his palm. He didn't use his bloodline ability, Power of Destruction, as he still need to confirm something. Better be careful for now is what he thought.

"Ohh?" Gildarts smiled slightly, "So you know magic, then you can join our guild. By then, you could stay in the guild and take up some easy quest to earn money."

Lucius got interested in the idea, he decided to do that as his first goal. Since he got to do something to survive.

"Then, please lead the way, Mr. Clive," Lucius said but still a bit wary against Gildarts.

"Oh? Follow me then, kid."

The two started walking towards Magnolia.


Magnolia has a population of 60,000 inhabitants and is a merchant city that has been prosperous in Magic since the ancient era. Such reputation was supported by the fact that the town, houses the strongest Guild in Fiore, Fairy Tail.

And on this day, the sounds of bells rang around the town along with flying trumpets announcing things.

[Attention everyone! Prepare to commence Magnolia's Gildarts Shift!]

[Citizens, please take your designated positions immediately!]

The whole town then shook as most of its buildings started sliding sideways and rising over platforms, leaving only a very large, straight road that leads from the city's entrance to Fairy Tail's headquarters.

Meanwhile, at the entrance to the town, Lucius and Gildarts watch the whole process happen. The former was shocked at the process and the announcement.

Lucius glanced at Gildarts beside him who was still carefree. "Just what did you do for the whole town to go so far as to build this mechanism?"

He clearly heard it, the announcement mentioned about Gildarts Shift. Which led Lucius to a conclusion that something must've happened for the whole town to build something like this.

"Hey, come on kid!" Gildarts wasn't surprised in the slightest and started walking. Lucius quickly followed him as they both walked towards Fairy Tail headquarters.


Entering the guild, they were welcomed by the excited guild members.

"Gildarts! You're back!"

"Yeah! Gildarts is back!"

"Let's party!"

Gildarts smiled seeing the enthusiasm of the guild, "Ou! I'm back!"

Lucius watch all of it happen and smiled ruefully. The people here reminded him of how their servants back home act whenever he comes back. They were always enthusiastic like this.

"By the way, Gildarts, who's that kid? You're son?" One of the child members noticed Lucius and asked Gildarts. This question brought the others to finally notice Lucius standing slightly behind Gildarts.

"Ohh! Gildarts when did you have a kid?"

"What! You had a kid, Gildarts?!"

On a corner of the guild hall, a slim tanned-skinned little, watched as Gildarts entered with Lucius. She has mid-back length brown hair with varying shades of color, having been seen as bright brown, black, and, ultimately, plain brown.

Two shoulder-length strands of hair frame her face, with the left one starting from a prominent, high fringe. After hearing the guild members ask if Lucius was Gildarts's son, a sad smile appeared on her face.

Gildarts's mouth twitch, "He's not my son! I coincidentally found him in the eastern forest sleeping. He seems to be lost due to some circumstances so I bought him here." He explained

"Hey, kid, introduce yourself too." Gildarts tapped Lucius's shoulder.

"I am Lucius Gremory, hailing from the Gremory Clan of the 72 Pillar Clans. Though I don't know where my home is...for now. Please to make your acquaintances." Lucius introduced himself and bowed elegantly.

The guild hall became silent after hearing Lucius. The members sympathized with the kid after hearing he doesn't know where his home is, now. Soon some older females rushed at Lucius and hugged him.

Gildarts on the other hand left him to his fate and walked towards the bar where an extremely short, elderly man was seated. He has black eyes and is growing bald with only the outer rims of his head containing white hair. He also has a thick white mustache.

He was dressed casually, with attire consisting of a white shirt with a black Fairy Tail stamp in the middle under an orange hoodie. His attire was completed with matching orange shorts and an orange and blue striped jester hat.

The old man was holding a large wooden cup full of booze.

Gildarts sat on a chair in the bar and put down his bag. "Master, I've completed the decade class quest."

"Hm, good job as always. But who is that kid?" Makarov asked while staring at Lucius being smothered by the female members of the guild. There was some envy while staring at the scene.

"I found him in the eastern forest as I was on my way back. He seems to be lost as he said he's from this place called Gremory Territory. He also seems to be a noble and an heir to their clan, at that. Though he seems to also not know how he got in the forest." Gildarts said, "Oh right, master! He seems to be interested in joining the guild. He also knows magic."

"Hm...That can be arranged. Though why would a noble be stranded in a forest. Was he transported there by someone deliberately? An enemy perhaps?" Makarov said

"Who knows but he seems to genuinely not know what happened. He almost broke down earlier."

"Sigh...what a poor child. He was separated from his family. Well, it's gonna be okay since our guild can be his family!" Makarov smiled then stood up, "Hey you kids! Let's welcome a new arrival! We're gonna have a part to welcome a new member!"


"Hooo a party!!"

On the other hand, Lucius didn't struggle as he was smothered by the female members. He didn't feel any malicious intentions, after all. And after hearing Makarov, he involuntarily smiled.

'Maybe, I could start anew in this guild?' Lucius thought but his desire to go home was still strong. 'No, my family is still waiting for me back home. I need to find a way to go back.'

The whole party lasted till night and by the end of it, Lucius had officially become a Fairy Tail member. He got his stamp in his left pectoral. He also learned how the guild works and what quests are along with other essential informations.

After the party, all the adult members were passed out all over the guild hall. With the kids also sleeping on tables or chairs. Lucius on the other hand slept inside one of the free rooms of the guild building.

And that's how Lucius's first day on this world went.

New Author here~

Don't expect frequent uploads though due to school.

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