

"Hana, stay with this aunty while daddy finishes off his fight."

Orzel pointed at Cana who now had a vein popped on her forehead listening to Orzel.

She was really angry now.

"Oiii! Who the hell are you calling an aunty, I'm still 18, you fucker!"

Cana was shouting at the top of her voice, the surrounding people were dumbfounded listening to their bickering.

"That's why I said you are a rotten adult."

"Who uses such dirty language in front of a child."

Orzel shook his head while covering Hana's ears, he really thought Cana was an idiot.

"Daddy! You can't say she is old, obviously she looks very young."

"Bad daddy! "

Hana said to Orzel in a reprimanding tone while defending Cana which dumbfounded Orzel but Cana was happy.

"Kyaa! Hana-chan, you are really smart, not like your father."

Cana took Hana from Orzel's arms and looked at Orzel with a victorious grin that his own daughter was not on his side.

Orzel was sad when Hana betrayed him like that but he didn't let it affect him.

"Alright, alright, just take care of her for now."

"Hmph! Of course, Since she is so cute."

Cana was hugging a giggling Hana, who was happy being praised, into her abundant bosom, making a beautiful sight.

Orzel wanted to keep looking but he had to fight now. So, he reluctantly turned to Natsu who was getting a bit impatient now.

"How long are you going to waste time!"

"Hurry up and fight!"

It was not just Natsu who was impatient, the other members of the guild were also getting impatient.

Orzel just ignored them and looked at Natsu.

"Hello, my name is Orzel Demominio."

"Please take care of me in the future."

Orzel had always been polite, he didn't find it necessary to act rude just cause he was challenged.

It would rub off on Hana too if he acted polite.

"Don't worry, I'm Natsu Dragneel."

"Now let's fight!"

Natsu returned the greeting with an excited grin, all he cared about was a fight with a strong person.

"Alright, let's begin."

Orzel said calmly.

Even though he was calm, he was looking forward to Natsu's dragon slayer magic.

He had fought with a dragon before, although he couldn't kill it that time since he wasn't that strong thenn but he could still fend it off.

But now he was sure he could kill that dragon with just a thought.

He was already invincible in this world.

Natsu after hearing Orzel didn't waste time and charged in his direction.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

Natsu engulfed his fist in fire and punched towards Orzel's face.

Orzel who saw the fist was shocked.

But it wasn't because he had underestimated the dragon slayer magic.

He had seriously overestimated it.

'There is no way he could kill a dragon with this magic.'

'It's just too weak.'

'Or rather the user is very weak right now.'

Orzel looked at Natsu in front of him and remembered that the show relied on "The Power Of Friendship" a lot of times.

Orzel was broken out of his thoughts when the fist was right in front him. Even though he was doing a lot of thinking, it was all done in a split second.

Orzel looking at the fist didn't do anything and just stood still without doing anything.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw Orzel didn't do anything and just stood there.

They thought he had given up even Cana was having same thoughts.

Only the S-class mages present had different thoughts, they had already sensed that Natsu wasn't Orzel's match but were wondering what he was trying to do.

Natsu was excited that he was going to win easily but the next thing shocked him to the core.

He had punched Orzel's face expecting him to fly away, but he just stood there and took it without moving an inch.

His cheeks weren't even grazed by his flames.

Everyone who saw this was shocked, they knew Natsu very well, his flames weren't something you could take head-on.

"Daddy! You are awesome!"

Hana who saw her dad not being affected was clapping and cheering excitedly sitting on Cana's lap who had her eyes popped out.

Orzel who heard Hana was satisfied since his goal was accomplished.

Natsu backed away from Orzel and stood there, he was also very surprised when his attack didn't work.

He was just about to lunch another attack when he heard Orzel saying.

"Since you use flames, I'll use water."

Natsu didn't have much time to think when he was being attacked by a massive wave of water, throwing him away.

"Did I overdo it?" Orzel asked to particularly no one.

Everyone was shocked by the outcome.

When this was happening, a girl with azure blue hair in a sapphire blue coat was even more astonished looking at the water magic displayed by Orzel.

She believed she wasn't even close to coming to his level in water magic.

By her side the black haired man who saw her reaction couldn't help but ask.

"Juvia, is his water magic that strong?"

Juvia listening to her Gray-sama hurriedly turned towards him.

"Yes, Gray-sama, I can't even come close to his level."

Gray listening to her had a serious look on his face, he knew how strong Juvia was since he had fought her befor.

"B-but Gray-sama."


"Your clothes!"


Juvia was looking at the shocked Gray with hearts in her eyes.

Back to Orzel.

He was feeling bad for Natsu so he went up to him.

"Sorry for that let me dry you off."

"Even though you use fire, it's not good to be wet for too long."

He conjured a simple wind spell and dried Natsu's clothes, this attracted the attention of the young sky dragon slayer who also used wind in her attacks.

She wanted him to ask about it but she was a shy and timid girl.

After drying off Natsu who was still unconscious, Orzel made his way towards the bar again to finally get his guild mark.

"Daddy! You are too strong."

Hana was happy and jumped into his arms when she saw him coming.

Orzel looking at Hana thought that it was a good idea to flex.

Just as he was thinking he felt a hand pulling his cheek which was punched earlier.

"Lady, do you have a hobby of pulling people's cheeks?"

Orzel was annoyed when Cana suddenly started pulling his cheeks and interrupted his time with Hana.

"I thought you had very tough skin since you didn't get burned."

Cana ignored Orzel's grumbling and kept pulling his cheeks, Orzel also didn't say anything since her hands were very soft.

"Heh! I guess with a nasty tongue comes a tough mouth."

Cana sneered at Orzel since she was still pissed about his earlier comments.

"Well, I can do a lot of things with my tongue, do you want to try."

Cana was confused at first but she soon understood and couldn't help but turn red.

"Piss off! You pervert!"

She started throwing beer bottles at Orzel with a red face which was both from anger and embarrassment who just laughed while dodging.

Makarov and Mirajane were both sad that they were being ignored even though they were the guild master and an S-class.

"Ahem! You two should stop fighting and let's continue."

Makarov who couldn't stand being ignored said which stopped the two of them.

Cana was still embarrassed but sat down while grumbling.

Hana who was in Orzel's arms didn't understand what was going on and was just happy with the lively atmosphere.

"Hmm, now that you have settled down, let's get your guild marks."

Makarov nodded at Mirajane who had taken out a magic stamp tool.

"Where would you want your guild mark to be at?"

Mirajane asked the both of them with her usual smile.

"Hmm, on my left hand."

"What about you, Hana?"

"Same as daddy."

"Alright, extend your hand both of you."

Orzel and Hana extended their left hand and Mirajane stamped the mark on them.

Orzel's mark was black and Hana's was pink.

Hana was looking at her mark with shining eyes.

"Now then, You two are officially the members of Fairy Tail family."

"Let's celebrate!"

Makarov shouted which elicited a cheer from the whole guild including Natsu who was now conscious.

Orzel put Hana down who wanted to play with Happy and sat down on the bar counter.


Orzel looked at Cana who looked a bit nervous.

"I want to talk to you about something."