
Fairy tail: A Father's struggle

Finding himslef in the world of Fairy Tail all alone. He did anything to survive. He stole, killed, schemed, got betrayed, he had experienced many things. Without knowing he already stood at the peak with none to even come close. He after doing everything for his survival didn't have much to look forward to in his life, so he began traveling. That's when he met her, his soon to be daughter. And from then on begin his struggle of raising a child.

Supreme_Introvert · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


"Oel?" Hana said while tilting her head.

"It's Orzel."


"Well, we will work on that later"

In the forest pathway Orzel and Hana could be seen walking while Orzel was teaching Hana how to say his name right. Which doesn't seem to be too successful.

She is only a little kid after all.

"So Hana, How old are you?"

"Hana is four years old" Hana said while lifting her head to look at Orzel.

After spending some time together Hana was a lot less nervous around Orzel and could answer some simple questions , Orzel was not impatient and knew she will open up soon.

'But what should I do after that? Should I just leave her in an orphanage…'

'That might not be the greatest idea , many orphanage are straight up running some shady business in disguise or are not capable of supporting many children'

"Hmm… What to do?'

While Orzel was contemplating on what to do Hana was just staring at him trying to know what he was thinking.

For her he was the only person she ever had a proper conversation with. And didn't want him to leave her.


"It's Orzel. But what is it?" Orzel asked wondering what she wanted.

"I'm hungry" Hana said while holding her stomach.

"Didn't we just eat earlier." Orzel sweatdropped at her and wondered since she didn't have had much to eat as a slave she might have a larger appetite compared to normal.

Or she might just be a little foodie.

Probably the letter looking at her drool as she thinks about the meat.

"You shouldn't eat much while travelling since it would make you sleepy." He said that but still gave her the dried pieces of meat he stored for later.

Hana without wasting time took the meat and started ignoring Orzel completely.

Orzel just sighed at her antics. He knew that Hana was still bit nervous around him and was using food as her support. Qualities of a foodie probably.

They were on a forest pathway which would lead them to Oshibana town. It wasn't much far and he could make out the outline of the city from here.

"We should reach the next town by night."

"Would you be able to walk that long or do you want me to pick you up?" Orzel asked Hana who was still busy eating.

Hana hearing him looked at him but didn't say anything but her answer was clear looking at her eager eyes.

Orzel just smiled and thought that the girl was really cute.

"Allright, then let's pick up the pace shall we" Orzel said before picking up Hana who was confused about what he meant.

"Let's go!" He said before running in the direction of Oshibana . He reduced his speed a lot to a normal level to not cause any discomfort to Hana."

"Kyaaaa." Hana who was still confused about the sudden change screamed when Orzel started running. She soon got used to it and was enjoying it which could be seen from smile.

"HaHaHaHa! Faster! Faster!" Hana was enjoying herself and forgot her previous nervousness. A child's mind is pretty simple, they will enjoy whatever fun thing they encounter , and eat whatever they find.

Orzel was relieved seeing her enjoying herself and knew it wouldn't be long before she open up to him.

'Before that.' Thinking this he increased his speed to reach the town before night.

Now on the pathway only sound of wind and a little girl's laughter could be heard.






Oshibana Town , It is a small, friendly town. It seems that the main point of the city is the railway station, and not much to look at for sight seeing. The railway connects it with a series of other towns such as Kunugi , Onibasu , Clover and Magnolia.

'I should just take the train, travelling with a child is not easy.' Orzel thought as he made his way through the street looking for an inn or hotel to stay at for the night.

As for Hana, She was sleeping in his arms tired from all the screaming she did on the way.

"There it is. Honeyworks Inn." Orzel said looking at the sign board of the inn,

It was a three floored building with a green roof, although it looked quite old , It was very well maintained.

Orzel entered the inn with Hana in his arms. The atmosphere inside was quite lively with old men drinking beer while talking about their day, or some young men trying to hit on the waitresses only to get turned down. Poor guys.

As soon he entered, the inn quietened down. And everyone was looking at him.

Orzel just sighed at that. He knew his appearance well and knew it was eye catching. And in small towns like Oshibana, it was even more so.

He just ignored them went to the counter lady who was also looking at him. Not as a rare specimen though, just as a new customer.

She was a slight plump lady, who appeared to be her mid-thirties from her slight wrinkled face. She had a welcoming aura to her making people comfortable around her.

"Hello, Are there any free rooms for the night?" Orzel asked with a smile on his face. He didn't have a habit of acting like an edgy dark lord.

A smile even fake can help you in many different ways and situations. That's what he always believed.

"Yes, Is it for you and your daughter?" The lady asked with a gentle smile.

But her words took Orzel aback. But he was still calm on the outside. He had seen many things and a few words weren't enough to make him lose composure.

"HaHa! Yes, she played a bit too much on the way and now she is tired." Orzel said with a small laugh.

"Ara, is that so. Your daughter is really cute just a little skinny." The lady said lokking at Hana in Orzel's arms.

Even though she might be a bit malnutritioned no one could deny that she was a very cute little girl.

"She is, so about the room…." Orzel said trying to bring the lady back on business.

"Oh sorry, we got a bit side tracked there."

"We have a room available. It will be 5oo jewels for the night." The lady informed with a work smile on her face.

It was a cheap price , many high-end inn in other locations could charge 10,000-12000 for a night. So this amount was like chump change.

"Alright, I would take the room for the night." Orzel said handing over the money to the lady.

"Thank you, Would you like to have a meal?"

"No thanks, I would just go to sleep." Orzel just wanted to take a good night sleep right now.

"Alright, let me call someone to guide you to your room"

The lady said before calling a waitress to guide Orzel to his room.

One could see a red tint on the waitresses' cheeks and kept glancing at him from time to time.

Orzel was too used to this kind of looks and nor he wasn't someone who couldn't keep it in his pants. Furthermore, Hana was with him right now.

So he just ignored the signals the waitress was giving him, much to her disappointment but she gave up soon looking at Hana.

"Here is your room. I hope you enjoy your stay." The waitress said with a bow before leaving.

Orzel looked at the room and was quite satisfied.

It was not too big but not small either. There was a single bed with a table and chair on the side and another door which probably connected to the bathroom.

For 500 jewels it was much more than what people asked for.

Orzel placed Hana before covering her with the sheets, and he himself sat at the nearby chair thinking about all the things that happened in the past few days.

'The people in this town are quite nice and its peaceful.'

'But there was still a shady group of people I spotted on the way.'

'Must be from a dark guild. They better not try something or else….' Orzel thought with a cold glint in his eyes.

His eyes wandered towards Hana who was sleeping on the bed . He had to admit he was quite with her company and wouldn't keeping her with him. She reminds him a bit of himself when he transmigrated with no one to lean on.

"A daughter, huh.." Orzel thought out loud before proceeding to sleep on the chair.