
Fairy Tail - Bonebound Legacy

Ethan Ravenscroft, a former S-class hunter, meets an unexpected end but awakens in Fairy Tail with bone-controlling abilities. Two years in, he joins the guild, navigating a world of magic and camaraderie. As Ethan explores his newfound powers and bonds with the guild, he strives to leave his mark within the legacy of Fairy Tail.

AndikaIndra · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Grave Robbering is My Passion

At midnight, Ethan Ravenscroft stood before the grand Kardia Cathedral, its imposing presence casting a shadow over the tranquil grounds of the graveyard. He surveyed the solemn rows of tombstones, each one a silent testament to lives once lived, memories now interred beneath the earth.

"Such a sacred place," Ethan murmured softly, his words a whispered tribute to the graveyard that cradled the untold stories and forgotten legacies of those who had journeyed before him.

With a sense of purpose, Ethan approached a weathered grave, his keen gaze scanning the surrounding area. It was rumored that buried within this hallowed ground lay the bones of individuals who had left a mark on the world, each bone carrying tales of forgotten experiences and unique memories.

Gently, he began to dismantle the grave, handling the bones with utmost reverence. Piece by piece, he gathered them, a mix of solemn determination and cautious respect guiding his movements.

As Ethan carefully collected the bones from the grave, he paused, a mischievous thought flashing through his mind. Standing amid the silent tombstones, he couldn't resist a comedic impulse.

"Okay, hear me out," he muttered to the quiet night, his voice carrying an unexpected lightness. "What if these bones were part of an ancient dance routine?" With a chuckle, he playfully maneuvered the collected bones, attempting an impromptu dance that resembled a comical jig.

Trying to keep a straight face, he shuffled the bones like an eccentric conductor, imagining them as participants in an otherworldly dance-off. The moonlight cast eerie shadows, adding an absurdity to the scene as Ethan orchestrated this peculiar spectacle in the midst of the graveyard's solemnity.

Midway through his 'performance,' a twig snapped nearby, and Ethan jolted, his laughter echoing in the quietude. Blushing furiously, he hastily composed himself, sending an apologetic glance to the serene tombstones as if seeking forgiveness for the lighthearted moment in their midst.

With a sheepish grin, he continued his task, vowing to maintain a more reverent demeanor in this sacred place—although the memory of his brief, ridiculous bone-inspired dance routine lingered, threatening to tickle his funny bone whenever he thought of the graveyard again.

Among the collected bones, Ethan selected one—a significant bone, resonating with a hidden power. It was time to unleash the potential dormant within him, the skill of bone reinforcement that had propelled him from an F-class to an S-class hunter in a previous life.

[Bone Reinforcement (Active)]

[Sacrifice a bone, or a piece of bone equipment in order to reinforce your bones or your bone equipment. You can absorb the special experiences and memories within the bone.]

With a solemn breath, Ethan activated the bone reinforcement skill. Sacrificing a piece of bone from his equipment, he channeled the power, feeling the surge of energy coursing through him. Memories long forgotten surged within the bone, intertwining with his essence as he absorbed the unique experiences held within.

A rush of newfound strength enveloped him, the energy within the reinforced bones transcending his previous limits. His stats soared, reaching the realm of an A-level Mage. Yet, it wasn't just raw power that surged within him; a myriad of skills flooded his consciousness—Angel Magic, Spatial Magic, Light Magic, Healing Magic, and countless others. He also made some bone equipments.

However, amidst this infusion of abilities, Ethan felt a tinge of disappointment. There were no remnants of dragons or the bones of S-Class Mages among the gathered remains. Despite the newfound power, a void lingered, a longing for those exceptional experiences and memories that had eluded his grasp in this cemetery of forgotten legends.

As Ethan stood amidst the graveyard, his joy radiated from within, casting a luminous glow upon the solemn surroundings. "Incredible," he murmured, his voice filled with awe and satisfaction. "This power, these memories... it's more than I could have imagined."

His heart swelled with gratitude for the abilities he'd unlocked and the experiences he'd absorbed. "It's a treasure trove of knowledge," he remarked to himself, a sense of wonder coloring his words. "A glimpse into forgotten worlds, a tapestry woven from countless lives."

Yet, even in his elation, a yearning persisted. "But there's still more," Ethan mused, a note of determination underlying his words. "There are greater tales, deeper wisdom waiting to be unearthed. I'll seek them out, wherever they may lie."

With a final glance at the graveyard, Ethan's resolve solidified. The absence of certain bones only fueled his determination to push beyond his current limits. "This is just the beginning," he declared softly, an unwavering conviction in his tone. "I'll carve my path, uncovering the mysteries that elude me. This power is but a stepping stone towards a destiny yet unwritten."

A flicker of anticipation danced in his eyes as he turned away from the hallowed grounds, his heart brimming with excitement for the adventures that lay ahead. Ethan Ravenscroft, empowered by the bone reinforcement and emboldened by his thirst for greater knowledge, embarked on a journey destined to unravel the secrets shrouded within the realms of magic and the echoes of forgotten memories.