
Fairy Tail - A Courageous Journey

In his previous life, Marc was a thrill-seeker. He’s done tons of dangerous stunts like diving 214 meters in a single breath in Greece, Swimming the piranha-infested Amazon River, Free-climbing the Burj Khalifa, and much much more. Despite doing all those crazy things, Marc died a pathetic death. He meets God and gets a new chance at life with the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Paw-Paw Fruit) power converted to magic in Fairy Tail. Follow Marc as he begins a new life of thrill-seeking in Fairy Tail. *** The cover's not mine, so if the owner has a problem, I will immediately take it down...

McNiels · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 7 - Rofta

Marc's now walking to wherever fate takes him. It's certainly not because he's lost…Definitely not.

Okay yes, after knocking all the bandits a few times in the head to make sure they don't go anywhere when he goes back to tell the villagers of his success of taking all the bandits down. And of course, Marc didn't forget to collect his reward. A set of new clothes, a bath, and the map the village chief had shown him before.

Though the map was totally useless for him. Marc sucks at following directions from an old school map. He's was a GPS guy from his previous life, and still is, it's just that there aren't any GPS invented in Fairy Tail. At least not yet.

As he couldn't read the map properly, he once again just decided to wing it and just go with the flow. He wanted to visit *Cait Shelter* and see what's special about them but that didn't end up happening. To make the journey shorter Marc got the idea to take a shortcut through the forest but somehow ended back where he fought the bandits again.

When he saw the familiar place he just shrugged his shoulders and proceed to go west until he found a fairy big port at top of Fiore.

(A/N: Location here.)

After entering the city, Marc leisurely strolled the city, but if you looked closer at his face too, some drool can be seen coming out of his mouth.

"Damn, that smells so good. I want to taste it, but I have no money…Guess I have to use the old trick again." Marc schemed on how to get some of the delicious smelling food for free, and he just has the right trick in mind.

Marc looked around the various food stalls and sorted out the ones where men managed them. After picking a target where a middle-aged woman sold the food he went up to it.

"Beautiful lady, do you have some food you can spare me? I'm sooo hungry I could eat all the food in the world~" Marc said with a childish voice and big watery eyes that are on the verge of crying.

The food lady couldn't stand seeing this cute little creature and coupled with being called beautiful when she has just gotten a few wrinkles made her very happy. No woman wants to be old, and this lady is really bothered about getting wrinkles. Marc's innocent face also added to the impression, because children usually don't lie about these kinds of things.

"So cute!" Came to the lady's mind while blushing a little.

"What a little gentleman we have here. Of course child, you can have a meat skewer for each hand. " the lady gave Marc a stick with meat in each hand.

"Thanks, big sister!!" Marc finished her off by calling her big sister with a big smile that looked otherworldly cute for her. That sent an imaginary arrow through her heart making her space out for a few seconds. When she woke up Marc was already gone, and that made her disappointed.

After escaping the nice lady, Marc once again just walked around while eating his meat skewers and contemplating about something.

"I need money!!" Marc thought. After tasting these heavenly meat skewers, he realized his cooking is shit compared to it and he has to get his hands on some money, so he can make his stomach full of heavenly food next time.

"But I'm not much of a businessman, so should I just hunt some Beasts and sell it?" While Marc was trying to find a solution to his problem, he didn't pay much attention to where he was going so he bumped into a middle-aged looking man who also didn't pay any attention to where he was going.

"Sorry old man!" "Sorry kid!" Said Marc and the man he bumped into simultaneously.

x2 "I'm 15." Both of them revealed their age at the same time just to see the other's reaction. And after hearing each other's age they looked up and down each other. After a few seconds of evaluating each other.

x2 "Bullshit!!" Neither of them believed each other's age to be 15.

Simply because Marc looks like an 8-year-old kid with his low height at 158 cm with his shoes on, blonde hair, and innocent face. The man looked to be near 30 with his long black fisher-net-like hair down his back, 210 cm heigh slim man with a katana without a guard in his belt from behind. He wears purple lipstick, a purple coat with brown trousers and long boots.

(A/N: Look here for the reference.)

x2 "Are you really 15?" They both asked with disbelief over their faces.

x2 "Yes!"

After reevaluating each once last time in silence before introducing themselves without talking over each other.

"I'm Marc and you, old man?" Marc presented his name.

"I'm Rofta, kid" they semi-mocked each other before somebody announced an opportunity they have been waiting for.

"Challenge this village's strongest man in arm wrestling and win 100.000 Jewels (100 Jewels is approximate $)1 if you manage to beat our champ!!" announced a man while ringing a bell in his hand down the street.

Marc and Rofta looked at the announcer before looking at each other again, and somehow they knew what each other intended to do.

The first to make a move was Marc, he hit Rofta in the stomach with a punch before running off. Though Rofta brushed it off like nothing and took Marc by the head before throwing him backward. Marc quickly got up and ran side by side of Rofta pushing each other out of the way. They both reached the announcer at the same time and said.

x2 "I want to make a challenge!!!" They both yelled in the announcer's face making him scared shitless before they turned to look at each other.

x2 "Fuck off, I was here first!!" They both exclaimed. And started quarrel and fist fighting with each without using magic.

After the announcer calmed down and saw the two of them fighting, he got an idea for a good show.

"Why don't you two just arm wrestle each other first? The winner will get the right to challenge our champion." The announcer instantly got Marc and Rofta's attention with that sentence.

"You are on gramps!" "Bring it midget!" They provoked each other before sitting at a big wood log that is being used as a table for the match. Then they locked others' hands which by the way looked like a man bullying a child. The announcer couldn't see the match had already started as soon they took each other's hands because none of them moved a muscle to either side. It's was because they were evenly matched in raw strength without using Magic Power.

The announcer took his place as judge and yelled "BEGIN" but nothing happened, so he silently told Marc and Rofta that they can begin, but because they had already begun and they were even, they both yelled, "SHUT UP!!" In his face before they both began releasing their Magic Power little by little to overpower each other.

Marc first managed to push Rofta down a little until he began countering by releasing more Magic Power making Marc be on the losing end for a second.

After going back and forth multiple times of being in the lead, they both had enough and wanted to win, so they released every single bit of Magic Power they have at once to win.


But the log they wrestled on couldn't take it anymore and broke right in the middle like it just got ripped apart, making the announcer and audience open their eyes wide while Marc and Rofta are still holding each other's hand staring daggers at each other.

"That money is mine!" Claimed Rofta while gripping Marc's hand harder.

"Fuck you, what are you going to use it on? Lipstick?" Provoked Marc while also clenching his little hand harder.


Marc stopped a punch from Rofta with *Counter*, coincidental sending Rofta flying backward into a clothing store for women.

"Women's clothing would suit you just great together with that lipstick you have on! Hahaha….." Marc mocked Rofta after seeing the store he sent him flying into.

"Damn dwarf, take that back!!" Rofta got mad after being sent flying and immediately got up while being wrapped in the dresses he crashed into. He drew his katana without taking it out of the sheath and charged at Marc.

Marc just activated his Paw Magic and was ready to use *Counter* again. But as he took his hand up to block the sword, he realized his arm won't go in the direction he wanted, and before he knew it, he was sent flying into a clothing store for kids by Rofta's sword.

"And kid's clothing suits you perfectly. Hahahaha …" Rofta mocked back before laughing.

After throwing harmless attacks at each other a few times, they stopped and ran with their tails between their legs before the guards will come to arrest them.


(A/N: Hope you liked Marc's first encounter with Rofta because you will see him a lot more from now on.)

(A/N: Can you guess Rofta's magic/ability?)

(Words: 1549)