
Fairy Tail's New Generation

Original FanFic can be found here↓↓↓↓↓ ----- https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13160863/1/Fairy-Tail-Generation. ----- Written by Show Expert 1. ----- Note:I am NOT doing this for MONEY. I am ONLY putting this here to spread the work of this FanFic made by Show Expert 1.

Immadropitall · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter Three


After settling on a job to take, Nashi and her friends learned that a madman has been taking people as his slaves to excavate a mine of rare and valuable crystals. One of the salves managed to escape and he was showing them something that he considered frightening. He just couldn't bring himself to actually say it.

"Where are you taking us?" Nashi asked.

"Just follow me. We're just about there." The slave said. He led them to a small area by the base of the mountain. He led them to an area that had pieces of metal with shovels and pickaxes in the ground.

"What is this place?" Sasha asked.

"I don't know, but it feels creepy." Nova said.

"What's the big deal? They're just pieces of metal." Storm asked the slave, but the slave still looked frightened.

"They're not pieces of metal. They're….They're…..They're grave markers." The slave said and that was a shock to all of them.

"Grave markers? You mean we're standing over people's graves?" Gale said. "Are you trying to tell us they execute people that disobey them?"

"Not exactly." The slave said as he was shaking. "Raeka is mad. Every time someone tries to escape, he buries them alive when he captures them."

"Buries people alive?!" Nashi said.

"That's messed up. Punishment is one thing, but this is just plain insanity." Storm said.

"This is more troubling than I thought." Simon said. "We can't allow this to go on. We have to free all those who are trapped inside and stop this Raeka."

"You got a plan?" Nashi asked. Simon looked to the mountain as he thought of one just as some storm clouds were forming over the mountain.



Raeka watched over his mines as his slaves continued to dig out some crystals. He walked over to a cart and pulled out a piece of a crystal that was taken out and trying to determine its value.

"Lovely. Once we trade some of these rocks, I'll be making a fortune." Raeka said. "Imagine what would happen once we clear out this entire mountain."

"Excuse me, sir." Fred said as he came up behind him. "What are we going to do about the runner? Our men said that there were some powerful wizards that helped him. They could come here and ruin everything."

"The reports say they were barely adults. So I'm not too worried about children messing up my plans. Even if they are from that Fairy Tail guild." Raeka said. "If those kids are stupid enough to come here, we'll just have to prepare some funerals again." Raeka was confident in his abilities, but he clearly isn't aware of how powerful Fairy Tail can be.

The Team

After seeing what they needed to see, they told the slave to wait with Harvey while they deal with the mines. Simon was able to get a hold of a map of the mines and formulated a plan.

"Okay. Thanks to this map our little escaped friend gave us, I think I might have a plan." Simon said. "We'll split up into to two teams and go in through these two entry points since they lead to the tunnels where most of the slaves are being force to work."

"Our top priority should be getting them out of those mines." Nova said.

"What about the robe freaks?" Sasha asked.

"Seeing as how Nashi and I were able to chase away a few of them, I don't think we have to worry too much about that." Gale said.

"Our biggest threat will probably be the man in charge: Raeka." Simon said.

"That guy says he uses lightning magic." Storm said. "So Nova has the best chance of beating him. He won't even be a threat if she fights him.

"Let's not ignore the possibility that any of us could fight him." Simon said. "Storm and Nashi will go in with me. The rest of you are together."

"So what are we waiting for?" Nashi said and the rest of them were all set to go as well.


The Mines

Simon, Storm, and Nashi found their entrance point and were already inside. They treaded carefully with them behind enemy lines.

"So why do you think those creeps are going through all this trouble just for some crystals?" Nashi said.

"Probably just a chance to sell them off and make a tone of jewel." Simon said. "What matters is that we get all these innocent people out of here."

"Hey! I hear something up ahead!" Nashi said and all three of them started running. They reached the end of the tunnel and stayed hidden so they wouldn't be seen. When they peaked outside, they saw more slaves and more their keepers.

"Looks like we found some of them." Storm said.

"Should we just rush in and get them all out? They aren't that powerful." Nashi said.

"We have to think carefully. Our job is to get all these people out. We can't have any harm done to them." Simon said as he was trying to be tactical.

"Get back to work!" One of the creeps said as they tried to force a poor woman to keep working.

"Please have mercy. I'm just so hungry and thirsty. I have no strength left." The woman pleaded.

"You can eat when you work." The robe man said and was about to smite her. He didn't get the chance as he ended up getting frozen.

"Don't you know that's now how you should treat a woman?" Storm said. Everyone was amazed by the brave young man with Nashi and Simon stepping out.

"So much for strategy." Simon said.

"There's only one plan we really need. Take them down." Nashi said.

"Who are they?"

"Doesn't matter. Get them." All those who worked with the enemy attacked them. Simon requipped a sword into his hands and knocked a few of them down in an instant. Nashi had fire form around her hands and beat each one of them. Those who were considered prisoners were amazed that people so young were putting up such a fight.

The Others

It wasn't just on their end. Sahs, Gale, and Nova were able to find the other prisoners and were able to fight off the enemy. Sasha requipped a rifle and shot down those who were wearing robes.

"Sasha, I know they're creeps, but you shouldn't kill them so coldly. It makes you no better." Nova said.

"Relax. I'm only stunning them. They're still alive." Sasha said. "They're not even worth my bullets to kill." Some of the shot magic blasts, but Nova avoided each of the attacks by forming her body out of lightning and striking each one of them.

"Iron Dragon Club!" Gale shot his club and knocked another one down. "Man. These guys are total push overs. Let's go! Anyone who wants to be free, run for the exit!" All the prisoners took the opportunity and started running.

Nashi's Group

Nashi and the boys made short work of the guards and were able to get the prisoners free.

"I'm going to look deeper into the tunnels and make sure we don't leave anyone behind." Nashi said.

"Just be careful. No telling what could be down there." Storm said. Nashi understood and went further in. Simon and Storm went with the group of slaves to make sure they get out safely and surely.

"Hold it!" Both of the boys turned around and saw Fred jump down to stop them. "Where do you two boys think you're going with our prisoners?"

"Anywhere they want really." Storm said.

"We're taking them to their freedom. You have no right to keep them here." Simon said. "If you want to stop us, give it your best shot. We already know how it's going to end."

"Cheeky punks. You should have learned not to mess with the big dogs." Fred said as he lashed his whip at the two of them, but they both moved out of the way.

"You asked for it, big guy. Ice-Make: Lance!" Storm formed lances of ice and shot them out towards Fred, but Fred jumped back and avoided the attack.

"Is that all you've got?!" Fred said as he lashed his whip at them again, but Storm was able to catch it. Fred wasn't expecting that at all.

"If this whip is really all you got, you're the one with the disadvantage." Storm said and Simon sliced the whip and broke it.

"No way! Who are you kids?" Fred said.

"We're not kids!" Storm said.

"Let's end this." Simon said as he requipped his clothes. "Black Wing Armor!" Simon changed into black armor with wings and was ready to strike. Both the boys charged right at him. "Moon Flash!"

"Ice Demon Zero Longsword!" Both of them slashed at Fred and were able to take him out with combined attacks.

'How?! How are they so strong?!' Fred said as he dropped to the ground.

"Damn. I thought these guy would put up more of a fight. I was hoping for a little bit of a challenge." Storm said.

"I wonder if Nashi has made it out yet." Simon said.


Nashi continued to search through the mines to make sure no one would be left behind, but she hasn't come across anyone yet.

"Hello! Is there anyone out there?!" Nashi called out, but she wasn't hearing anything, even with her strengthened ears. "I guess there's really no one left. Nova and the others must have rescued whoever was left." Nashi was about to turn back and find the exit, but she began to hear footsteps. "Hello? Is there someone there?" She looked through the dark and saw someone run into a different tunnel. "Wait!" Nashi ran after whoever it was that just ran past her. "Wait. It's okay. I'm here to help you." She called out, but it didn't seem like the guy could hear her. Nashi followed the guy until she saw light at the end of the tunnel and found herself outside and was near a cliff with some storm clouds hanging over.

"I thought it be better if we were outside." Nashi looked directly across from her and was met with Raeka. "So you're one of the punks messing with my crystal excavation."

"Yours? Are you saying you're Raeka?" Nashi questioned and was getting serious.

"The one and only. So you've heard about me?" Raeka said.

"Just that you're a crazy person who throws innocent people into slavery and when they don't do what you say, you bury them alive." Nashi said. "You're a real freak."

"It's their own fault for disobeying me and funerals always have strong effects." Raeka said. "You can't spell funeral without fun."

"Sicko." Nashi said. "Either way, it doesn't matter. You're done doing this to people and everyone is going to be free."

"I don't think so. I'll just get you out of the way." Raeka said as lightning struck behind him as he was starting to get serious. "You should have never messed with me, kid." Raeka used his magic and blasted Nashi with lightning. She was blown back and hit the mountain.

"Is that all you got?" Nashi said as she tried to brush it off.

"Don't try to act tough, kid." Raeka said. "I can tell by that mark on your hand that you're from that Fairy Tail guild, but it doesn't matter. A kid like you can't beat me."

"Hey! I'm not a kid." Nashi said.

"Ha. You might have a great body for someone your age, but if you don't drink or you don't get lucky, you're a kid to me." Raeka said.

"Again, you're a freak." Nashi said as she had fire form around her fist and attacked. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!"

"Lightning Barrier!" Raeka formed a barrier of lightning around him that Nashi crashed into and got electrocuted. Nashi was pushed back and hit the ground with her body feeling tingling.

"Oh man. I'm starting to see why those other guys listened to him. He's on a different level." Nashi said as she tried to get back up.

"You're out of your league." Raeka said as he walked over to her and the barrier was moving with him.

"I wouldn't be so sure." Nashi said.

"Oh please. You won't be able to beat me!" Raeka claimed as lightning struck behind him as if he could actually control it.
