
Fairy Tail's New Generation

Original FanFic can be found here↓↓↓↓↓ ----- https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13160863/1/Fairy-Tail-Generation. ----- Written by Show Expert 1. ----- Note:I am NOT doing this for MONEY. I am ONLY putting this here to spread the work of this FanFic made by Show Expert 1.

Immadropitall · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter Thirteen~Fourteen


Sasha has finally arrived to Dantu's throne and she came with the intent to kill him. With no one left to stand in her way, Sasha will hold nothing back. Dantu didn't appear to take her threat serious. He reached inside a pocket and pulled out a pocket watch to look at the time.

'Just a few more minutes. All that will be left is the lacrima Loretta hid inside her.' Dantu thought.

"Counting down the minutes until your death?" Sasha said. "I've waited a long time for this moment. I've fester my hatred. I've grown strong all for one purpose. To see you die! It all ends here!"

"You honestly think you can kill me? Foolish girl." Dantu said.

"Enough! You're done for!" Sasha shouted and charged right at him with her sword ready to cut him. "Die!" She swung it at him, but Dantu teleported right behind her. "What?!" Dantu slammed his hand against her back and the force of it caused her to roll against the floor and dropped her sword.

"Sasha, there's a reason I was in charge. It's because no one can surpass my power." Dantu said.

"We'll see about that." Sasha said as she got back on her feet. Dantu had dark magic flow into his hand.

"I don't think you were disciplined enough as a child. I might have spoiled you." Dantu said. He held out his hand and fired multiple dark blasts. Sasha moved out of the way and took cover behind Dantu's throne. "Hahahaha. Trying to hide like the sniffling child you were. I thought you changed." Dantu continued to taunt Sasha and it was getting to her a little, but she'll show how strong she's become. Dantu walked over to the chair until he saw something jump out from it. He fired his magic, but all it was, was Sasha's jacket. He saw the real Sasha dive out of hiding.

"Twin Busters!" Sasha pulled out twin guns where the heads were as big as coffee mugs and had magic flowing in them. "Twin Blast Blitz!" Sasha fired concentrated and fired the magic and it caused an explosion. "I'll show you that I'm strong."

"Pardon?" Sasha was surprised as the smoke cleared away and showed he formed a barrier around him and protected himself. When the barrier faded, Dantu blasted Sasha and she was blown against the wall with her dropping her weapons. "Children shouldn't play with guns?"

"Damn you." Sasha said as she tried to get back up. "I will find some way to get you." Dantu pulled out his watch and looked at the time.

"It might have to wait." Dantu said. That was when the ground began to shake like it was an earthquake. It traveled through the whole tower with Nashi and Seymour feeling it too.

"What's going on? What are you doing?" Sasha said as pieces of the walls and floors were coming apart.

"It has come!" Dantu said as the whole outer layer was falling off

Marigold Town

"Keep going. It's just until the danger passes." Erza said as she and everyone else from the guild was getting the citizens out of the town.

"Mom, look! Something's happening with the tower!" Simon said. Erza turned to the tower and saw pieces falling off with pieces of crystals coming out.

"Oh no! That's its true form!" Erza said as the tower's true form was revealed: a giant lacrima tower. "How? I don't understand? I thought Etherion from the Magic Council would be needed for this."

"No. He had magic adapters." Simon said. "Machines that absorb ethernano from the air. He's had those running for over ten years. That must mean that he had all the magic power he needed."

"Sasha and Nashi are still there. They better make it out of there alive." Erza said as she was trying to hold hope for both of them.


Sasha looked around and saw everything has been transformed into a crystal-like substance.

"Lovely, isn't it?" Dantu said.

"What is this? What have you done?" Sasha said.

"This is the true Tower of Heaven, also known as the R-System." Dantu said. "It won't be long now until Lord Zeref has been resurrected."

"Zeref?" Sasha said.

"That's right. I know he was lost in the war between Alvarez and Ishgar, but that doesn't matter." Dantu said. "Your mother thought she could stop me, but she was weak like you are. There is no one who can stop me. You were a fool to think you could have stop this, Loretta." Sasha was not going to let him do this or talk trash about her mother. She pulled out a giant sword and went on the attack.

"Dantu!" Sasha shouted. She tried to smash the sword against him, but he moved out of the way. "You're dead!" She pulled out another large sword and tried to fight him off with both of them, but Dantu kept avoiding each of her attacks.

"Just because you say it doesn't mean it will be true." Dantu said as he jumped away from her. "Dark Grapple!" Dantu released multiple dark hands and they all grabbed a hold of Sasha. They knocked the swords out of her hands and pinned her to the ground.

"Let me go." Sasha said as she tried to get up, but she couldn't get free. Dantu walked right over to her and had her right where he wanted her.

"There's no point in fighting back." Dantu said as he dropped to one knee. "You were foolish to come here at all, but it probably wouldn't have mattered. I would have come after you."

"Why's that?" Sasha asked.

"You don't know, do you?" Dantu said. "Your mother stole a vital lacrima for the tower. Without it, all the magic power in the tower will go out of control upon activation and the tower would be destroyed. She hid it inside of you?"

"What?!" Sasha said as she really had no idea. 'Mom really did that to me?' She thought. 'I know she wouldn't do that without some good reason. She must have known I be in danger because of it. She must have believed I could keep it safe and be strong enough to protect it. I know that must have been it.'

"Oh well. It was all for nothing." Dantu said. "With that lacrima back with me, the tower's purpose can be used. In fact, perhaps I'll use you for the sacrifice needed to bring Lord Zeref back to life. This is where your life ends, Sasha."

"Why are you so determined to go through with this?" Sasha asked.

"This has been our cult's goal for years." Dantu said. "We worship Lord Zeref, the ruler of the dark arts. Perhaps this will even grant me the power from Ankhselam."

"Ankhselam? Who's that?" Sasha asked.

"Ankhselam is a god of life and death." Dantu said. "Legend has it that he cursed Zeref for meddling in such affairs. That's how he became immortal and what started the legacy of The Black Wizard. Seeing as how I'm about to do the same, perhaps I'll be given that power as well."

"So you're doing all this to gain immortality and become like Zeref?! Are you that insane?!" Sasha said.

"You won't be around long enough to find out." Dantu said as he held out his spare hand. Sasha tried to get away, but she was still pinned down and it seemed like it was the end for her. Dantu was about to take his prize until he saw a blaze of flames come at him. He was force to let Sasha go and jumped away from the flames.

"Sasha!" Sasha sat up and saw Nashi was coming at them.

"Nashi?" Sasha questioned as Nashi stopped by her side.

"You okay? Looks like I got here just in time." Nashi said.

"What are you even doing here? I told you that I don't want your help." Sasha said. "This is my battle, my problem. Not yours. You shouldn't be here."

"You still don't get it, do you?" Nashi said and Sasha seemed confused. "You're a member of Fairy Tail. You should know how we work. We treasure the friendships we make. When one of us is in trouble or is hurt, the others always come to help out. Sasha, you're my friend. You're a friend in need and I never turn away from my friends who need help." Sasha never had anyone go through so much trouble just for her. Despite how she didn't want any of the help from anyone, Nashi and the others never went away and it seems like that's a good thing now.

"Hm. It makes no difference if you're here or not." Dantu said and got their attention. "Neither of you will be leaving here alive."

"So you're the one behind all this." Nashi said as she seemed ready to fight. "That means you're also the one who hurt Sasha and her mother."

"So what if I am?" Dantu said.

"I'm going to make you pay for all the trouble you caused." Nashi said as she had fire form around her fist and attacked him despite Sasha not wanting her to. Nashi tried to hit him, but Dantu stepped out of the way. "Fire Dragon Talon!" She swung a blazing kick at him, but she just missed him. "Fire Dragon Roar!" Nashi rotated all the way around and breathed out the flames at such close range. Dantu appeared to have been moved back, but he actually used his magic to block her flames.

"A dragon slayer! This might be more interesting than I thought." Dantu said.

"I'm far from done!" Nashi said as she went to continue her attacks.

"Even if you are a dragon slayer, you still can't beat me." Dantu said. Dantu teleported right in front of her and kicked her right in the gut. He blasted Nashi with some of his darkness and sent her flying. Dantu teleported again and stomped down on her to push her against the ground.

"Nashi!" Sasha shouted as she got up and tried to help her.

"Wait your turn." Dantu said as he shot some more darkness at her and blasted Sasha with her being knocked against a crystal. "I'll be with you after I'm done with your friend here." Dantu removed his foot from her and kicked her away. "Don't tell me that's all you got."

"It's not." Nashi said as she tried to get back up. "I'm just getting started."

"Is that so? Well, what are you waiting for? Come and get me." Dantu said. Nashi took that invitation as she tried to hit him with a fist of fire, but Dantu was able to block it with one arm. He slammed his other arm against Nashi and caused her to slide back even more. Dantu jumped in the air and got over her. He held both of his hands together and fired tendrils of darkness at her. Nashi was doing her best to block them.

"Damn. This guy is a lot tougher than he looks." Nashi said. Dantu jumped down and drew a diamond with his fingers.

"Darkness Web." Streams of darkness shot out and stuck to Nashi.

"What is this?" Nashi said as the streams lifted her off the ground and held her arms out as they stuck to the tower. Nashi tried to get free, but she could barely get herself loose. She was like a fly trapped in a spider's web. Sasha tried to get back up to help her.

"I told you to wait." Dantu said as he used that spell again to keep Sasha pinned to the ground.

"What's with this spell? I can barely move." Sasha said. Both of the girls were trapped and they couldn't get out.

"Now you're at my mercy." Dantu said as he formed two dark whips in his hands. "Too bad I don't have any." He lashed at Nashi and Nashi screamed in pain. With no way to protect herself, all Nashi could do was take it and Dantu was holding nothing back. Nashi could feel her consciousness slipping away with each attack.

"This doesn't look good. Perhaps I should step in." Nashi could hear a voice in her head and she seemed to know the mysterious voice.

"No. You can't." Nashi said as she seemed worried.

"If I don't, you'll die." The voice said. Nashi and Sasha are trapped with their lives on the line and they're only hope could be someone Nashi doesn't want help from. Now both of them are the ones in need.


Nashi and Sasha were trapped in Dantu's hands. Nashi tried her best to save Sasha, but Dantu proved to be far more powerful than she thought. With Nashi unable to defend herself, trapped within Dantu's Darkness Web, all she can do is endure the pain.

"You need me, Nashi. Deny me and die." Some voice in Nashi's head was offering its help, but Nashi was trying to refuse.

"Have you had enough yet?" Dantu said as he stopped all his attacks. Nashi just hang in his web and wasn't moving. "I guess you can't really answer that now that you've lost consciousness."

"Nashi…." Sasha stuttered for all she could have done was watch since she was trapped. Dantu removed the web and Nashi dropped to the ground. "Damn you, Dantu."

"It looks like she's still breathing." Dantu said. "Not to worry. I'll put you out of your misery." Dantu had dark magic form around his hand and was all set to kill Nashi.

"No! Don't do it!" Sasha pleaded.

"This is what happens to anyone who dare stands in my way!" Dantu said. He shot his arm down and was ready to end this here, but he was surprised when he saw Nashi grabbed him by the wrist and stopped the attack. Nashi got up and sat on her knees

"That fool. I knew she couldn't handle this. Regardless, I can't let her die." That voice sounded like Nashi, but it also sounded a little darker and…..demonic. Dantu and Sasha were confused as to what was going on with her. Nashi had flames form around her hand and was burning Dantu's arm.

"AAAARRRRGGGH!" Dantu screamed from the fire burning him. He pulled his arm free and tore off the sleeve that was burning. With him distracted, the spell was lifted on Sasha and she could move again. He held his arm and felt the burning sensation and he also felt something was different. "Those flames….they're different from before."

"Nashi?" Sasha said as she didn't understand what was going on.

"What is this? How did you do that?" Dantu questioned as Nashi got back on her feet. Nashi chuckled at the question.

"You have no idea what you're really up against." Nashi said. She lifted her head and when she did, something spooked both of them. Nashi had red scales around her eyes, which have also become more demon-like, and it seemed like she was growing horns out of her forehead. Nashi reeled back her fist with it on fire and slammed it against Dantu and had blown back.

"What's going on? Who are you?" Dantu said.

"Who am I? How could you ask such a stupid question?" Nashi said. "I am….your END!" Nashi jumped right at Dantu and slammed her fist against Dantu's gut. It did some real damage and caused him to slide back.

'What's happening to Nashi?' Sasha questioned. 'I've never seen her like this before. It's not from her dragon slayer magic, I can tell. Then again, what is it if it's not her magic?' Nashi slammed Dantu against a pillar. Then, she started beating him around without him getting the chance to breathe. She also seemed to have been enjoying it. Nashi grabbed a hold of Dantu and spun around until she threw him against the ceiling.

'She's like a completely different person?' Dantu thought as he dropped to the ground.

'Something isn't right. Nashi isn't like this.' Sasha thought as she was starting to get nervous. Nashi appeared to have enjoyed Dantu in pain as he tried to get back up.

"You're not the same person you were just a minute ago. You weren't this strong or merciless." Dantu said. "Who or what are you?!"

"So what? It doesn't matter because you're….." Nashi didn't finish because something else strange was happening. Nashi grabbed her own horn and was trying to pull it off. "What are you doing? Let go! You fool! If you throw me out, you'll die!" Nashi was arguing with herself. When she finally pulled her horn off, the scales went with it and her eyes returned to normal.

"I hate it when that happens." Nashi said and she sounded like herself. She dropped to her knees and was breathing hard. Dantu actually seemed a little frightened by her.

"What the hell are you?" Dantu said. "There's no way you're human. So what are you?" Nashi didn't really answer him. Seeing what she could do in that form made him see how threating she is. "I suppose it doesn't matter. You're too dangerous to be kept alive!" Dantu held up both his arms over his head and dark power was gathering together.

"What's he doing now?" Nashi said.

"So much magic power! He's actually going to kill her!" Sasha said.

"Say your prayers!" Dantu said as he was about to finish her as a dark orb grew and grew.

"Don't do it!" Sasha shouted and stood between the both of them in hopes of calling that attack off.

"Sasha, what are you doing?!" Nashi said.

"You don't want to lose your precious lacrima, do you? Don't forget that it's still in my body." Sasha said. "Didn't you also say you need some sort of sacrifice?"

"That would be a problem. However, I don't need you alive to excavate that lacrima." Dantu said. "I can also easily find another sacrifice. This is the end for both of you!"

"Sasha, just get out of the way!" Nashi said, but Sasha refused to let someone else die because of her.

"Silencing Abyss!" Dantu fired a dark beam from the orb and it looked like both of the girls were finished. However, someone else stepped in the way of the attack and took the full force. When the dust cleared away, Seymour was the one who took the attack.

"Seymour?" Sasha said.

"Made it…just….in time." Seymour said and collapsed.

"Seymour!" Sasha shouted and ran to his side. Seeing him like this made Dantu chuckle.

"I wasn't aware you were still here." Dantu said.

"Seymoure, hang on. You're going to be okay." Sasha said, but the damage was pretty bad.

"I'm…just glad…..you're okay." Seymour said with him having trouble breathing.

"I don't understand. Why would you do this for me?" Sasha said.

"I….made a promise…..to your mother." Seymour said.

"A promise?" Sasha questioned. Seymour took this promise to heart.


When Loretta was captured, Dantu tortured and beaten her around until she tells him what she did with the lacrima, but Loretta was too strong to break. However, her injuries were serious. Seymour came to her and let her down from where she was hanging, but she could barely stay up.

"Loretta, try to hang in there. I'm going to get you out of here." Seymour said, but it looked bad.

"Seymour, I need you to promise me something." Loretta said. "I want you to promise me that, if you ever see Sasha again, you will protect her. You're the only one I can really trust."

"Loretta, what are you saying? You're going to be fine." Seymour said as he refused to believe what is going to happen.

"Promise me." Loretta demanded.

"Okay. I promise. I'll protect Sasha even if it costs me my life." Seymour said.

"Thank you." Loretta said as she took her last breath.

"Loretta? Loretta!" Seymour shouted.

End of Flashback

"I…..took that promise…..to heart." Seymour said. "Even if it costs me my life…I would protect you. Your mother….was my…..closest friend. For you…..I would gladly…..give up my life."

"Stop talking. Please just hang in there." Sasha said. Seymour reached up to her and placed his hand against her face.

"You're so much…..like your mother." Seymour said. "You've made…many great friends. Don't ever….forget them." Those were his last words as his hand fell away from her and his body grew cold. Sasha couldn't believe that he died right in her arms. This is what Sasha wanted to avoid. She thought she kept everyone distant enough so their deaths wouldn't hurt her. It didn't work as tears flowed from her eyes and her heart broke again.

"NNNNOOOO!" Sasha cried and sobbed against Seymour. Dantu was the only one who wasn't the least bit bothered by this. All he did was laugh.

"What a complete fool he was!" Dantu said. Sasha turned her head to glare at him. "I can't believe he actually stepped in like that and just gave up his life. The fool gave his life up for nothing because you two won't be leaving here alive." He kept laughing until he was punched across the face and caused him to slide back. All of them noticed it was Nashi who did it and she was furious.

"You think someone sacrificing themselves like that is something to laugh at?!" Nashi said.

"It's his own fault. He knew how powerful that attack was and he did it anyway." Dantu said. "If he knew he was going to die, he shouldn't have stepped in and now that piece of trash is no more."

"You cold heartless monster! What is human life to you? How can you treat people this way?!" Nashi said.

"What is human life to me?" Dantu said and gave a sinister smirk. "It's nothing more than a temporary existence. We're all meant to die at some point, but I worship those who are immortal. Once I bring upon Lord Zeref, I too shall become immortal!"

"No. That's not life at all!" Nashi said as she went to attack him. Dantu tried firing his magic at her, but Nashi was able to avoid each attack. "We all might die one day, but it's what helps make every day special." She said as she beat him around. "Those who seek immortality are the ones that don't understand the value of life and friendship. It's for those who wouldn't care if the people closest to them age and soon pass on. Anyone who doesn't understand friendship isn't human at all in my opinion. Anyone who doesn't want that will live a sad and lonely life." Sasha listened to all of that and it made her think of herself.

'Friends….people that care for you…those who are there for you. Despite how I never wanted them to come, they did.' Sasha thought as she was beginning to have new insight in the word. Nashi pounded Dantu hard and have him slam against the crystals with him near the edge of the tower.

"No. This can't be happening." Dantu said as he could see he was actually be beaten.

"This is what happens to people like you." Nashi said as she twisted her body for her final attack. "Dragon Slayer Secret Art! Flame Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!" Nashi twisted her body and unleashed streams of fire that collided together and was heading to Dantu.


The attack blew right out from the tower and could be seen by those on the outside. The members of Fairy Tail saw it and knew it had to be one person.

"Is that really Nashi up there?" Lucy questioned.

"I say so." Natsu said.

"Look! Something fell out!" Storm said. They all looked closely and saw something fall out of the flames. That something was Dantu with his body burned and him unconscious as he plummet to the ground below.

Nashi and Sasha

Nashi was breathing hard for she pushed herself pretty well. She was about to collapse again, but Sasha rushed over and kept her from falling over.

"Sasha….sorry." Nashi said. "I knew how important it was for you to avenge your mother, but the guy made me so mad."

"It's fine. All I really wanted was for this nightmare to end and you did just that." Sasha said as she was really grateful that Nashi did this. Their little moment was ruined as the whole place began to shake and the tower was starting to fall apart. "Oh no. The fight must have done more damage to the tower than I thought."

"Darn it. I can barely stay up." Nashi said and blacked out.

"I've got you." Sasha said as she placed Nashi on her back and lifted her up. The tower began to break apart and she looked towards Seymour's body. "Thank you and goodbye." There, she left him there. She might have failed to save one friend, but she won't with another. 'Nashi, you risked everything to help me. Now it's my turn to help you.' She thought as she ran and hurried to get out of the tower.


"Hurry. It's going down!" Storm said.

"Nashi! Sasha!" Simon called out. As soon as they all saw the tower going down, they all hurried as fast as they could to get Nashi and Sasha out of there. They just arrived at the tower, but it already fell apart and it was hardly a tower anymore.

"Where are they?!" Lucy said.

"I'm sure they made it out." Wendy said.

"They've got to be around somewhere." Gajeel said as they all looked for them.

"Look!" Juvia said. They looked through the dust and saw something coming out. The dust cleared away and saw it was Sasha holding up Nashi.

"They made it!" Nova said.

"What happened up there?" Gale asked.

"The tower….is no more." Sasha said as her nightmare has ended.

The Next Day

After the tower was destroyed, they all spent a day in Marigold Town for recovery. With the tower gone, the town was becoming more cheerful. Before leaving, Sasha paid one more visit to her mother's grave.

"Hey." Simon said as he walked over to her. "Everyone else is ready to go. Are you?"

"Yeah." Sasha said as she turned to him. What she did next surprised Simon. She actually hugged him and his face turned a bit red.

"What's this about?" Simon said.

"Thanks for being there…..even if I didn't want you to be." Sasha said for she has a new personality around her friends.


"Kissy, kissy!" Both of them saw Storm and Gale mocking them with everyone ready to leave. Simon got irritated and chased after them.

"I'm glad you all helped this town, but you're all still in a lot of trouble." Lucy said.

"Correct. You took a job without permission and you must be punished. Starting with no reward." Erza said.

"Oh boy. I don't even want to know what my Dad is going to do." Nova said.

"I think we can handle it." Sasha said.
