
Fairy Tail's New Generation

Original FanFic can be found here↓↓↓↓↓ ----- https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13160863/1/Fairy-Tail-Generation. ----- Written by Show Expert 1. ----- Note:I am NOT doing this for MONEY. I am ONLY putting this here to spread the work of this FanFic made by Show Expert 1.

Immadropitall · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter Nineteen~Twenty


Specter Avengers is making their move and is attacking the guild. A sandstorm has surrounded the guild and is trapping those inside. Outside the guild, Sol stood out there and was controlling the prison.

"They can try all they want, but no one will be leaving." Sol claimed. Inside the guild, Natsu tried to force his way through, but the storm just reflected him back.

"What gives? It's just sand." Natsu said.

"It's almost the same as Erigor's wind prison." Lucy said. Most of the guild was still inside, but it didn't seem like there was a way out.

"Lucy, can't you just use Virgo and dig a tunnel like you did all those years ago?" Happy asked.

"That's a good idea. Nashi and a few of the others are outside. Who knows what could be happening to them?" Lucy said and was about to summon Virgo.

"You want to leave so soon? That's awfully rude to your guests." Everyone looked up at the second floor and they all saw Jose was up there.

"Master Jose!" Raio said.

"Jose? So this is the guy who used Raio?" Nova said. Jose looked around and saw new and old faces among the crowd. Most of those faces were glaring at him.

"I see you've redecorated the guildhall. I remember it as the shack and shambles it was when I destroyed it." Jose said. "I never would have guessed Fairy Tail got to where it is today." He looked around and spotted Juvia and Gajeel. "I never would have guess I see such treachery here as well."

"Just wait. I'm not your little pawn anymore." Gajeel said.

"Daddy, what's going on?" Gia asked.

"Gia, just stay back." Gale said as he shielded his sister.

"Unbelievable. I heard you had children, Gajeel, but I never thought it was actually true that you would have children with detestable fairies." Jose said.

"Quit your blabbing!" Natsu said as he jumped right at him and was going to attack.

"Natsu, no!" Laxus called out. Natsu was about to land an attack, but he felt himself being pushed back y Jose's power and was sent crashing into a table.

"I see he's as restless and rambunctious as ever." Jose said. "He should have known that I did use to be one of the Ten Wizard Saints. I was on the same level with Makarov….at least. It's also been around thirty years. Did you think I haven't become stronger in that time?"

"Why are you here?" Erza said.

"Even you aren't dumb enough to come straight into this guild with all the power here." Laxus said.

"I'm really not too worried about that. Erigor! Aria!" Jose called out and the two of them appeared from thin air on both sides of the guild.

"Here we go!" Erigor said. With the combined magic power of the two of them, a vortex formed around everyone in the guild and they all felt something was wrong. They all clutched their necks.

"What's going on? Having trouble….breathing." Gale said.

"It's…a vacuum. They're taking our air." Nova said. Even Raio got caught in it and he couldn't believe his own guild members are using this on him too.

"You think this enough to stop us!" Natsu shouted as people that were tough like him were fighting through.

"No, but this might." Jose said as he formed his phantom soldiers. "Aria! You know what to do."

"Yes, Master." Aria said as he was preparing his own spell that could make things worse.

Simon and Sasha

Simon and Sasha were heading back to the guild and prepare themselves for battle, but they were already caught by Kain and Rustyrose, two former members of the now destroyed Grimoire Heart.

"So we find two little fairies just floating in the breeze." Rustyrose said.

"I'm hungry." Kain said.

"These two must be with Specter Avengers. They acted sooner than I thought." Sasha said.

"I can't help, but feel like I once did." Rustyrose said. "Fairy Tail brought shame on that of Grimoire Heart for they alone defeated us. With Master Hades passing by Zeref, I thought it would be the end. Now, we have the chance to redeem Grimoire Heart's honor."

"Yeah. Maybe the others will come back." Kain said. Simon noticed something strange going on with the two of them.

"Hang back, Sasha. I'll take care of these two. Try to get around and keep going to the guild." Simon said.

"What?! You can't take both of them." Sasha said. "I can tell just by looking at them that they have a ton of magic power. You might be strong, Simon, but I doubt you can handle both of them."

"You wish to face us alone? Do you wish to enter your grave that quickly?" Rustyrose said as Simon stepped forward and didn't seem to be wavering.

"You two might be strong, but I doubt I can be defeated by the likes of you." Simon said and said that with a smile.

Storm and Ul

While all that other stuff was going on, Ul and Storm came across Nullpudding and he didn't wait around to attack. He had spikes grow out of his arm. He tried slamming it down on Storm, but he jumped out of the way.

"What's the deal with this guy? He's got spikes coming out of his body." Storm said.

"Needle magic. That's what that magic does." Ul said.

"Someone sounds like a smart girl, but it's going to take more than brains to beat me." Nullpudding said.

"You asked for it. Water Slicer!" Ul launched some water, but Nullpudding was able to jump out of the way. "For a small guy, he's pretty quick and strong."

"How about I give it a try?" Storm said as he was getting ready to attack.

"Wait, bro!" Ul said. "We can't be the only ones dealing with these creeps. If they've come for revenge, they might be attacking the guild. I think you should head over there and make sure everyone is okay."

"You want me to leave you to fight this guy alone? Do you really think you can beat him?" Storm said.

"If that's the only magi he's got, he's no match for me. Just go. I can handle it." Ul said. Deciding to have faith in his sister, he decided to do what she told him and ran towards the guild.

"Fine, but I'll be back. Just don't get killed." Storm said.

"I won't." Ul said. She had her eyes away from Nullpudding and that was a mistake. Nullpudding went up to her and wrapped his arms around her. "Let go! Get off me you little freak!" She tried to get out, but she couldn't get free.

"You shouldn't have told your brother to run." Nullpudding said. "You shouldn't have said you aren't going to get killed because….you just did!" Nullpudding had spikes come out all over his body and pierced Ul's body. He thought he finished her off.

"Was that suppose to hurt me?" Ul said and surprised Nullpudding. He looked at her and she acted like she wasn't harmed at all.

"How?" Nullpudding said. All Ul did was smirk. Nullpudding jumped away from her, but he saw something come out of her as he did. "Water?!" Ul looked like she did get pierced, but her entire body was water.

"Yep. I take after my mother in magic. I use the same kind that she does." Ul said. "I'm able to turn my entire body made out of water."

"Is that so?" Nullpudding said and jumped into the air. "Even so, I'm going to enjoy crushing you, you little junior fairy!" Nullpudding tried to slam his fist at him, but he went right through her again and made a crater in the ground. Ul moved above him and positioned herself to attack.

"Water Whip!" Ul lashed at him against the back and did some damage as she landed across from him. "I guess you are as smart as you are tall. If physical attacks are all you got, you can't beat me."

"Damnit." Nullpudding groaned.

"Looks like I was right." Ul said with a confident look. "You can be as strong as you like, but if you're attacks can't do any damage, you're just wasting energy. Fighting isn't all brawn like some of our members might think. It's a good idea to have a little brain."

"Is that so.? Let's just see how long you'll last!" Nullpudding said and attacked again. He kept bashing her around, but her water body was making each of them ineffective.

"This is getting boring." Ul said. "Water Nebula!" Ul had water rise from under Nullpudding and it beat him around.

"No way. I can't lose to this girl." Nullpudding said as he got back up. "I'm much stronger than this kid should be. I've been around for much longer. She's just a junior fairy."

"You should know that there are many different factors that determine the course of a fight." Ul said. "We might not be as powerful as our parents yet, but that doesn't mean we can't put up a fight." Ul turned herself into water and surrounded Nullpudding like a vortex. "Water Jigsaw!" Ul had the water slice and cut against Nullpudding like a saw coming from all directions. Ul shot him out and he was slammed against a wall and it took him down and out.

"No way. How? How could I have lost to a fairy after all these years?" Nullpudding said. "Especially to one of you junior fairies."

"I told you that I could have handled it." Ul said. "You lost to a Fairy Tail wizard before. What makes you think it could have been any different no matter who it was? Fairy Tail will never lose to people like you." Nullpudding couldn't hold on anymore and passed out. With this enemy beaten, Ul walked away. Although she won, her nerves didn't settle. "I think out of all the fights that are to come out of this, I was the lucky one. He did had a lot of weight behind those attacks and actually tried to kill me. If it weren't for the fact that physical attacks don't have much effect on me, the fight could have gone differently….or at the very least gone longer. I hope everyone else is okay."


As soon as Nashi saw that giant airship came over Magnolia, she knew Specter Avengers had to have been the ones behind it. She ran through the streets and hurried back to the guild as fast as she could.

"I hope Mom, Dad, and everyone else is okay. Something's going on at the guild. I can just feel it." Nashi said as she ran as fast as she could, but she heard a strange sound. Nashi jumped up just before a sand attack came at her from behind. Nashi climbed her way up the buildings and made it to the rooftops.

"Nice moves. You're more agile than you look. Shouldn't be surprised considering who your father is." Nashi heard a creepy sounding voice and tried to find where it was coming from. "I'm up here." She looked at the top of water tower and was faced with another member of Specter Avengers.

"Who are you?" Nashi asked.

"You can just call me Black Snake."

"Black Snake? Oh yeah. You're one of those people Raio told us about." Nashi said.

"Raio? I should have known the little twerp wouldn't keep his mouth shut." Black Snake said. "It doesn't really matter, kid. You're a member of Fairy Tail and that means….you have to die." He had sand form and tried to attack her with it. She jumped away from a couple attacks, but he tricked her and had sand slide under her feet and caused her to slip. He used the opportunity and had a sand attack slam against her gut.

"Gha! That was a rotten trick." Nashi said.

"This is practically war, kid. All is fair. You're done for!" Black Snake said. "You don't need to worry about having your corpse buried!" He summoned a lot of sand and was about to attack her with all of it.

"But I'm not ready to be buried!" Nashi said as she thought this attack was going to hurt, but just before it landed, someone came and got her out of the way. Black Snake was a little surprised to see she got out of there. Nashi opened her eyes and found herself in the arms of someone.

"You seem to be getting in a lot of trouble. Don't worry. You're knight in shining armor is here."

"My what in what?" Nashi said as she got back on her feet. "Come on. Don't joke around like that."

"Who's joking?"

"Wait a minute." Black Snake said. The person that saved Nashi wore red pants with a purple shirt and wore a black coat and had maroon hair with some pointed ears. "Aren't you Cobra from the Oracion Seis?"

"You're thinking of my old man and he doesn't go by that name anymore." The guy said as he turned to face him. "My name is Drake." He lowered his sleeve to show his purple mark. "I'm a proud member of Fairy Tail."

"You came back at the right time." Nashi said.

"So what's the deal with this guy?" Drake asked.

"He goes by Black Snake and he and some other creeps want revenge on Fairy Tail." Nashi said.

"Black Snake, huh? That's has my interest a little." Drake said as he had some poison form around his hands. With some extra help returning, Fairy Tail still has a chance to come out on top. "What do you say we find out which one of us has more venom?"


Specter Avengers have launched their attack, but Fairy Tail's newest generation is able to fight back. Just as Nashi was about to be taken down by Black Snake, Drake came and rescued her with him ready to face him.

"You've got guts to face me, I'll give you that much." Black Snake said.

"I'll back you up." Nashi said.

"It's sweet that you care, but I don't think that's a good idea." Drake said. "I can hear it. Something's going on at the guild. You were heading there, right? You should hurry."

"Are you sure? Do you really think you can take this guy on all by yourself?" Nashi said.

"Don't worry about it. Try not to miss me too much." Drake said as he winked at her.

"Very funny. Sometimes I wonder what all those girls see in you." Nashi said.

"Jealous? I wish we could stay and flirt all day, but now isn't the time. Just go." Drake said. Nashi quit fooling around and kept heading for the guild.

"No you don't." Black Snake said as he was going to have his sand attack her. However, Drake jumped at him and kicked him off the tower. That allowed Nashi to keep going.

"I'm your opponent, not her." Drake said. "Way to ruin it. She and I were having a nice moment and you just ruined it."

"I'm sorry. What time do you prefer I kill you and your girlfriend?" Black Snake said.

"Let's not jump to conclusions. She doesn't love me yet, but she will." Drake boasted. Black Snake had some sand attacked him, but Drake was able to dodge each of his attacks without even looking. Drake jumped at Black Snake. "Poison Dragon Spiral Jaw!" Drake spun his legs around and kicked Black Snake hard and had him slide back.

"How did you do that? You weren't even looking." Black Snake said.

"You got other things to worry about." Drake said. "You're going to need a lot more than sand if you want to beat me."

"Sand Slash!" Black Snake tossed some sand for the purpose of slashing through Drake, but Drake jumped over the attack and it missed.

"Poison Dragon Roar!" Drake breathed out a blast of poison and it hit Black Snake, but he turned to sand with Drake landing. "Like I would actually fall for that." Drake ducked and avoided Black Snake's attack from behind.

"Sand Rebel…." Black Snake didn't finish his attack as he got kicked across the face by Drake and was pushed back. "I don't get it. What's going on? How come I can't hit you?"

"I got a question for you." Drake said. "Mimic is the name of your magic. That means you can copy any sort of magic you like. So why are you sticking with sand?"

"Oh just shut up!" Black Snake said as he had a blast of sand attack him, but Drake was able to dodge each one of his attacks. Black Snake was starting to get annoyed that none of his attacks were working. Drake attacked him again with some poison around his fists.

"Poison Dragon Twin Fangs!" Drake formed fang-like objects and had them scrape against Black Snake and pushed him near the edge of the roof. The poison was starting to affect Black Snake as he could barely keep himself up straight.

"Damn you, bastard." Black Snake said as he was taking deep breaths.

"I told you you're sand would be useless. As if sand could really beat my poison." Drake said.

"Shut your mouth!" Black Snake said as he was getting annoyed. "How do you even know what kind of magic I use? Did that Raio brat tell you?"

"Raio? Don't know who that is." Drake said. "If you really want to know, the answer right here." He said as he flicked his ears. "Dragon slayer magic isn't all I have. I also inherited my father's sound magic. It allows me to hear everything, even the thoughts of people."

"Hear my thoughts? I get it. You can tell what I'm thinking. That's how you know what attacks I'll use, what moves I do, and even what magic I use." Black Snake said.

"Exactly. If you stick to just sand, you got nothing." Drake said. "Honestly, if I had that kind of magic, I would be using a variety of magic."

"Really?" Black Snake said and it was giving him an idea. "You're right. I should be doing that." Drake could tell there was a change in Black Snake's magic and saw poison coming out of his hands. "You must love the sound of your own voice. You didn't stop talking and gave me the answer to crush you."

"Oh please. It really doesn't matter what kind of magic you use, even if it's my own. You still can't win!" Drake said as he tried to attack him again, but Black Snake jumped out of the way. Drake and black Snake kept trying to hit the other, but both of them were able to avoid each of their attacks.

"I also copied your magic and now I can hear all your thoughts." Black Snake said. Drake tried slashing at him, but Black Snake jumped out of the way.

"So you copied my magic, so what?" Drake said.

"I suppose it is a problem. If we both know what the other is going to do, this fight will just go on until we both run out of stamina." Black Snake said.

"Not really a problem if you can't react fast enough." Drake said and the next second, Drake held out his hand and created a huge sound wave and it was insanely loud and it was hurting Black Snake. "I took the sound of everything that happened recently. Maybe it's not a good thing to have such strong ears."

"You bastard. You were planning this." Black Snake said as he tried to block the sound out. "When you learned what magic I can use, you wanted me to copy yours."

"Pretty much." Drake said and increased the sound of his magic. Black Snake couldn't take it. Black Snake slipped off the building and crashed into the ground and landed right on his head. That knocked him out. With the intense sound and landing on the head, Black Snake wasn't going anywhere. "You're more like a copycat than a snake and a copycat can never beat the original."


With Specter Avengers attacking Simon and Sasha came across two members themselves: Rustyrose and Kain. Both were ready to fight, but Simon claims that he wants to fight the two of them alone.

"Simon, don't do this." Sasha said.

"It will be fine. I think I see something I can use to my advantage with these two." Simon said.

"You what?" Sasha said. She kept trying to talk him out of doing something like this, but it wasn't working. Nullpudding and Black Snake might have been beaten and it seemed like it was easily done, but this is a different story. Simon has no special magic that gives him an edge.

"If you really intend on fighting us alone, what are you waiting for?" Rustyrose said.

"He might be saying his love to his lover there." Kain said.

"Say what?! That's not even close, moron! We're not anything like that." Sasha shouted.

"You mean you lie about love?!" Kain said.

"What the hell is wrong with this guy?" Sasha said.

"Enough!" Simon shouted and was ready to take some action. "Let's do this!" Simon didn't wait anymore as he charged right at the two and requipped. "Purgatory Armor!" He swung his club at them, but Rustyrose held out his hand.

"In my left hand lies a shield that can't be penetrated." Rustyrose called out his Golden Shield and was able to block the attack. Simon wasn't expecting Kain to appear right next to him and smashed his palm against the side of Simon and pushed him to the side. Simon was about to counter, but Kain appeared next to him again and gave him a strong kick and had him crash next to Sasha.

"Whoa! How is that big guy so fast?" Sasha said.

"These two were part of Grimoire Heart. Back in the old days, Grimoire Heart was a powerful dark guild. None of their members were really pushovers." Simon said as he got back up. "If I remember from what I heard correctly, you two were once part of the Seven Kin of Purgatory, the guild's elite."

"I see that even after the guild was no more that our dark reputation has proceeded." Rustyrose said. "A true sign of infamy." Rustyrose took a good look at Simon and a thought occurred to him. "You're the son of the famous Erza Scarlet, that's obvious through your magic. Yet, I still see something else familiar about you."

"You might know my father. His name was Jellal Fernandez." Simon said. Rustyrose was surprised by that and it was filling him with anger.

"Jelly? Where's the jelly? I'm hungry." Kain said with his mouth drooling as he was actually looking for food.

"Does that guy even have a brain? If not, what's in that big head of his?" Sasha said.

"So you're his son, aren't you?" Rustyrose said. "Jellal might have been a suitable pawn to us, but that man has destroyed the devotion to the guild that Meldy and Ultear had to Grimoire Heart. Having you destroyed will be more tasteful than I thought. I am ruler of the underworld and my arm is a jet black sword!" His arm turned into a weapon and tried to smash it against Simon, but Simon held up his club and was able to block the attack.

"You're going to need to better than that. I won't fall so easily." Simon said.

"I've got this, Simon. Just have him stay there." Sasha said as she was about to step in the fight.

"No, Sasha! I can handle it." Simon said.

"What's going on with you? Why are you insisting of fighting alone?" Sasha said.

"Please don't distract me. I'm busy." Simon said as he was trying to hold off Rustyrose's attack. Sasha didn't understand what was going on, but she's finding answers. If she can't start with Simon, she'll start with another.

"How are you doing that?" Sasha asked Rustyrose. "What kind of magic is this? I've never seen anything like it." Rustyrose pulled away his weapon and it turned back into his arm.

"Arc of embodiment. That is the name of my magic. It is a lost form of magic." Rustyrose said. "One is capable of forming much with his magic simply from one's rich imagination."

"You're saying that you can create anything you just imagine?!" Sasha said. "Can such power really exist?"

"I'm living proof that it does." Rustyrose said. "I will savor the sweet taste of crushing this fool. Feasting upon the fairies. What a way for a former devil to redeem himself."

"All this talk about taste is making me hungry. Where's all the food?" Kain said.

"Stop talking nonsense and focus on the task at hand." Rustyrose said. "We came here to take our revenge on Fairy Tail. Don't forget that part of the reason that Grimoire Heart is no more is because of Fairy Tail."

"Right." Kain said as he was starting to get serious.

"Bring it." Simon said. "I know all too well about Meldy and Ultear. They founded Crime Sorciere with my father, but that was by their choice. To be perfectly honest, it really doesn't matter to me. Fairy Tail is the guild that matters, not Crime Sorciere."

"Simon…" Sasha said as she could see that Simon seems a little upset by it and couldn't believe he would say that about his own father's guild.

"If my father was here, he would fight and have you see how wrong you are and try to convince you to take part in his guild." Simon said. "I'm not my father. I will fight and you will be punished for your actions. This is where the two of you fall." With devotion for his guild and not willing to give redemption, Simon shall smite the two former devils.
