
Fairy Tail's New Generation

Original FanFic can be found here↓↓↓↓↓ ----- https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13160863/1/Fairy-Tail-Generation. ----- Written by Show Expert 1. ----- Note:I am NOT doing this for MONEY. I am ONLY putting this here to spread the work of this FanFic made by Show Expert 1.

Immadropitall · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter Four


Freeing everyone from being slaves in Raeka's mines was easier than the team thought. Simon and Storm got their side out and they saw the others and they were able to save their side as well.

"Looks like you guys made it." Storm said.

"Yeah. We checked the mines and there doesn't seem to be anyone left." Gale said.

"Then we just have to wait for Nashi." Simon said.

"Nashi? Wasn't she with you? Where did she go?" Nova said.

"She went to see if there was anyone left in the mines." Simon said. "Though, I must admit that I'm starting to get a little worried. She should have came back by now." Simon looked to the sky and saw the sky was getting restless. None of them were aware the trouble Nashi could be in right now.


When Nashi was looking for anyone left behind, she ended up coming across Raeka instead. She thought she could handle him, but Raeka proved to be a tougher opponent than she thought. Raeka had a barrier of lightning around him and that was going to make it difficult for Nashi to fight back.

"What's the matter, kid? You won't be able to beat me if you just stand there." Raeka said.

"We'll see about that." Nashi said as she reached down to her inner fire. "Fire Dragon Roar!" Nashi breathed out a stream of fire, but the barrier around Raeka was blocking it. "That barrier can even block long range attacks?!"

"My lightning is probably the most lethal and powerful of all. There's no way you can beat me." Raeka said.

"Someone seems pretty arrogant." Nashi said.

"It's not arrogance if it's true." Raeka said as he unleashed more of his lightning. Nashi was able to dodge a couple attacks, but a third blasted near her and caused her to roll against the ground. "I knew you weren't tough stuff."

"Don't be so sure." Nashi said as she kept trying to get back up. "Don't forget that I'm a member of Fairy Tail and we don't go down that easily."

"Do I look like I care?" Raeka said. "Fairy Tail might be considered the mightiest guild in Fiore, but you don't seem to have what it takes."

"I'll show you!" Nashi said as she put two flames from her hands together. "Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!" She tossed out the fireball at him, but her flames just hit the barrier again. "Eeergh. There's got to be some way to get through."

"Just admit that you can't beat me." Raeka said. "Before I do give you a funeral, I must know you're name."

"It's Nashi, Nashi Dragneel. Though, I'm not going to die here. Not by a filthy scumbag like you."

"Well, Nashi Dragneel, this is as far as you go. Rain down my lightning!" Raeka called out. Lightning struck down from above and struck Nashi again. Nashi screamed in pain and dropped to the ground. "I knew you didn't had what it takes." Nashi nearly blacked out from that last attack.

'Come on. There's got to be something.' Nashi thought as she tried to figure out how she was going to get out of this one. As her vision was getting back to her, she took notice of her scarf. She clutched it in her hand and thought about what her father would do in a time like this.


Nashi was just learning magic and Natsu was teaching it to her. After a hard training session, Nashi was leaning against her knees and was breathing pretty hard.

"I can't do this." Nashi said.

"Nashi, don't say that." Natsu said.

"I can't, Daddy. I'll never be as strong as you are." Nashi said as she was having doubts that she'll ever be the kind of wizard Natsu is. Natsu knew that's all Nashi wants and he believes she can be, but she needs some confidence.

"I was planning to give this to you when you were older, but I think now's a good as time as any." Natsu said as he walked over to her and placed his scarf around her. Nashi was confused for she knew how important it was to her.

"Daddy, why? You love this scarf and I barely know magic." Nashi said.

"I'm giving it to you because it shows I believe in you, Nashi." Natsu said. "I know you're capable of being something strong and amazing. You just can never give up and always keep yourself fired up."

End of Flashback


Nashi always looked up to her father. She always believed him to be the most powerful wizard ever. If he believes in her, entrusted her with his most precious possession, she just can't give up like he told her.

"Keep myself fired up." Nashi said. She reached deep down inside herself and had her own inner flames erupted around her in a giant pillar of fire. Raeka couldn't believe she still had this much power in her. The others could see the pillar of fire as well and knew that's where Nashi was. Thinking that she needed some help, they all hurried over to the area. Nashi got back on her feet and was ready to get back in this fight. "Thanks, Dad. It's nice knowing that I have you by my side no matter how bad the situation is."

"No way! How can you still be standing?!" Raeka said.

"I told you that we members of Fairy Tail don't go down easy." Nashi said.

"Talk big all you want. You still won't be able to get through my barrier." Raeka said.

"Let's find out." Nashi said as she took in a deep breath. "Fire Dragon Roar!" Nashi roared out the flames again. Raeka held up an arm to strength his barrier and was able to block it.

"I'm telling you that it's pointless." Raeka said, but Nashi wasn't stopping. She intensified her flames and it was getting harder and harder for Raeka to block it. "No way. How is she so strong? She's just a kid." Raeka tried to block it, but couldn't hold on as the flames had the barrier disperse.

"Told you so!" Nashi said.

"This can't be happening!" Raeka said. He was surprised and had a realization. "What did you say your name was?"

"Nashi Dragneel."

'Dragneel?! Her magic is so strong. Could she possibly…..' Raeka thought, didn't finish as Nashi attacked.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Nashi drove a flaming fist right into his gut and had the wind knocked right out of him.

'She's got to be related to that Natsu Dragneel I heard so much about. A dragon slayer! One of the most powerful kinds of wizards there is!' Raeka thought as he now realized how severely outmatched he really was. Nashi slammed him against the ground and it caused the edge of the cliff to break off and into the river. Luckily, Nashi was able to grab the guy by his ankle and kept him from falling in even though he was knocked out.

"This guy needs to lay off the munchies." Nashi said as she tried to pull him up. She felt two hands go around her and tried to help her up.

"I've got you." Storm said as he helped her pull.

"Just watch those hands." Nashi said. With the two of them, they were able to pull Raeka up and now had him against the ground just as the clouds were clearing up. Nashi turned around and saw her friends were able to find her. "Hey, guys."

"You okay?" Gale said.

"I got electrocuted a few times, but I'll be fine." Nashi said.

"So is this the guy who was behind all this?" Sasha said.

"You were able to defeat this guy on your own? Not bad, but these guys didn't really seem that tough." Gale said.

"Actually, he was a little. He put up a decent fight." Nashi said. "Either way, does it really matter how tough he was. We were able to beat him and that means the job is done, right?"

"You're right." Storm said. "We won, the guy is beaten, all that's left is to take this guy to jail and collect our reward money."

"So let's go." Sasha said as she was acting like she wanted to get it over and done with.

"Sasha, crack a smile." Nova said. "We got the job done and we won the battle. It's okay if you at least want to smile." Sasha acted like she didn't hear them and just kept walking.

"What is with Sasha?" Gale said.

"You know she's always been this way." Nashi said. "We all might get along pretty well, but she always keeps her distance from everyone."

"Leave it alone." Simon said as he hoisted Raeka over his shoulder. "Let's just get going." All of them saw no reason to stick around and just left the place.


"Thank you so much." Harvey said as he served Nashi and the others. "On the house for getting rid of all those scoundrels. I've also got my son back."

"I got another pot of curry ready, Pops!" His son called out.

"We were happy to help." Simon said as they all helped themselves to some of the food.

"Still, it means so much." Harvey said. "Here's also the reward money for getting rid of them." He pulled out a check and handed it over to Nova.

"We're glad that you do have your son back and those people won't cause problems anymore." Nova said.

"So what's going to happen to the mines now?" Storm said as he ate.

"They'll probably just seal it all off." Simon said. "If this Raeka guy and those group of cronies of his went through all that trouble, it's probably not worth keeping them open up."

"It's just a little disappointing the job was so easy." Storm said. "I'm actually hoping for the kind of stuff our parents went through."

"You mean you actually want to fight strong and powerful creeps in life or death situations?" Nashi asked. Nashi and the others have been hearing stories about their parents and they're great adventures and battles for years.

"Maybe not exactly that. It's just the challenge I want." Storm said.

"I get that." Gale said. "We all want to be as powerful and strong as our parents were, but there hasn't been an enemy that's really brought a challenge to the guild in years. How are we ever going to know if we're really as powerful as our parents?"

"Don't worry about it guys. We'll get our chance one of these days." Nashi said. Nashi and all of them want to uphold the legacy their parents have established, but they've got a lot to cover if that is to happen. When they were finished with their free meal, they were all going to get back on the road.

"Thank you for the meal." Nova said.

"It was my pleasure." Harvey said. "You all can come back any time and eat whatever you like."

"You're too kind." Simon said.

"Listen, I may not know that much about your parents, but I say you wouldn't have much to worry about." Harvey said.

"You think?" Storm asked.

"I know I don't know you all that well, but I can tell you this much." Harvey said. "I know your parents wouldn't want you to worry about living up to whatever legacy. They would want you to find your own paths and I'm sure they be proud of you regardless of what you've done. That's what parents do. We support our children and encourage them to find their own paths. If they decide they want to be like us, we'll support that too, but we much rather have them be their own people."

"Thank you, Harvey. We should probably get going now." Nashi said and all of them started walking and thought about what they just talked about.

"Do you guys really think we can live up to what our parents went through, even if we don't fight powerful enemies like they did?" Gale said.

"I'm sure of it." Nashi said. "We'll have our moments in the spotlight and be heroes like they were. I already know my Dad has a lot of faith in me. After all, he gave me this." She held her scarf and every time she holds it, it's almost like she's holding her father. "Come on. Let's get back to the guild and find a new job. I'm getting all fired up!" They do believe they'll be great as their parents. Little did they know that the adventures that await them will give them chances sooner than they thought.
