
Fairy Tail's New Generation

Original FanFic can be found here↓↓↓↓↓ ----- https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13160863/1/Fairy-Tail-Generation. ----- Written by Show Expert 1. ----- Note:I am NOT doing this for MONEY. I am ONLY putting this here to spread the work of this FanFic made by Show Expert 1.

Immadropitall · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter Fifteen~Sixteen


"Were you all out of your mind?" Laxus said. Everyone just got back to the guild from destroying the tower. Laxus was giving all six of them a lecture about how irresponsible they were. "I kind of expected this out of a few of you considering your parents, but I've expected more out of Nova and Simon."

"We're sorry, Dad." Nova said.

"All the blame should be on me, Master." Sasha said. "I was the one that stole the job. They only came to try and stop me, but they got mixed in instead."

"Perhaps, but you all went on ahead and did the job anyway." Laxus said. "Considering what I heard, it was only natural that you all would act the way you did. However, it's still unacceptable. So none of you will be taking jobs for the next couple weeks. You'll have to find some other way to make money in the meantime."

"Yeah. That sounds fair." Storm said.

"Be grateful. I'm being merciful." Laxus said. "Just wait until each of your parents get a hold of you." That made some of them a little nervous. After being lectured by Laxus, the six of them went to the guild.

"I hope you learned your lesson after this, Nashi." Lucy said.

"I apologized all the time on the way back here." Nashi said as she really felt bad.

"Serves you right." Happy laughed.

"Oh yeah! Where the heck were you?!" Nashi said.

"I had a tummy-ache. I couldn't go." Happy said.

"It's probably from eating all those stinky fish you eat." Nashi said.

"Let it go. So she and her friends took a job without permission." Natsu said. "So what? She thought she was ready and she was planning on going on an S-class request anyway. Besides, someone stole one of those before."

"Wait. Really?" Nashi questioned.

"Yeah. A long time ago, someone stole one of the S-class jobs." Lucy said. "This was back when only our S-class wizards were allowed to take the job. That person thought they were ready like you and went behind guild rules."

"What?! That's got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard anyone in the guild do. Don't lump me in with someone so irresponsible and idiotic like them." Nashi said. "I only did this because I originally went to get Sasha back before getting in trouble. Whoever did what you said must have been real stupid.

"Yeah. Real stupid." Natsu said with some offense with Lucy and Happy laughing. She wasn't the only one getting a lecture.

"I can't believe you, Gale. I thought you were more responsibly than this." Levy said.

"Sasha said so herself to put all the blame on her." Gale said.

"Hahaha!" Gale looked to see a little girl in an orange dress and had black hair with an orange ribbon through it. She actually looked like a mini version of Levy. "Gale's in trouble. Gale's in trouble."

"Zip it, Gia." Gale said. "You didn't see what I saw. You didn't went through what I did. A few of us are lucky we made it back alive."

"Exactly. You might have been killed." Levy said.

"That aside. You and your friends seemed to have handled yourselves pretty well on that job." Gajeel said. "Stay within the guild rules and you'll rise up to the top." That made Gale feel better, but he was still in trouble.

"Oh man. Some of us aren't going to hear the end of it." Storm said as he took a seat at the counter.

"We're all just glad you all made it back." Kinana said. Seeing Kinana made Storm realize something. He looked around and figured someone was missing.

"Hey, Kinana. Where's that son of yours?" Storm said. "Knowing him, he wouldn't miss the chance to poke fun at us."

"I'm afraid he hasn't return from his latest job yet, but he should in the next few days." Kinana said.

"As long as I don't need to hear that big mouth of his, you don't seem me complaining." Storm said.

"Oh, stop that." Ul said as she walked over to her brother. "The more you talk about him like that, the more I think you really are just plain jealous of him."

"I'm not jealous and I'm not talking about that!" Storm said. As all their talking was going on, Sasha looked out to the guild and was beginning to see it as more than just a place to do work.

"Something going on, Sasha?" Simon asked.

"Just doing some thinking is all." Sasha said. 'Mom, I didn't realize it at first, but I think now I finally figured out why you wanted me to go to Fairy Tail of all places.' She thought. She wasn't the only one thinking brightly. Erza stared in Sasha's direction.

"Hey, Erza." Gray said as he came over to her. "What do you seem to be smiling about?"

"Just a little sympathy." Erza said. "Knowing Sasha went through something similar to my own past makes me feel closer, which I feel is important between members of the same guild."

"I suppose you're right. Any idea what happened to that Dantu guy and some of those other creeps." Gray said.

"Same as some of the usual creeps. The Magic Council got word of what was really going on and arrested all of them." Erza said. "Hopefully, for Sasha's sake, we've seen the last of them."

"And your own sake too. That brings up something I'm wondering." Gray said. "How come this tower didn't blow up like the last one did?"

"I suppose it's because magic power was being stored slowly and carefully for ten years, where the one the Jellal was in absorbed all that magic power at once and so fast." Erza said. "The different processes must have had different effects. It doesn't really matter. It's over and that's what really matters."

"Yeah. I suppose you're right." Gray said. What seemed like a nightmare has finally appeared to have ended for both Sasha and Erza. What no one knew was that this was the first battle, a prologue, of the battles that are to come.

The Dragneels

The day was coming to an end and the Dragneels decided to head on home. All of them walked down the streets, but as they were walking, Nashi felt there was something else that she needed to talk about.

"So what's for dinner tonight?" Natsu asked.

"How about fish?" Happy suggested.

"Nashi is right. It wouldn't kill you to actually eat something other than fish every now and then." Lucy said.

"But I'm a cat. Cats eat fish." Happy said.

"Isn't that a little stereotypical." Lucy said. "Carla and Panther Lily are the same as you, but fish isn't all they eat." As they were talking, Natsu looked back and saw Nashi was hanging back and it looked like something was bothering her.

"Nashi, what's the matter?" Natsu asked.

"Dad, there's something I need to tell you." Nashi said and they all became ears. "Something else happened at the tower."

"What?" Natsu asked as he was starting to get a little anxious on what Nashi was about to tell him.

"What happened is that "it" got lose for a moment." Nashi said and that made all three of them worried.

"Are you sure?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah. It happened while I was fighting Dantu." Nashi said. "Just when it seemed like it was the end for me, she was able to come out. I was able to push her aside, but it was still hard."

"I get it. You have a rare case." Lucy said. "Nashi, you're probably the first human that is half etherious."

"Yeah. There's something else about me you should know." Nashi narrated. "I'm not entirely human. I'm part demon from a group known as etherious. In other words, I'm some sort of human etherious hybrid."

"Sasha was with you, wasn't she? She isn't aware of what you are yet." Natsu said.

"She did see, but she never asked me about it." Nashi asked. "We shouldn't bother her about it. She just got done with what has happened and now she can finally move on. Shouldn't we let her enjoy that?"

"You're right." Lucy said as she smiled. "Let's not worry about this now. As long as everything is under control and there's no permanent damage, it should all be okay. Besides, we have a few plans if things take a turn for the worst."

"Yeah. Come on. Let's head home." Natsu said and Nashi was glad to hear it all that with all of them still heading home.



Nashi was asleep in her bed. After a long hard fought job, which was taken without permission, it was some rest she deserved. However, her mind Nashi was still going on.

"You think you can resist me, Nashi? You can't."

"Be quiet, End." Nashi said. Inside her mind, she was walking through a foggy area. "Listen to me, End. You're not getting my body."

"Nashi, no matter what you do, no matter where you go, I will always be with you." Something rose out of the fog and it revealed to be Nashi's other half. She had red scales around her face with horns and her arms as claws and scales around her legs. She also had horns, wings, and glowing white eyes. "After all, we're one in the same."

"It doesn't matter. If I have to keep fighting you off I will." Nashi said. "You're a demon and I don't trust you around my friends."

"Are you forgetting why I exist in the first place?" End said. "Your father is the mightiest etherious ever created, E.N.D."

"So?" Nashi said.

"Your Uncle Zeref might be gone, but his power lives on." End said. "Your mother might have rewritten the book of E.N.D., but doing so allowed that power to affect her. Their demon slayer friend might have though he helped her, but all he really did was have the power lay dormant inside her. That was until you were born and all that dormant power was transferred into you. I'm not sure if your father is still an etherious after that, but that's how I came to be."

"What's your point? I know all of this from when you first revealed yourself. My parents told me that." Nashi said.

"My point is that I exist because you exist." End said. "You should be grateful because you would be dead if I hadn't stepped in."

"That means I have to become stronger. I won't let you overtake me." Nashi said.

"We'll see about that. You're not even close to the kind of strength your father possess." End said. "You'll see that you need me and remember that in your moment of weakness, if I see a chance for myself, I will take it." Nashi bolted right up from her bread and was soaked in sweat.

"Never. I'll never let that happen." Nashi vowed, but End's power is unpredictable.

"Being in Fairy Tail, around this time in my life, I learned that we deal with one battle after another. Even after we returned home, more battles are coming our way." Nashi narrated. "Another enemy just keeps coming and more battles come our way. I have to keep facing the battle with the demon inside me, but there was another battle along the way that we would have to face."


Inside a darkened room, one person sat on a chair acting like he was all high and mighty. One person was walking up to him. A man who was about the same age as Nashi and the others. He had long black and spikey hair. He wore beige pants with a green shirt and had black jacket with a green bandana around his forehead.

"Raio, are you ready for your mission?" The person named Raio dropped to one knee.

"I am. This is the moment you've been waiting for and I will not let you down."

"Good. Those I have told you about must be brought down. I know you don't fit in with everyone else here, but the fact that you're willing to help is very reassuring."

"For you, for this guild, I would do anything." Raio said. "This is the moment you all have been waiting for. The day that Fairy Tail falls!"


"I win again." Storm said as he was playing a card game with Gale and just beat him.

"Oh man. This is boring." Gale said. "How much longer until our suspension is over? I never thought I would need a job so badly."

"You're just sore that I keep beating you." Storm said. Since Nashi and the others are forbidden from taking jobs for the next few weeks, they have to find a way to keep themselves entertained.

"I must admit, I'm getting a little bored myself just sitting around here all the time." Simon said. "The guild might be a good place to hang out, but it does get tedious after some time."

"Come on. It's not that bad." All of them looked and was met with a girl dressed like a cowgirl with black hair in a braid.

"Asuka!" Nashi said.

"Hi, guys. It's been a while, hasn't it?" Asuka said.

"It sure has been." Storm said.

"Yeah. I think you've all grown some since the last time I saw you." Asuka said and turned her attention to Sasha. "Hey, Sasha. I recently heard what happened. Are you doing okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine." Sasha said.

"I see that it's also changed your personality around." Asuka said. "You're usually acting like you don't care and try to stay as far as possible."

"She's right. You have changed." Storm said. That whole experience has affected Sasha and now she's trying to be closer to people. Asuka looked around and saw one member of their group was missing.

"Where's Nova? I thought she was being punished like the rest of you were." Asuka said.

"Since we're not allowed to take jobs, she's running a few errands." Nashi said. Sasha looked out the guild windows and saw some dark clouds were roaming over Magnolia.

"It looks like there's a storm coming." Sasha said. All of them looked outside and noticed it themselves.

"That's weird. It was clear and sunny just a moment ago." Gale said.

"Nova better hurry. She might not be scared of thunder, but she shouldn't be out in the rain." Asuka said. Everyone else thought it was just a normal storm, but Sasha had other thoughts.

'It didn't seem like there was going to be rain just a little while ago.' Sasha thought. 'These clouds have come out of nowhere. It's a little unnatural. This can't be good.'


"Bye and thank you." Nova said as she was leaving a store with some groceries. "I think I got everything Mom asked for." She looked up to the sky and spotted the clouds. "That's strange. I didn't think it was going to rain today. I guess I better hurry back." Nova hurried back to the guild as fast as she could, but what she didn't realize was that she was being followed. Lurking in the shadows was the mysterious Raio.

'That girl is part of Fairy Tail. If I'm right about who she is, her father would be the guild's master.' Raio thought. He moved from the higher grounds and followed Nova. 'She might be one of their strongest. I might be in over my head, but I have orders to take down anyone who is part of the Fairy Tail guild.'

"Huh?" Nova felt something strange and stopped in her tracks.

'Is she already aware that I'm on to her? If she is so powerful, I need to strike while I can.' Raio thought. He jumped in the air and was about to attack her with Nova turning to face him. "You're mine!" He was about to do it until Nova turned around entirely and saw her face. When she did, Raio's face turned red and he was the one blown away. He fell on the ground and Nova was confused. 'What a knockout.' He thought. 'She's…..She's…..She's gorgeous.'

"Um….are you okay?" Nova asked.

'No way it was for real.' Raio thought with him blushing. He lifted his head to take another look, but all he saw from her was absolute beauty. 'It was. This girl is beyond beautiful!'

"Hello?" Nova said as she didn't know what was going on. "Do you need some help or something?"

"Stop it." Raio told himself and got back on his feet. "She's still a member of that Fairy Tail guild and that means she's an enemy. I have to take her down."

"Excuse me, but I don't understand what's going on?" Nova said.

"You're a member of Fairy Tail, right?" Raio asked.

"Yes. Why?" Nova asked.

"If you are in Fairy Tail, you are my enemy." Raio said. The sky above them roared and flash from thunder and lightning.

"Hang on. Are you creating those clouds with your magic?" Nova asked.

"That's right." Raio said. "My magic is a variation of storm magic that is known as wrath of storm. Just watch as I will strike you down. Thunder Wrath!" He thrusted his fist and unleashed a blast of thunder. Nova dropped her groceries and took the attack. Raio thought he had her from that one attack, but the smoke cleared away and Nova wasn't affected by it at all. "What?!"

"Don't you know? I'm a lightning dragon slayer. Electrical attacks like that one will only refuel my power." Nova said. "Listen, I don't really like fighting for no reason. So who are you and why are you attacking me?"

"All you need to know is that I am your enemy." Raio said. "I came here to take down any one who is a member of Fairy Tail for this goal: destroy Fairy Tail." That had Nova take him serious.

"I don't know what this is about, but I won't let anyone threaten my guild like that." Nova said. "If you really want a fight now, you got one."

"That's more like it." Raio said as he readied himself. 'Don't get distracted. She might look beautiful, but she's my enemy. I have to take her down.' "It's a good thing my magic doesn't only have thunder and lightning?" Nova seemed confused by that. "All the power of storms are mine to command. Cyclone Rampage!" Raio had wind spiral around his arm and he released it at her as the cyclone tore through the ground and hit Nova with her being pushed back.

"So he can control thunder and wind." Nova said.

"I'm not done yet!" Raio said as he used wind power and flew right at her. He tackled Nova hard and slammed her against the wall. "I got her!" Raio thought he had her pinned, but he felt something strange in his hand. "Hang on. What's in my hand? It feels soft and a little large." The dust cleared away and Nova opened her eyes with her seeing that Raio's hand was right on her breast. Nova got embarrassed and Raio freaked out. "I didn't mean to grab that! Sorry!" Raio pulled away and backed away from her.

"That was a little embarrassing." Nova said with her face a little red.

'Oh man. I can't believe I actually had my hand on that.' Raio thought as he seemed more embarrassed than her. "Stop it." He said. "Don't get all distracted. I have to beat her. I have to."

'What's going on? This guy came out of nowhere and tried to attack me.' Nova thought. 'Something weird is going on.'

"Okay. Now that the awkwardness has passed, we can continue." Raio said.

'He doesn't really seem like a bad person. That makes it all the more confusing.' Nova thought. "Tell me, what is this all about? Why are you acting like you hate Fairy Tail? None of this really makes any sense."

"I don't need to explain myself to you." Raio said.

'He really doesn't want to talk. I guess I have no choice, but to bring him back to the guild for questioning.' Nova thought. 'After all, if anyone else heard him threaten the guild like that, they would pummel him to the ground.'

"I'm taking you down!" Raio said as he attacked her directly. Nova formed lightning around her arms and held them together.

"Lightning Dragon Jaw!" Nova slammed her hands right down on Raio and smashed him against the ground. Raio's body twitched from that impact and couldn't believe he went down so easily.

'Unreal. She's as tough as she is beautiful.' Raio thought just before he blacked out. With him unconscious, the clouds that hang over them was clearing away.

"Weird." Nova said. None of this really made sense. Someone she doesn't really know comes out of nowhere and attacked her and also claims to destroy Fairy Tail. This was also something that couldn't be ignored.

The Guild

Nova decided to bring Raio back to the guild. She wanted to make sure he wasn't seriously hurt and there were some questions that he needed to answer for.

"He claimed he was going to destroy Fairy Tail?" Nashi questioned as she had her friends and her father in the infirmary as Wendy was working her magic on Raio.

"I don't know why he said that. The only reason he picked a fight with me is because I'm a member of this guild." Nova said.

"That is rather strange." Simon said.

"Still, this guy should have known what he was getting into." Storm said. "You're one of our most powerful wizards. He should be glad he lasted as long as he did against you."

"Though he did go down after just one hit." Sasha said.

"Enough of that. We have a serious problem." Laxus said. "This guy made a threat against Fairy Tail and that is not something we should take to kindly. He has to be punished for that."

"I think Nova punished him enough." Nashi said.

"What's this?" Wendy said.

"What is it, Wendy? Did you find something?" Laxus said.

"It looks like a guild emblem, but it's one I don't recognize." Wendy said.

"Let me see." Laxus said as he walked over.

"Here it is." Wendy said as she pointed to the mark on his left shoulder. It was a purple one where it looked like a figure was holding out a cape in front of them and had an S in it.

"I've never seen this guild mark either." Laxus said.

"So he's a guild wizard, but he still claimed that he wants to destroy Fairy Tail?" Simon questioned.

"I felt it from when he was trying to fight me." Nova said. "He doesn't really seem like a bad person. It sounds like he was just following orders."

"But who would want to destroy Fairy Tail?" Nashi questioned.

A Dark Room

"So you sent Raio to take on Fairy Tail by himself?"

"I didn't tell him to take the entire guild on his own. I only wanted him to bring down a few members." The one in charge sat in a throne chair and he was speaking to ten others. "It would have been an opportunity to see how far little Raio has come."

"He may have had a ton of magic power, but I'm not sure he's really ready to take on someone from Fairy Tail on his own."

"Perhaps, but it doesn't matter." The leader said. "Raio is just a mere pawn in this little game. We've all become stronger over the years. We have all come here for one reason. Our time has come and we all shall revenge on Fairy Tail!" A mysterious dark guild claims they want vengeance. Who exactly is this guild?
