
Fairy Tail's New Generation

Original FanFic can be found here↓↓↓↓↓ ----- https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13160863/1/Fairy-Tail-Generation. ----- Written by Show Expert 1. ----- Note:I am NOT doing this for MONEY. I am ONLY putting this here to spread the work of this FanFic made by Show Expert 1.

Immadropitall · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter Eleven~Twelve


Nashi and her friends continued to fight hard against Dantu's lackeys. While Sasha was getting closer and closer to Dantu himself, Storm had to get pass Sazar first. Since Sazar put Nashi to sleep, he was fighting on his own.

"Ice-Make: Lance!" Storm unleashed lances made of ice and released them at Sazar, but Sazar was jumping around so much and none of them were a clear hit. "Damn it. Nashi, get up. Get up. I need your help." He was doing his best to protect her, but he needs her help and yet she's still unconscious.

"It's no use. She'll be out for a little while." Sazar said. "You can't protect yourself and her at the same time. So you're going to have to choose."

"Like that will happen, but even if it did, I choose her over myself." Storm said. "That's how we Fairy Tail wizards work. We always put our comrades over ourselves."

"How sentimental. I think I'm going to puke." Sazar said as he pulled out some kunai and tossed them at Storm. However, Storm formed some ice to block the attack. "Not bad. When it comes to that ice magic, you're pretty quick on your toes."

"This isn't good." Seymour said as all he could do was watch. "We can't wait around here anymore. We've got to get going and catch Sasha before it's too late."


Nova and Gale told Natsu and the others everything of what's been going on. As soon as they heard all of it, they all tried to move as fast as they could to the tower.

"I never would have guessed Sasha went through the same thing as Erza did." Lucy said.

"Not the same." Erza said. She was terrified of going back to that tower, but she knew she would be fine with her friends by her side. Not to mention that since her own son and someone who knows the same pain she went through, she has to push through. "Sasha had a mother and still the comforts of a home, but I can sympathize what she went through."

"I sure hope Storm and the others are safe." Juvia said.

"I'm sure they are, but I've got to admit that I am a little concerned." Natsu said.

"It's Sasha I'm the most worried about." Nova said. "If Simon really did get knocked out, that means she went in alone."

"Yeah. Sasha's pretty determined to do this on her own." Gale said.

"It make sense." Gajeel said. "This Dantu person ruined her childhood and took her mother away. It would make sense that she would want revenge and carry it out on her own."

"I just hope we're not too late." Erza said as they all arrived at the tower and hurried to find everyone.


Simon arrived at the tower moments ago and was running through the halls. He was trying to find his friends and was hoping no harm has come to any of them. There was one person running through his mind that he was the most worried about.

'Sasha…' Simon thought. He felt bad because now that he thinks about it, Sasha was always in pain and he never really realized it. It all goes back to when they first met.



"Give that back, Storm." It was ten years ago and Simon and the rest of them were all just innocent children. "That's my toy. Hand it over."

"Chill, Simon. I just wanted to look at it." Storm said. All five of them sat around the table and it just seemed like a normal day at the guild. It didn't quite stay that way as Simon noticing the guild doors opening up. All of them turned to the doors and saw Sasha walking right in the guild and people could tell she was no ordinary kid.

"So this is the place Mom was talking about. Fairy Tail." Sasha said.

"Who's she?" Nashi asked.

"I don't know. I've never seen her before." Nova said. Simon could tell there was something different about this girl.

End of Flashback

'That was when we first met.' Simon thought. 'I was actually the first one to notice her, but back then she was in pain. I was just a kid back then and couldn't tell when someone acts tough to hide their suffering. That's just what Sasha was doing.'


"Ice-Make: Saucer!" Storm shot out a saucer that spun like a saw, but Sazar was able to avoid that attack too. Since distance attacks aren't working, Storm tried attacking him directly. Storm tried to hit him, but Sazar dodge that easily.

"How pathetic." Sazar said as he placed his hand on Storm's shoulder. Then, he drove his knee in Storm's gut and caused him to be pushed back with Storm standing next to Nashi again. Storm was about to get back in the fight, but he felt his body swaying.

"What the hell?" Storm said as his body was starting to go down and he felt exhausted. He looked at his shoulder and saw Sazar injected another one of his darts in him. "Damn. He got me too."

"Nighty night." Sazar taunted. Storm pulled the dark out, but it couldn't help him. He couldn't stay awake and collapsed next to Nashi and fell asleep.

"No. He got both of them." Seymour said. Sazar pulled out his kunai and was about to finish the both of them off.

"Enjoy your rest because it's about to be a permanent one." Sazar said as he advance to them. "Not going to try and save them?" He asked Seymour, but Seymour knew he was no match for him. Sazar stood over the two of them and was about to finish them off.

"Get away from them!" Sazar was surprised as someone came flying real fast at him and slammed his fist against Sazar and sent him flying across the room and into the opposite wall.

"It's you!" Seymour said as Simon was able to save them thanks to the power of Meteor. Sazar was able to pull himself together and got back on his feet.

"Great. Another nuisance." Sazar said. Simon looked down and noticed Storm and Nashi were out like lights.

"What happened to the both of them?" Simon asked.

"He did it. He used some sort of tranquilizer on both of them and put them to sleep." Seymour said.

"Again with those? I already fell victim to one a while ago. I'm not going out like that again." Simon said and started to requip. "I don't have time to be messing around with you. I've got a friend to find. So I'm going to make this quick. Heaven's Wheel." Simon changed into angel-like armor for battle and was ready to fight.

"So this one can use magic to change his attire. Will that really help?" Sazar questioned. Simon didn't respond with his words. He just attacked as he swung his two swords at him, but Sazar blocked his attack. Sazar could tell how strong Simon was from their blades colliding. Sazar was able to move out of the way and tried to keep some distance between them.

"Where are you going?" Simon said as he called upon extra swords and had them attack. Sazar moved as quickly as he could and avoided each one of the swords. Simon was able to catch him and tried to attack again with the result the same.

'This guy has got some skill.' Sazar acknowledge. There was much rage behind Simon's eyes….at himself for not being able to help Sasha.


Sasha has only been in the guild for a couple weeks, but she hasn't really interacted with anyone. She always stays by herself and doesn't talk to anyone.

"I feel bad. She always seems to be by herself." Nashi said.

"Yeah and does anyone even know her name?" Gale questioned.

"I think Daddy said her name is Sasha." Nova said.

"You guys are silly. Just watch." Simon said as he went over to talk to her. "Hi." He greeted, but Sasha was acting like she didn't hear him. "Hello! What's the matter? Can't you talk?" Sasha was still ignoring him and it was starting to tick him off. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" He grabbed her by the arm, but that bothered Sasha. Next thing anyone knew was that he was tossed to the ground.

"Did you just see that?"

"Erza's kid just got knocked down."

"That girl has got guts."

"What was that for?!" Simon said as he was angry now. "Do you want to fight?" Sasha showed no interest.

"Just leave me alone." Sasha said as she walked away.

End of Flashback

Simon was getting angrier the more he thought about it. He pushed back with all his might and knocked Sazar back, but Sazar jumped across the platforms.

"Sheesh. What's with this guy?" Sazar said.

"I told you I'm not going to waste my time! I've got a friend to find!" Simon shouted as he changed his armor.


Simon continued to talk to Sasha for days, but she kept brushing him off or flipping him to the ground. It was starting to get annoying. Most people thought that since he's Erza's son, he would be tough, but he hasn't' reached the level in power Erza would have. So getting thrashed around by Sasha was the reason for him to train and get even stronger. At the moment, Storm and Gale were laughing at him getting thrashed around.

"Shut up." Simon said.

"You keep getting beaten around by a girl." Storm laughed. "I don't understand why you keep trying to get to her. She obviously doesn't want anything to do with anyone."

"Maybe he keeps bothering her because he likes her." Gale joked.

"I do not. I'm going to get her one of these days." Simon said.

End of Flashback


"Sasha is coming back to Fairy Tail where she belongs!" Simon said and requipped into Flight Armor and held two raipers in his hands. "Meteor!" With the speed enhancement of his armor and the speed enhancement of his magic, Simon appeared to Sazar in the blink of an eye and caught him off guard.



"You shouldn't let it bother you." Erza said as the sun was going down and she held Simon's hand. "She's still pretty knew to the guild. She's probably just shy."

"Sasha isn't shy. She's got mean personality." Simon said. As they were walking by the river, Simon spotted Sasha sitting by the bank. "There she is. I'll get her this time." He said as he headed down at her.

"Simon, maybe you should just leave her alone!" Erza said, but Simon wasn't listening.

"Okay, Sasha. I'm ready for you this time." Simon said, but as Sasha turned to face him, he could see there was some sadness in her eyes and that got him to stop.

"You again? What is it with you?" Sasha asked. Simon didn't had it in him to actually fight her and he was seeing her in a whole new light.

"I just want to talk. Why are you always by yourself?" Simon asked.

"I just want to be left alone." Sasha said.

"But why? You became part of Fairy Tail. That means you don't have to be alone anymore." Simon said. Simon walked over and sat down right next to her and she didn't turn him away.

"Let's just say that it's hard for me to get close to people and that's just fine." Sasha said. Seeing this made Erza real happy seeing Simon trying so hard to be so kind to the new girl and finally got her to open just a little.

"You know, I think you just need a few friends and you can hang with mine if you want." Simon said with his face becoming a little red. That was when Sasha joined Fairy Tail and became part of the team.

End of Flashback

"Simon!" Erza called out as she and the others just arrived. They just witness the part where Simon cut Sazar down and he began to fall to the very bottom with Simon being the victor.

"Looks like we just missed the action." Natsu said. Simon requipped back into his normal clothes and has a better understanding, all the answers he wanted of Sasha.

"She kept her distance from everyone because she was afraid of getting her heart broken." Simon said. "After losing her mother, she didn't want to get close to others because she didn't want to go through the pain of losing some precious to her again. Sasha will never go through that kind of pain again. I won't allow it." He vowed. Simon will protect Sasha and her heart from here on out.


"Simon, are you okay?" Erza asked.

"Yeah. That guy was fast, but he lacked physical strength." Simon said. Thanks to him, the second member of Savage Blades has been defeated and the team is that much closer to bringing the tower down.

"Storm!" Juvia called out as she spotted him and ran over to him. "Storm, please wake up. What's the matter? Are you hurt?" All the shaking and shouting she was doing was making it hard for him to stay asleep.

"I know that overbearing voice." Storm said as he was waking up. "Mom?"

"You're awake. I was worried you were hurt." Juvia said.

"You worry too much. Quit spoiling the kid." Gray said. Storm was fully awake and saw everyone in the area.

"Dad? You and everyone else are here? I guess that means you found out on what's been going on." Storm said.

"Yeah and you can explain it all later. We've still got to find Nashi and Sasha." Gray said.

"Nashi?" Storm questioned. He turned around and saw Nashi was gone. "Wait. Where is Nashi? She's right here. She was unconscious before I was and I fell right next to her." Simon looked and just noticed it himself.

"He's right. Nashi was there a minute ago." Simon said.

"Are you serious? She couldn't be gone." Lucy said as she was starting to get worried about her daughter.

"Maybe she just woke up and went ahead." Gale said.

"No. That doesn't sound like her." Nova said.

"Hold on." Simon said as he looked around and noticed that someone else was missing as well. "Where's Seymour?"



"I'm almost there." Sasha said. Sasha was near the top of the tower now. It won't be long until Sasha will face Dantu and end this nightmare of hers. She kept running until she was force to stop. The final member of Savage Blades, Hakoon, stood in her way.

"Why hello there. I am Hakoon the Flash of the Savage Blades."

"And I don't care. Get out of my way." Sasha said.

"I'm afraid I can't." Hakoon said. "Dantu is expecting you, but I can't allow you to cause any form of interference."

"I'm not messing around. I'll take down anyone who will get in my way." Sasha said as she requipped a rifle into her hands. "Just so you know, this won't be set on stun. I'm through with people getting in my way."

"Having an intent like that is good, but I'm afraid you'll need more than that if you actually want to beat me." Hakoon said as he pulled out his katana.

"I warned you!" Sasha said as she fired, but something went wrong. It all happened so fast, but somehow Sasha's bullet missed. "What?"

"I'm afraid defeating me won't be easy." Hakoon said. "I'm called Flash for a reason. It's because my movements are so fast. From what I heard about you, you specialize with long-range weapons. I've faced many like you and they've all failed to defeat me."

"Say whatever you like. If you're going to get in my way, I'll take you down." Sasha said.

"I like to see you try." Hakoon said. Sasha kept firing with the rifle, but Hakoon's fast movements was able to block each shot. Hakoon was even faster than Sazar as he appeared right in front of Sasha and cut the rifle in half.

"No way!" Sasha said and ended up getting kicked in the gut with her being pushed back.

"You'll have to do better than that." Hakoon said.

"Magic Gatling Cannon!" Sasha requipped a cannon in her hands and was firing one shot after another with each head. However, Hakoon's movements were so incredibly fast that he was able to deflect each bullet. Hakoon moved incredibly fast again and cut off the six gun heads. "How does he move so fast?"

"It's pointless. I suggest you requip the most powerful weapon you possess." Hakoon said and Sasha took his advice and wants nothing more than to get rid of him.

"Jupiter Focus Magic Cannon!" Sasha requipped a smaller, handheld version of a magic conversion cannon. "You'll regret your arrogance when I'm through with you."

"A handheld version of a Jupiter cannon? That's impressive to have." Hakoon said.

"You're done for! No one who has seen this cannon has ever survived." Sasha said as she was powering up the cannon.

"The problem is that they take too long to charge." Hakoon said as he went right up front and sliced his sword through the cannon as was coming at her. He appeared behind her and the cannon was destroyed with Sasha in pain. "I didn't even cut through your skin or clothing."

"Damn it." Sasha said as she tried to get back up.

"You can try all the guns and cannons you want. There's nothing you can do that will beat me." Hakoon said, but Sasha wasn't giving up yet. She requipped another weapon, but it was a sword instead of a gun. "What's this? Your guns couldn't hurt me and now you think you can best me in a sword fight? Are you mocking me?"

"Not exactly. I don't specialize in just one form of weaponry." Sasha said.

"You're a fool. No one can best me in a sword fight." Hakoon said as he readied to attack and Sasha was ready to defend. Hakoon attacked and the movements were so fast that you could barely see, but Sasha did. She slashed against him and he was taken down so quickly. "How?"

"Do you know what I went through before I joined Fairy Tail?" Sasha said. "I did what my mother told me to do and went to the guild, but it took me weeks to get there. So I had to survive in the wild on my own." Sasha remembers all the time she spent out there on her own. The struggle, the hunger, and the hunting she had to do. "I did what I did in order to survive."

"But that still doesn't explain how you were able to land a hit with a sword." Hakoon said as he looked up at her. "I thought you specialized with guns. How were you even able to keep up with my movements after a short amount of time?"

"Being out in the wild can heighten your senses. Once I figured out your movements and your speed, I just needed to get my timing right." Sasha said. "Guns aren't the only weapons I deal with. I use both guns and swords. It's a type of requip, like Simon's knight requip, that I like to call the Huntress. During my time in the wild, I learned something. Some battles require guns and some require swords." With this obstacle out of the way, she left him there while she went to deal with Dantu with the sword in her hand.


"Wake up, nashi. Wake up. Would you rather prefer that I take over and kill everyone?" Nashi could hear a voice in her head and that threat caused her to wake up. Nashi was beginning to open her eyes and saw she was outside and moving. She also felt that she was hoisted over someone's shoulder. She looked and saw it was Seymour carrying her up the tower.

"Hey. What's going on?" Nashi asked.

"Oh! It sounds like you're awake." Seymour said as he stopped and placed her down.

"Hey. What happened with that other guy and where's Storm?" Nashi questioned.

"Your red hair friend came and fought him off. I'm sorry, but I had to pull you out of there. We have to reach Sasha." Seymour said.

"Why did you take only me?" Nashi asked.

"You're a dragon slayer. You wield probably the most powerful form of magic. You might have what it takes to help Sasha." Seymour said. Nashi didn't understand what he was talking about, but she thought she heard something.

"Wait. Did I just hear Dad?" Nashi said as she looked around.

"Your father? I didn't hear anything." Seymour said.

"Dragon slayers have advance hearing. It sounds like him, but I'm not too sure. He must be in the tower somewhere." Nashi said.

"You're in luck. I happen to know telepathy. You can speak to anyone that way." Seymour said.

"Wait. If you know telepathy, get in touch with Sasha so she can tell us where she is." Nashi said.

"I already tried. She seems to be blocking me out somehow. I think I can get in touch with your other friends." Seymour said as he placed two fingers against his head. "Hang on. I'll connect you with everyone."

"Nashi! Where the hell are you?!" Natsu shouted and it was right in there heads which hurt.

"Ow! Dad, you need to dial it down." Nashi said.

"Nashi?" Natsu said.

"Nashi? Honey, where are you?" Lucy asked.

"Mom? You're here too?" Nashi said.

"Most of our parents are here." Nova said.

"Nashi, where are you? We've all regrouped." Storm said. "When I woke up you were gone and everyone else was here?"

"I just woke up myself. I'm with Seymour and he's using telepathy for us all to talk. He and I are going after Sasha." Nashi said.

"Wait. You're only with a boy?!" Natsu said and sounded angry.

"For crying out loud, Dad. The guy is twice my age. You know I'm better than that." Nashi said with some embarrassment.

"Nashi, stay where you are. The rest of us will catch up." Erza said.

"I'm afraid there's no time. You all need to get out of the tower while you can." Seymour said.

"And leave Nashi and Sasha behind? That's not happening." Gale said.

"Gale's right. We don't leave our friends behind." Storm said.

"I'm not asking you too, but there's no time for us to wait for the rest of you." Seymour said.

"What are you talking about?" Gajeel asked.

"Sasha has got to be near Dantu by now." Seymour said.

"That's all the more reason for us to stay." Simon said.

"All of you just shut up and listen." Seymour said. "I took Nashi with me because her dragon slayer magic will be useful. The tower will be close to activating. When it does, it will shed this layer and reveal its true form. I'm also worried it could have serious effects on Marigold Town. You all should evacuate the citizens."

"Is he serious?" Nova asked.

"Mother, you would know." Simon said.

"I'm not entirely sure." Erza said. "From what you told me of this Dantu, it sounds like something he would do."

"Just leave Sasha and Dantu to us and make sure you help those town's people." Seymour said.

"Very well." Erza said.

"Nashi, please be careful." Lucy said.

"Don't worry, Mom. I'll be fine." Nashi said and Seymour broke their connection. "I still don't get what you want me to do."

"I need you to help Sasha and defeat Dantu." Seymour said. "Sasha is heading straight to him, but she can't face him. Sasha is driven by her desire for revenge for the pain he's put her through and taking the life of his mother and she's set to carry it through. You've got to help her."

"Not going to happen." Nashi said.

"What?!" Seymour said. "You're not going to help her? You're not going to take part in this fight? I thought you Fairy Tail wizards help each other out."

"Normally I would, but this sounds like something Sasha has to do." Nashi said. "She should be the one to avenge her mother. It's only right that she does."

"No. Sasha can't go near him." Seymour said.

"Don't underestimate her. She's tougher than she looks and she usually looks tough." Nashi said.

"You don't understand. I'm saying Sasha can't go near him." Seymour said.

"I don't understand what you're saying." Nashi wondered.

"It all happened before Loretta helped Sasha escaped." Seymour said. "You see, Loretta actually stole a vital lacrima. This one little lacrima helps stabilize the magic power throughout the tower. Without it, all that magic power will go out of control upon activation and the whole thing will backfire."

"What does that have to do with now?" Nashi said.

"Because there was only one place Loretta believed it to be safe." Seymour said. "She placed it inside Sasha." That was a surprising fact to Nashi and this was getting hard on Seymour. "Loretta put a magic seal on it so it wouldn't affect Sasha. Dantu wasn't aware of that. So when he captured Loretta, he tortured and beaten her so she tell him where it was, but she refused to sell out her daughter. It went on until death claimed her. So Loretta died and never gave Dantu the answer. Sasha doesn't even know herself. I don't know how, but Dantu figured out that it was with Sasha. Do you understand now? If Sasha goes near Dantu, he'll have everything he needs and she could die."

"Why didn't you say that from the beginning?" Nashi said and hurried up the stairs. "I've got to reach Sasha before it's too late."


Dantu relaxed in his chair. He opened his eyes when he sensed another presence and saw Sasha has finally arrived and was ready to face him.

"Sasha! Look at you. You've grown." Dantu said as he got on his feet.

"Don't patronize me." Sasha said as she held up her sword. "I've spent the past ten years waiting for this moment. I became stronger and I came here to end you. You caused me so much pain and suffering and my mother lost her life because of you. This is where I will have my revenge!"

"You're going to kill me? I like to see you try." Dantu said. This is the moment Sasha has been waiting for, but she isn't aware that she's just playing into Dantu's hands. Will she be able to come out alive?
