
Fairy's Dust [under reconstruction]

Taara, a fairy that uses her charm to scam people stumbles upon a peculiar vampire, Lucius while searching for her next target. What happens when she discovers something that changes everything? A mysterious story full of laughter and a sprinkle of love.

BlueBee · Fantasy
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7 Chs

chapter: two

"Lucius are you okay?", the stranger approaches Lucius and starts inspecting every inch of him.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine", Lucius shrugs him off softly then continues "it's just that my card got declined while trying to pay for the medical fees."

"You should have told me, I rushed over here thinking you got hurt", the man exclaims.

"You wouldn't have come quickly though", Lucius mumbles.

Taara observes the two men as they talk to each other. Her mind is full of questions about who this man is and why he rushed over after just a call. Could he be single? Someone as good-looking as him most certainly has a gorgeous partner. If he is single, would he be willing to give fairies a try?

Wait, why wouldn't he? She's Taara. Hands down the prettiest kind of her species. From her deep emerald eyes to her soft brown skin and her beautiful black hair. Every feature of hers is breathtaking. In short, she's a dream come true.

"Wait, if you're not hurt then why do you need to pay medical fees?"

"Oh, it's actually not for me but for this student here"

Taara is lost in her thoughts when she notices the silence around her. Her eyes move from her hands to the two men standing tall in front of her and that's when she notices it.

Yes, both men are the polar opposite of each other but one feature gives away their relationship. Their eyes. They both have eyes of cloudy skies with only a slight difference. One of them has grey eyes with a sprinkle of green and the other has fully grey eyes with no warmth in them.

Someone clears their throat.

"I'm Aziel, the brother of Lucius. He told me all about what happened so don't worry about the medical fees", he smiles.

Taara isn't really listening to him. She is too enchanted by his voice to focus on what is said. His voice feels like a soft symphony dancing around a room. It is so deep and rich, certainly a voice that would surely make anyone fall for him.

A silly smile makes its way up Taara's face as she silently swoons over him. And like any fairy, her wings sprout out of her back when she's overwhelmed with emotions.

Did she hit her head?" Aziel whispers to his brother with questioning eyes.

"Maybe that's why her wings came out?", Lucius shrugs.

The two vampires watch as her wings stand in all their glory not exactly knowing what triggered them to come out.

"It's nothing serious right?", Aziel questions.

"Do I look like a doctor to you?" Lucius replies with a blank face.

"Anyways, let me go pay the fees, and we'll catch up later", Aziel pats his brother on the back before disappearing off.

"Hey, you", Lucius pokes Taara who is still in a trance.

"Move away I'm doing something important", Taara slaps his hand away.

"Does that important thing include you following Aziel's every move?"

"None of your business", she snaps her eyes following Aziel who is walking down the hallway.

"Can you at least stop smiling like that? It's creepy." He knows his brother is good looking but he never expected it to reach a point where it causes weird facial paralysis and malfunction of the wings.

"I still can't believe you're a vampire", Taara mutters.

"Didn't you check my shadow? Like every vampire, I don't have a shadow. Do you want me to show you my fangs?" Lucius pulls his upper lip to expose his sharp fangs.

"Fangs? Anyone can use implants to fake these. Just by looking at you, it's obvious that you're some sort of hybrid."

Lucius can't believe that he's arguing with a stranger about the validity of his species. He knows that it's hard to tell that he's a vampire by his appearance but to have someone deny his explanation is just plain rude.

"If I'm not a vampire then how do you explain the fact that I can feel your blood pumping in your veins? If I wasn't a vampire then I guess my awakening was just a fever dream. If I wasn't a vampire how do you explain the absence of my reflection in mirrors? If I wasn't -"

"Turn into a bat", Taara cuts Lucius's rant.

"Of cour- Wait, what?"

"I said, turn into a bat to prove that you're a real vampire", Taara challenges him.

"She's mental. There is no other explanation for all this", Lucius says to himself before turning to the nearest nurse. "Excuse me, are you sure she didn't hit her head? No? Can you check again? How about transferring her to a mental hospital? Not possible either? Are you sure? Fine."

After Aziel finished paying the bills and he walks back to the emergency room. Aziel is greeted with the sight of Lucius throwing a tantrum.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I can't just magically turn into a bat?", Aziel hears Lucius say while stomping his feet on the floor.

"What's going on?", he asks while approaching the two.

"Took you long enough", Lucius grumbles.

"Why what happened?" Aziel's concerned eyes land on his brother.

"Nothing important", Taara interjects before Lucius can answer. "Thank you so much for paying for my bills, if you give me your phone number I'll contact you as soon as I have the money to repay you."

"No worries, my brother's friend is also my friend", Aziel assures her with that breathtaking smile of his.

"I insist", Taara said.

"I mean if you do, then here is my business card". Aziel reaches into his inner pocket.

Taara starts smiling triumphantly. If she gets his number it will make it easier for her to approach him and maybe get closer to him. If she manages to do that it would only be a matter of time until his savings become hers.

"Here take my business card", Lucius says.


"I was the one who wanted to pay for your medical fees, not Aziel, so pay me back."

"But your brother paid so it would only be right for me to pay him back", Taara points out trying her best to not show her annoyance.

"No, take my business card and pay me back."

"If that's what you want Lucius then I'm fine with it", Aziel puts his business card back in his pocket.

"Okay", Taara says sweetly.

"Let's go?" Aziel nudges Lucius.

"Yeah, let's go."

"How about we give you a ride home Taara?" Aziel suggests. Taara's eyes twinkle with joy. As expected, he's such an angel, unlike that spawn of satan. He didn't just offer her a ride home but he also called her name with those gorgeous lips. She never knew that her name could sound so sweet.

"Don't worry Aziel, she's fine. She has enough money in her purse for a cab, right?", Lucius glares at her.

"Is that right?"

"Yeah, I do but thank you for the offer", Taara says sweetly yet her eyes are cursing every move Lucius does. How dare he ruin her chances of scoring her jackpot. At home, Taara starts her research on the two brothers, specifically Aziel.

But no matter how much she tries to concentrate on her task she can't help but get angry by the thought of how close she was to her goal, but that excuse of a vampire ruined it for her.

"Damn every step you take Lucius!", she groaned.


"Aah!", Lucius trips over his feet and falls on his face. "I need to read some protection spells", he groans.

Hello dear readers, how do you like the story so far? Please share your thoughts and like my story.

Until the next update <3

BlueBeecreators' thoughts