
The Fairy Godmother and the 'Witch'

Still glowering at her dead wand, Jean couldn't help but curse Fate in her head. She just couldn't understand how Fate weighed things. Jean graduated with honors from the most prestigious school of godparents and landed a job in the Institution, only to be ordered around by people who probably couldn't even contribute a single penny to the economy.

Why did Fate choose to give those royalties their grand happily ever afters? Those self-righteous morons who only fed on their parents' or grandparents' name and wealth. They didn't have to waste a single drop of perspiration or even use a single brain cell. But at the end of the day, they'd go home riding their limousines and porsches and whatevers to their happy endings. While the others who worked so darn hard every day…rode taxis.

"So where to, Miss Godmother?" the cabbie asked, glancing at Jean through the front mirror.

"Poison Apple, Witch Street," Jean replied as she placed her wand back inside her coat's pocket.

"Have a job there, Miss?"

"No. I live there."

The cabbie looked at her with bristled brows. "I haven't met a godparent living in Witch Street."

Jean scowled. "Well, hello then. Nice to meet you. Now, do us both a favor and just drive."

She placed much emphasis on the last two words. The cabbie gulped. Since then, he never spoke another word and kept his eyes strictly on the road.

Jean then slouched, raised both legs on top of the back seat, preparing to sleep.


"I'll be home soon."

Jean felt the warm lips of her mother pressed on her forehead. Jean opened her eyes as her mother prepared to leave, her ginger hair brushing against Jean's cheeks as she stood.

"Please don't cry, sweetheart," her mother said, patting Jean's head one last time. "Mom will be home soon."

Jean looked up to the blurry face of her mother. "How soon is soon?"

Her mother smiled. "See you later, Jean."


"Miss!" The frantic voice of a man woke Jean from her dreams. "Miss!"

"Wh…What?" Jean grumbled with a yawn.

"The brake! The brake!" The cabbie was stomping on the brake pedal repeatedly.

Still half-awake, Jean merely stared at him dubiously.


Jean jolted at the cabbie's scream. She stared at the front and realized they were speeding on the deserted road. The taxi swerved right and left as the cabbie clutched the steering wheel tightly, desperately trying to keep them in lane. "You've got to be kidding." Jean immediately grabbed the wand inside her coat.

"Please make it stop! Miss! MISS!"

"Wait!" Jean yelled back, as she stared pleadingly at her lifeless wand. "Please…just this once…Fate, please. Please…please…I don't want to die!"

"MISS! Woman!"

Jean turned to the front, horrified at the sight of a woman about to cross the street.


Jean shut her eyes and waved her wand. "Please…"



The screeching of tires halted. Jean's hands felt for her face, her body, and her breathing chest. She was still alive.

"Miss? Miss!"

Reluctantly, Jean opened her eyes. Apart from the evident bruise on his cheek, the cabbie seemed fine.

"We're okay," Jean breathed. "We're okay."

"Uh…yes. But—" the cabbie gestured in front.

Jean's forehead wrinkled. A mass of long black hair was lying on top of the taxi's hood. She stared at the figure for a few more moments before letting out a shriek.

It was a human!

"Is she dead?" The cabbie was already in tears. "Did we just kill a person?"

Completely stunned, Jean merely gaped at the woman.

Indeed, Jean couldn't understand how Fate decided things. However, there was one thing she was sure about him…He hated her.

(Damn you, Fate.)