
fairies and elves

Fantasy Romance
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What is fairies and elves

Read ‘fairies and elves’ Online for Free, written by the author Martin_Alexis, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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**In a life full of pain, she leaved lonely, even though she had a family. After achieving the second best title in the police service, she was respected by many, but she also got herself some enemies. she was the lady with no friends, because she neither trust nor believed in anyone, after being heart broken. Even the man who made her his fiancee left her, disappearing with the one she called friend. How was she to believe in true love, when it never worked for her. And all she got was a broken heart in return for the love she gives. Abigail, the young energetic police officer, who's the best in drills title holder, hoped to find her Mr right, but how will she know when she doesn't believe in love. **His life had been a mess since he was asked to marry his childhood friend, who had always loved him, but he never did. He did not believe in love, and even if he did, his friend can't be his wife. He accept the proposal nonetheless, hoping to solve a conflict between two families, but the true colors of his wife to be was revealed in no time. Even though he was the CEO of his family's business, he was also COP officers in the Prisons Service. A mask just to find true friends, and also reduce the attention on him. Enoch never knew, that in his quest for peace and friendship, he'll also find the love of his life. How was he to accept his feelings when he never felt like that. And how was she going to stand by him when all she was going to get in his life was pain. Even he didn't know how to make her his, because both of them had someone they were to marry, and yet never believed in true love. __________ __________ Abstract "For goodness sake Tempest we are in the church premises, can't you wait?" She said trying to get away from his holds. "Don't you think it's the best place to give Lia a sister or brother?" He reply while kissing her on the neck and nape. "But you kno.... Mmmmmm... What..... are...... you...... doing....?" Her wards were cut short by Enoch with a kiss on the lips, making her speak in-between kisses. "Just helping the bishops, and I miss my love you know." He reply as he slip his fingers in her skirt unannounced. "Ahhhh..... Hhhhhaaa...... Tempest...... I... Ahhhh.... Am...ahhhh ..... Mmmmm." Abigail gaps for air as if there was no more air in the room as she felt his fingers thrusting in and out of her. She held on to his shirt as if her life on depends on it, standing firm for him to continue. Enoch stopped kissing her so they could breathe in some air, but in just seconds moans and sounds of pleasure feels the room, since his fingers never stop doing it work.

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Xianxia Online

See new novel: Vampire Devouring System ***** Xuan, alias Zero, had been on the verge of being the first player ever to reach Godhood in humanity’s hottest VRMMORPG, Xianxia Online. Even after several years of hard work and training, he failed to comprehend the enlightenment needed to ascend to Godhome. But when disaster strikes Earth and everybody is forced to migrate their consciousnesses into the fantasy world of the VRMMORPG, his progress in the game is wiped clean and he is forced to restart from a blank slate, all over again. Perhaps, however, this was not a bad thing. Perhaps, this was fate giving him another chance. What he failed to comprehend about Godhood may be re-discovered in this new life. Making use of his past knowledge and experience, climbing back to the top was going to be a breeze. Who cares if he didn’t have his legendary artifacts? He’d find new ones and re-obtain his old ones alike. Who cares if he no longer had his powerful cultivation techniques? He’d acquire even better ones in this life. And so, on that day, Xuan swore to himself. Since the Heavens have granted me this opportunity, then I will make the best out of it. Godhood? I will reach it. Power? I will stand at its pinnacle. Witness as Xuan climbs back to the apex of cultivation with the help of the Chaos Scripture! ----- To previous readers of this book who then dropped it later: see the review I left recently. Webnovel Spirity Awards 2022 Submission - please consider using your power stones, golden tickets, and gifts on this novel if you enjoy it! The support helps me a lot ;) ----- Discord: https://discord.gg/g326rUc5Jv Support the author further: https://www.patreon.com/cyclxne Support my friend's cause! https://gofund.me/957b8a05

Cyclxne · Games
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Who killed Dinta??

WHO KILLED DINTA?? ™ As a village gossip, I ran to Isioma father's compound to tell her of the news. "Isioma ezigbo oyim, where are you? Have you heard the latest"? Isioma hurriedly came out of her hut looking confused then she said "Amara I get scared whenever you come to my house to share your news cuz they're always bad ones, it's only your twin sister Amaka that carries good news about with her, so tell me this time around what happened"? "Gbam oya lemme land" I said to her. "Madam land now abi you want me to go inside"? Isioma retorted. "Calm down now Isioma nwa, the most beautiful maiden in our village. Well I came to tell you that Dinta your lover is dead! I said those words without removing my gaze from her, she was moved anyway but she had this strange look on her face, then she told me that if that was all I had to say then I should take my leave. "Take my leave kwa"? I asked her confused. "I want to be left alone so as to mourn my love" she said to me. I wasn't sure I waited to any more word from her before I left her compound. On my way home I passed through the village square and afar I could see recognizable figure moving around the same tree where Dinta and Isioma always stayed and had their love discussions. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that the figure was actually Dinta. I rubbed my eyes a thousand and one times to be sure I was seeing clearly and if course I was. I was alone there, and I became scared I couldn't even talk, then I slowly retraced my steps and Fiiiaaam I ran. I ran ran as fast as my legs could carry me, luckily I had long legs atleast I was sure my legs nearly touched my ears while running. I took another route home, upon my arrival Amaka my twin was eating with my mother. "Ah ah sister this one you are running like a ghost is pursuing you ogini zi"? I ignored her question and made way to go inside the hut, then I heard my name from the compound and I turned, there and right in front of our compound stood Dinta with a frowned face. "Chimuo" I screamed and ran into the hut. Few minutes later I ran outside cuz I had just seen Dinta sitting on my bed. "Sister what is it? Why are you screaming and running about the compound like one seeing a ghost"? I heard my Amaka ask me. " Cant you and mama see him"? I asked admist tears. "See who kwanu"? Mama asked confused. "Dinta oo, mama it's Dinta, he has come to revenge on me, I killed Dinta o". " you did what"? Amaka retorted. "Efuo muo, isi n' i mere gini"?( That igbo statement means; I am finished, what did you say you did? ) I could hear mama say, she was already crying on the floor, then Isioma walked majestically into our compound only for us to hear her say "AMARA YOU DIDN'T KILL DINTA, RATHER I DID". ©AMARACHI LETICIA EDWIN Please add up my new account. The old one was hacked. And please don't be a ghost reader, your comments and reactions matters alot to we writers. Don't forget follow up for more stories coming up by hitting the follow button.

Daoist7AEHQJ · Fantasy
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Blows from her vows

This romance does not only take the readership on an erotic roller-coaster ride of romance but also brew genuine sex feelings as they fathom the goings-on in it. Blows from her vows encompass uncountable sex scenes that will leave the readership gasping for more. It also has the propensity to help and stimulate the sensual moods of whoever shall lay hands on it owing to its extraordinary plot of well-orchestrated threads of hot romantic scenes. BLURB • Title: Blows from her vows • Author: Harry Elvis Mushonga • Genre: Romance/Erotic • Language: English • Rating: +18 Blows from her vows is an intriguing romance that has the propensity to take the readership on a telepathic and electrifying erotic adventure with its well-orchestrated explicit scenes. Jillian is not only a graduate road construction artisan but also a very intelligent boss, a lady with a knack for seducing men of her taste with the artistry of a veteran. Her seductive bait captures the unsuspecting married Jason leading to a scenario of high-sounding promises that blinded the latter to end up neglecting and betraying the trust of his otherwise faithful wife, Delia. Jilian does not only restrict her erotic exploits and grand pledges to nearby Jason but also stretches them to James and Jordan. It so happened that she decided to exchange vows with Jordan and what transpired in the aftermath of this holy matrimony is theatrical and unfortunate. All those sweet and say promises that she makes to her lost lovers would turn out to be ashy and trashy to invite backlash blows left, right, and centre. An out and out, adult-reading-only, romance that will not only intrigue readers but also invoke sexual feelings as if they watching a blue movie. A must-read.

Elvis_Mushonga · Urban
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Mariée au fils du Diable

【Volume 1 - Mariée au fils du Diable】 Un prince, dont la rumeur dit qu'il est le fils du Diable. Il est la définition du Danger. Il est l'incarnation même des Ténèbres. Une princesse. Emprisonnée dans sa propre maison, elle ne doit en sortir que lorsqu'elle se marie. Mais avec qui doit-elle se marier ? *** Il était une fois, le Diable tomba amoureux de l'une des nombreuses épouses du Roi. Une nuit, il se rendit dans sa chambre déguisé en son mari et fit l'amour avec elle. Elle tomba enceinte de son enfant. Connaissant cela, le Roi ordonna son exécution croyant que sa femme l'avait trompé, mais alors le Diable apparut au roi lui proposant un marché. En échange d'un grand pouvoir pour son Royaume, le Roi laisserait sa femme concevoir l'enfant du Diable. Le Roi, avide de pouvoir, accepta l'accord et son Royaume devint l'un des Royaumes les plus puissants et l'enfant du Diable, le septième Prince du Royaume. Être une princesse a probablement l'air agréable. Une vie pleine de luxe, de belles robes et de jolies chaussures, mais pour Hazel, il n'y a rien d'agréable à être une princesse. Elle ne peut jamais sortir du palais, elle ne peut jamais se faire des amis, elle ne peut jamais manger ou dire ou porter ce qu'elle veut et elle ne peut jamais choisir la personne qu'elle va épouser. Bientôt, elle va se marier avec un homme qu'elle n'a jamais rencontré, un prince qui est réputé être le fils du Diable. 【Volume 2 - Retour du fils du Diable】 **Suite de Mariée au fils du Diable** Il est de retour ! Cette fois, plus féroce, plus rapide et plus fort, avec une seule chose en tête. La Revanche ! Prince des Ténèbres, Fils du Diable, Lucian est de retour, et il n'a qu'une chose en tête. La Revanche ! C'est jusqu'à ce qu'il la rencontre. Une femme qui l'attire au-delà de la raison, mais qui prétend également être sa femme. Entouré de secrets sombres et d'ennemis puissants, Lucian doit décider à qui faire confiance et qui détruire. Après avoir eu le cœur brisé une fois, Klara a juré de ne plus jamais tomber amoureuse. Mais lorsque son frère essaie de la forcer à se marier et que l'agaçant mais terriblement séduisant Roshan la sauve, les choses se compliquent. Peut-elle protéger son cœur de l'homme dont le toucher fait prendre feu à son corps ? Ou va-t-elle se rendre à son désir et risquer son cœur une fois de plus ? —————————————————————————————————— 【Volume 3 - Le Diable dans ses Rêves】 LA BÊTE PARMI NOUS Imaginez vivre dans un monde plein d'êtres enflammés et sauvages, se cachant dans l'ombre, errant dans nos rêves, se glissant sous notre peau. Écoutant, manipulant nos esprits et explorant nos corps. Ce sont des sauvages, des bêtes mais certains sont des compagnons et des amis d'enfance. Certains sont dangereux, d'autres le sont encore plus. Ils vivent parmi nous. Certains d'entre nous les appellent des Démons, d'autres des Djinn. Mais certains d'entre eux ne devraient jamais être appelés. LA BEAUTÉ À LA RECHERCHE DE L'AMOUR Heaven, la petite-fille du diable et princesse de Decresh a tout dans la vie. Des parents aimants, la beauté, la richesse et le statut. Mais une chose manque. Et c'est l'amour. Heaven rêve du genre d'amour que ses parents ont et maintenant qu'elle est en âge de se marier, elle doit trouver l'homme de ses rêves et le futur roi de Decresh. Et elle doit le trouver rapidement. Il y a un homme. Un mystérieux étranger aux yeux d'argent qui apparaît constamment dans ses rêves. Qui est il et que veut-il ? Alors que la file des prétendants s'allonge, les rêves de Heaven deviennent plus vifs la forçant à partir en voyage pour trouver l'homme de ses rêves. Pourrait-il aussi être l'homme de ses rêves ? Ou se révélera-t-il être un cauchemar ?

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