

One  mansion . 10 tenants. 10 different races. 1 landlady.

Russian tenant on the 020th  room

Thai tenant on the 400th room

British tenant on the 006th room

Chinese French tenant on the 080th room

Spanish tenant on the 100th room

American tenant on the 101th room

Italian tenant on the 013th room

Japanese tenant on the 150th room

Korean tenant on the 107th room


Half Jewish on the 019th room

Different home town, different personalities. They may stay in the same place, yet they aren't different from strangers. Though, they're civil towards each other at first and prefers to mind each other's own businesses.

But one day, it all changed .

After discovering each other's secrets, and after being targeted one by one with the same enemy, they were forced to work together. The strangers were no more strangers. They became each other's friends and acquaintances.

Will they succeed? Or everything will fall apart and destroy them whole?