
failed summoner

Each person is born with an innate grimoire - one that has the ability to house other worldly creatures which can grant its summoner extraordinary power, your grimoire determines your very existence so what is to come of a boy with unusual circumstances which lead to him not receiving the very staple of society. At the age of 16 each person is finally able to manifest said grimoire and is finally able to preform a binding ritual.

White_obama · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Ch 2: A familiars call

After hearing that call i followed its voice, it kept leading me further and further, after hours - maybe more, the sheer insanity of the situation kicked in, my fatigue kicked in, I didn't sleep for what felt like a month and yet i pressed on, the only thing powering me was rage, pure disdain, the hope for revenge was the only thing keeping me alive. Words kept filling my head i didn't understand them but i felt them, i felt the rage coming from them, it mirrored my own maybe its the one supplying me with it and maybe its the one who brought me here, i cant tell what his rank is but its overwhelming, its suffocating. I powered through, numb to my own pain, was it pain? It didn't matter. I had to keep moving. After a perilous journey, i reached my destination. The closer i got the stronger and clearer the voice was, i felt it and now i know, I'm wrong his hatred didn't fuel me, his flames did, it was a flame spirit. Its horns, Its talons, Its feathers - its a creature of myth, I've never seen anything like it nor has anyone else, its a creature extinct to the human realm, or so it told me. It spoke to me in a raspy voice,.

"Lend me your grimoire and in turn i shall lend you my strength"

"don't have one" I replied 

"That's rare, but not an issue, i can take over your body and fulfill your wish"

"No, I'll take your power for my self"

The creature grew agitated, it was clear but that did not matter. I had leant something of the demons in this world, they gain power from eating one another. I was curious of what would happen if a human were to eat a demon, it was either curiosity or desperation, i had to cave in and ate some, it was my only source of nutrition the carcass of a demon, after I ate it I felt power, extreme power - insane power. I understood that in that moment I would have to do something that's considered worse than a crime - a cardinal sin. I submitted to my fate. I committed a sin - a cardinal sin; its unforgivable. Monsters kill monsters, I became a monster, I used a claw from a decaying monster, I killed it. I ate it. My right arm was brandished with my transgression, my arm took on a sinister red glow, in direct contrast, the rest of my arm turned pitch black, it looked different but i felt overwhelming power in return, my soul was being engraved with the spirits knowledge, and also its spells, I learned everything about it - its species. I gained a lot. After the spirits information I found out what it wanted to show me, a gate back to my own world.

"What is it?" Upon further investigation, I recognized the insignia. The magic school for those rich powerful snobs. It was a summing ritual for 'late bloomers'. At that moment i understood what i had to do, I was going to hitch a ride onto the summoners next spirit. after a short while i heard thumping, followed by three sets of roars. walking up to the circle and quickly scanning it, I saw a set of runes equating to 14, after realizing this I knew this wasn't going to be easy, the mage on the other side of the portal was powerful - very powerful; After several minutes I felt the ground shaking, thumping and the sound of roaring flames. It's flames have range. It hit me, I lost an arm, but not for long. The spirit engraved its spells on me, it's innate ability's were un - believable although that is expected of a phoenix, i ran towards the light, my salvation. I got in.