
Ch. 42 Wave 300

After almost thirteen days in the quest and regular chat with Avery, Ela and a very chatty Anna. As for Affie and Crys knowing I'm currently in my trial they are not really talking to me until I tell them I'm done afraid they might interrupt me mid fight and cause me to fail my trial before when I could have gotten. I've already surpassed both their original times as after years of preparing and with the gear from their families the two managed to get to 9 and 12 days. Affie only made it to 9 because she lacks any real damage attacks and could only heal and get beaten to pulp for 9 days and making sure to kill 100 monsters... But she finally fell when the enemies stacked into the hundreds of thousands and a bunch managed to land ranged attacks on her from the air at once. As for Crys she died due to exhaustion. As she only managed to get a three minute break before each wave and simply didn't manage to recover enough stamina. At the end of the 299 wave I expected a timer to pop up but only heard a roar... Smiling I realized... No more break time... I only get to rest while waiting for them to approach now... The 300th wave coming instantly after the 299th... I then spent the next 444 waves with no company slowly becoming more and more exhausted as the enemies become stronger. At the 444 wave I'd already stopped paying attention to the ticker and continued on until I finally passed out dead tired and got swarmed by enemies whilst remaining entirely still I healed myself repeatedly with my mana before getting back up when I ran out and killing off the extras... then my stamina began to take breaks as my mana was used to restore my health tanking the enemies after a certain amount of time I wasn't able to kill the enemies quick enough between my breaks and ended up finally dieing due to running out of mana when I had to heal excessively...

As I floated without a body in the backness of the void I can't help but wonder what it'd be like if companions were allowed to enter the trial grounds... Yawning I look at my normal swordsmanship skill that I technically acquired after the first wave and saw it slowly changing color from white to green to blue to purple to dark orange then to a very dark shade of emerald... Smiling I realize I had a unique version of the skill... looking at the skill level I shudder a little as it's at level 300... Unlocking the second Sword Breaker title. Then looking at the bloodlines I debate whether to use the 345 legendary, 3457 epic to make my bloodline but then I sign... The longer I wait the better the skill can get yes my talent have all hit level 100 but I can always get a good bag and expand my inventory further then get more bags... Looking at the other stacks of skins and the none sword related bloodlines along with other random shit in my inventory I can't help but sigh... I had to skip so many bloodlines towards the end as my inventory was just to full for more and if I filled it completely I'd have to drop some or just never get the ones I already had to higher levels... My inventory cap after getting packmule to level 100 ended up being 5000 slots... And I've only got the two slots free right now... Looking at the bag slot I sigh I need to make a bag soon... I can clear up a few thousand slots with the farmers method of getting rid of all the epic bloodlines at which point it should be in the legendary rank at which point depending on the quality I may choice it over the saint bloodline for my main ingredient... Sighing I look at my complete set of four legendary bloodlines for the vampire idea... and I sigh... I'ma need a sloth stone... If I can fuse them properly without turning them into a unique bloodline it'll all be worth it... Looking at the auction house the only realistic option for the sloth stone I can't help but sigh... I have enough money... After years of farming monsters none stop and dropping a few coins a piece I can pretty comfortably afford the 10 million gold for the sloth stone... As it's a super rare immortal level ingredient it's always sold for a lot but they are commonly being sold simply because they have no value to most people. As they are used to break a rule of the game they have extreme value to NPCs as they allow them to fuse something at peak legendary grade and create a none unique object. Which is one of the most valuable materials available... However to do it the farmers method you need to catch a pet through the hunter path and force it to evolve it's bloodline through that method and then sacrifice your pet for the bloodline. To do it with the legendary grade bloodlines I'd need a very strong pet and that would require me to spend time leveling it... Which is why the method is so unused as you need to be heartless and have access to the hunter path... Which means no choicing a path having a unique class or being a hunter path player... Meaning hunters and children as unique classes aren't public knowledge so probably pretty rare... I only know of that option seeing as I am that option... Sighing I head to the local hunter trainer who is a ameteur himself unlike the sword path trainer it's just a young hunter captain who is the trainer. He can't even send people to a trail you need to hear to a different town to complete your hunter trail... Many towns have the same issue some of them won't go to the master level some won't go to the normal level and some won't go to the expert level it's really a random series of bad luck depending on where you go... I had to check to see if this town had a warrior trainer before choicing to head to this map before... So I always knew it had one of the saint level trainers. Who seems to either be a slut or just really into banging the very talented. And I'd assume her daughter shares her preferences whichever they are... I guess I'll discover that when I got to their house... Finally glancing at the quest notification after training in the pet taming skill. I sigh and head out. To hunt down a sword fiend which shouldn't be so hard in a undead themed map... while demons aren't undead they commonly end up thrown into the map as they aren't officially enemies... After finding a sword fiend which is a demon... I knock it unconscious and drag it out into the woods... No you can't tame demons... But if you take a sword fiend into a forest and tie him up and let him bleed another creature with a sword bloodline with come... At the first attempt I got lucky and found a small bird type sword bloodline creature after sneaking up on it feasting on the poor demon I manage to cast and finish the tame skill before he notices me while happily gorging on his meal after the small ethereal chain launches out the moment the thirty second wait is up it binds the creature as our agility stats are tested by the creature trying to break the chain by pulling out of its range... I easily pin the bird to the ground before it can even bolt off into the sky and then the int test starts as it immediately finishes being tamed. The int test is considered part of the ability test if you have a lower int you can still tame the creature as long as it can't escape the range of the skill it just requires a much longer time of chasing it... Looking at the sword related beast I sigh and then head off to hunt down a ton of hundreds whilst waiting for the beast to reach it's skill level cap unlike the battle companion pet the player pets don't start at level one nor do they immediately scale to your level on taming they just drop 10 levels from their original level and you have to level it up to your level then they scale along with your level if you lose a level or gain a level your pet will as well. As the little birdie started off over my level it will never be able to scale to my level even if we meet at the same level it's considered a rule break to tame over your level but like the sloth stone it's not a big deal to do it it just makes the connection between the two extremely weak. It's called a temporary pet contract by most. Usually lasting a few hours to a week. Depending on the stat differences in int... Seeing as my stats scale how they do and I'm now level 13 due to killing along the way I can't help but sigh at the four month timer the birds contract is given... after many hours of training I get it's level up to it's swordsmanship cap which puts it at level 50. As it doesn't have master level swordsmanship but appears to have expert level swordsmanship... After that I feed it the sloth stone then grab the legendary bloodlines one by one and feed it to the bird as a window pops up showing a list of all the fusing bloodlines and letting me pick the main one. After all the legendary level sword bloodlines I dump in the four peak legendary vampire bloodlines risking the chance of the bloodlines breaking... due to the imbalances due to my lack of sloth stones... Then I minimize the fusion window and put away the hunter pet in the limited slots I get with the skill. The go and tame one more sword creature and feed it the ton of epic grade bloodlines and then sacrifice it to get a peak legendary grade bloodline called Myriad Sword Saint Blood. Taking that I then take out the bird that I had specifically done out of order to allow the bird to slowly get used to the bloodlines before they fuse as the pressure during fusion will be raised immensely... After feeding it the last bloodline I press fuse and hope the poor creature doesn't explode... As the light fades from the birds figure I can't help but take a deep breath of relief... Success... Looking at the bird with a sword pattern on it's chest I then bring it to the stone alter I sacrificed the other creature on... I apologize to the little bird and end it's life before I get attached. Successfully obtain the Bloodthirsty Sword King Bloodline. An unlabeled quality legendary bloodline... Sighing I can't help but smile... next up I need to get the bag and use this as my core for my final bloodline. Seeing as I only get the one bloodline I'ma need to use all three of my trial chances to make the perfect bloodline... Then I bother to head to the leather working shop in the local town and go to the tannery and use all the leather based stuff and spacial ingredients to forge a bag sacrificing my intention to forge the bloodthirsty armor set... And figure I can always gather all those mats again later and fuse them with the four bloodlines to get a proper growth equipment set... After fusing all the leather stuff together I begin to shape the leather into a bag and then spend the next three hours making the enchantments needed to make a growth type bag... in the end I check the info for item.

*[Myriad Skin Pouch: Level 1] Unique grade bag - Slots: 10 - As it was made with countless different kinds of skins any leather or spatial ingredient can be fused with it to increase the space inside.

Leather materials for slot growth: 10 Normal grade for 1 slot, 2 Uncommon grade for 1 slot, 1 epic grade for 10 slots, 1 legendary grade for 100 slots. 1 Unique grade for 1000 slots.

Spatial Points: 0/10

With each level of the bag, the space from materials will raise as the requirement for slots will fall for lower grade objects.*