
Ch. 26 Conspiracy Foiled

It took about a day of none stop murder to finish off the succubus army at which point I dealt with the 50 naked hot mamas. Who were rather simple to defeat at that point. Then I walked my way into the next passage that was... Sigh... Blocked by a pussy shaped door that can only be opened by pulling a hidden cock shaped level... I refused to touch it... Luckily I found some trash that the boss dropped and managed to Indie Anna Jones that there level into it's upright and saluting position before immediately throwing the whip away as it was trying to snake it's way back to me... Luckily for my heart or my ass the whip went inactive when it left my hand... Then I looked at the choker... Which weirdly made me loose all the respect I had for the boss... This dude has a voice changing choker... It doesn't have to change from a dude to a woman but it is a woman's garment... So... I figure eh maybe Ela will like it... Who by the way freaked me out recently when she finally sent me a photo of her naked in bed with the duchess which was pretty normal it happens on like a daily basis but she included the duchesses face this time... Which shouldn't be surprising as we met... But I saw a different woman... So after much discussion with Ela then Affie and Crys I discovered something strange and decided to back track a bit and step out of the castle to go to a nearby building in the abandoned ton... The smithy... Ignoring the ghost... Yep ghost here just forging equipment... Granted the equipment is also a ghost? Idk maybe it's an item spirit all I know is everything including the hammer the anvil and the blade are transparent and floating... So I go to the regular forge and anvil which have taken on a lot of dust and take a few minutes to get them working before I toss in the compass.

As that is heating up I take out the glasswork Clay and moosh it up into a nice square shape before taking out a cooking knife and chopping it down the middle before wiping the cooking knife and sticking it in the forge for a couple seconds then putting away... Fire disinfects all things... Whilst not being creepy I begin to follow the system guided advise on the mold whilst making the occasional tweakes here and there just for customization sake and finally I've made the glass work mold... The moment both halves were properly shaped I refused the option to finish and went over it twice more before I was sure it was perfect... Then I accepted the final condition of the mold and then took out the enchanted tray the compass was sitting on grab the pliers and rip out the glowing blue stone before putting the metal in a bit longer and pouring it into the funnel tube of the joined halves of the mold before I pulled it back out and had to chip out the glasswork Clay that is inside the compass now seeing as it needed to harden around something. So after many hours of carefully shatter the glasslike clay I managed to clean it of clay before I heated the whole thing up again and gave it some small changes to it's shape before I cooled it and shaved off some issues related to the part where the funnel came in and then turned the nub there into a metal look for a necklace. After I was all done with that I looked at the detailed diagram for the magical symbols and spent a few hours in the forums researching some of then runes in it before I found the bit I needed to take out and then spent an entire day revising it so as not to break the balance of the artifact I then had to remake the symbols on the frame of the compass both inside and outside. With my knowledge of enchanting it wasn't hard but the main difficult part was ensuring that I had perfectly removed the soul bound status and rebound it to myself. Then I grabbed the soul stone that after I removed those runes and changed them had it's named changed from "Item Soul Stone" to...

*Soul of Bjorn the Necromancer* You see after my conversation with Affie about that night she already knew something was wrong as she knew the guard that were present were never even allowed to approach the tent let alone raise their weapons against Affie's and Crys' child the duchess herself would have likely had the guard fired and in stocks before dawn if such a thing occured... At least that's what Affie told me when I finally realized that something was wrong due to Ela's teasing... What I later figured out is most of that knight was a illusion caused by the compass. The story especially the compass never allowed me to see actually see the duchess or her guards and the duchess never had the compass... Which after many discussion back and forth between me the real duchess and Ela we figured out what it actually was... It was something Alex and Affie's party destroyed many years ago. After Bjorn killed Alex's mother who had escaped him because of what he did to Alex's older half sister and married the Duke, the Duke and many neighboring countries forces came together to wipe out the then Count Bjorn Vred T'es... Hearing his middle name gave me goosebumps as to what might have happened if I met this Vred dude whilst carrying the still active compass that Bjorn's soul had control over... Anyways after the duke many neighboring countries came together they managed to prevent Bjorn from resurrecting Alex's mother as a monster. Bjorn went crazy and ran off into the woods before screaming he'd be back... As for the "compass" after the duke and his party of allies chased the then crazed Bjorn into the woods and were all butchered only a single guard managed to make it back shouting about how Bjorn was immortal at which point Alex remember what her mother used to tell her about the "compass" that the evil count drew all his power from his phylactery a piece of his very soul saved away to make sure he could never die. So along with Affie, Crys, and their then party of three other women they journeyed into the woods and killed a vampire who was guarding the now abandoned castle and found the compass and managed to destroy it... Or at least they thought they did... Seeing as it ended up in my hands and Bjorn was gonna use me to fix it and resurrect him it can be considered to have no been totally broken... Luckily Ela is so obviously trying to get me to sleep with her or I'd have had some serious issues... Looking at the soul fragment of Bjorn I debate destroying it before I get an evil idea... I rush back into the castle and find the disgusting whip... ha... First I destroy it real quick and then remove most of the whip... turning that shit into a dildo... Reforging it into the perfect soul containers for a dickhead like Bjorn... Now I just need... another super gay pervert like maybe the last two bosses... Hmm... Probably not gonna find those again... Ah... My eyes flashed as I remembered a message on the forums about this abandoned town... Of course other people have been here they have probably even killed all the bosses but unless they do it as part of a quest they will just respawn... Basically I am destroying this map... Lol... anyways I quickly find the reported pervert ghost... It's an old man ghost who common attacks other old men and women. Of course he seems to favor other ghosts but those ghosts have the common sense to avoid the area. Luckily the dude is willing to completely ignore me but will I pulled out the dildo the guys eyes lit up like a fire cracker... As a ghost and a person with a fetish for old people he would of course like a dildo with the soul of a few hundred year old man... The old man quickly rushed at me to attack but I have a agenda for this plan so I fight back and quickly beat the old ghost into submission... Literally he dropped trow and turned around which made me pick the creepy old fuck up by his throat and jam the dildo into his mouth as I demanded the object I wanted as payment... Despite being a serial rapist of the elderly this guy is actually the ghost faction in this towns main reputation vendor... and while it's not possible to cheat him out of anything unique to the faction a ghost based resource isn't impossible so I managed to get a few things... One I managed to purchase the living fire I technically needed for the quest despite having cheated by using the living fire from the ancient blacksmith shop... It is technically possible to steal that fire if you can survive the blacksmith ghosts fury... Who is possibly a god... No one really knows all we know is he has one hit every insta killing any one that does anything wrong to his blacksmith shop... Technically your not even meant to be able to use that shop unless you are undead or a ghost which are things you can be in the game... But I killed all the guards to get to the dungeon and the ghost faction isn't necessarily hostile to the living. So he just ignored me unlikely the vampires and skeletons. If I met a vampire or skeleton that's an NPC like him I'd die instantly... Luckily all those guys have been flagged multiple times on the forums... So... yeah easy to avoid... Well not the head guard of the town... He's kinda got a patrol. Which makes me an annoying issue and the dude insta kills everyone too. As this is kinda the main city for the undead faction of course there's a bunch of mobs here that insta kill any none undead in the wrong area. However since it's also got a few dungeons and important none undead quest lines going through it not all the guards will do that... Which is honestly how all town work one man's town is another man's cluster of dungeons... unless it's a player city a city is just a super raid if your in the wrong faction. Winning the raid means becoming the owner of the city and a faction leader in your chosen faction. Of course being a faction leader comes with some serious responsibility... As it then becomes impossible for the player to leave his castle unless during war times but he can still can exp from troops under his command and people completing quests in his territory issued by him however there's technically only 4 faction leaders in the game that are players. It's insanely hard to become one.

My little family of 5 doesn't have any faction religion or side in general so most none hostile races will ignore or welcome us but not give us certain quests. If they are hostile towards our race that's a different story they kill on site... We are all human of course... After the purchase of the soul fire I also purchased a town map and and the soul searing grass. The town map works a bit like a registry of residence that are ghosts. As ghosts existence to complete something they regretted not doing in life most ghosts will advertise what they need to do to the other ghosts in the hopes of achieving peace.