
A Warning

"I might get myself some neon coffee."

I thought to myself while walking through the town square. Neon coffee is the traditional drink of Malania it changes colors and its very bubbly, Makes you feel all fuzzy inside. "Hey Eri?"

I heard Saige call from my shoulders.

"Yeah what's up?"

"What's going on over there?"

I turned to see a crowd of people whispering and talking to themselves. Scornful faces filled with fear and disappointment. I knew that look, and it almost always made me angry.

"I don't know..."

I gently took her from my shoulders and held her in my arms.

"Keep your head on my shoulder kay?"

She nodded and I carefully walked closer to see something that made me gag a little but I composed myself. [ There was a guy, no, the corpse in front of me was barely a man. There were flesh wounds, his eyes were gauged out, some of his fingers were missing and the ones that weren't were either heavily mutilated or cut. A message carved out in his chest, "You're next." The corpse looked fresh and the smell was horrid. Even with no eyes I could feel the sorry stares from the corpse engraving into my brain. He was far from at peace. ] I held Saige closely trying to calm her mind as she clung on tight to me and buried her face into my shoulder. I recognized him he was one of the few people that went on the outside. Not even a minute later a blood curdling scream arose from the outer side of the crowd.

"LET ME PASS!" "LET ME SEE MY BABY!" There was a woman who seemed to be in her late 50's pushing her way through the crowd.

"My son....my baby...why did you leave?"

collapsing at his side and wailing while two young ladies came to comfort her.

"This is wrong...how could someone do this to anyone?" I thought to myself as I turned and continued to Saige's school. [ I didn't need her seeing more of that and I couldn't stand seeing any more either. When we arrived I put her down wiped her tears and tried my best to make her smile, I gave her some candy and told her to call me if she ever needed me. I had a few minutes left to spare before I would go to the academy. I needed to get stronger if I'm going to leave this restrictive dome. I needed to stop this, only I could care less about the people living here. It may sound selfish but my main priorities are my family, friends, my girlfriend and my freedom. Something none of these people want nor deserve. If what I saw back there was all there was to it I wouldn't want to Ieave would stay. My morals aren't the best and I'm scared of what might happen when I do leave but, I need to find a cure for ma.]

"HEY! XI!"

I could recognize that voice anywhere.

"Hey flower."

She ran to me and started attacking my face with kisses.

"I missed you!"

"I missed you too."

I smiled. [ Kaya has been getting a lot of offers because of her abilities and as a result is never really at the academy. I'm happy for her, she might become an amethyst, though it would mean less time together. If she gets to that point, her skills and rank would become so valuable.I think she deserves it, unlike me she wants to help these cowards. ]

"So when is your next trip?"

I asked trying to keep up with her schedule.

"Oh, well I declined this one..."

She said looking down.


"I wanted to spend more time with you.." She replied.

[ I looked at her, she's so precious, she deserves to see more than just the town square or the little attractions in our stupid bubble.]

"I understand but its a big thing for you isn't it?"

I asked looking at her long rose gold hair which the sun rays illuminated.

"There'll be more opportunities Xi, for now we should get to class it's about to start soon!"

She kissed me on the cheek before running off. [ I wish we had the same classes then it wouldn't be so hard to see her. If I didn't say it before I'm a green mage, yes I know it sucks.]


I sighed. [She's right I shouldn't be late, but all they teach us is basic survival skills and how to grow minuscule house plants and talk to animals. Anyone with eyes could see the blatant attempt to not teach green mages their abilities. Unfortunately for them, I've been taking a few classes on my own. Kaya brought me these books and I didnt understand why I couldnt find it in any of the academy's libraries. She told me her dad had them stacked somewhere and she just thought I'd enjoy it as a gift. I took the long route so I could go sight-seeing and still be early, maybe I could practice a bit of magic in private. I cant help but feel like I'm a burden to her, she's just so organized and already has her future intact. I love walking through the path. Its so beautiful, which is why I decided to become a green mage to be closer to nature.]

"Hey pretty birdie, I brought you some seeds from the town!"

I heard a familiar voice say. I stopped staring at the flowers and walked a bit further down the trail to see if my suspicions are correct. I cautiously peeked from behind the tree.

"Well this is something I never thought I'd see."


Jax_the_starcreators' thoughts