
Faded Colors- An Ink Sans Story

Imagine if you couldn't feel any emotions. Nothing. You get a bad score? Nothing. You lose something

aimenhamid2007 · Video Games
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3 Chs

3- Two Radical Bruhs

"You doin' good there, bruh?"

Ink jumped up with a jolt, (as much as someone can jump while floating), fumbling for Broomie. "Who is it! How did you get here?", he exclaimed while juggling the giant paintbrush and accidentally tangling himself up in his ridiculously long scarf in the process. "Great…Hey, can you not attack me until I untangle myself? It's kind of sad if you try to kill me while I'm stuck in my scarf… That's…kinda pathetic, for both you and me." Ink said, trying to reason with this stranger, and free himself from the prison of his scarf at the same time.

"Bruh! Me, attack you? Dat's real insultin'! Da Bruh never attacks anybody w/out deir consent!"

The Bro? Ink had heard that…title…before. For a certain Sans called…

"EPIC! It's you! Well…I've never met you before… only seen you from distance, observing. Wow, that sounded creepy, didn't it? 'Observing'… I really need to ask Blue how to greet potential friends…although…he might just tell me to challenge them to a fight and then they'll suddenly become your friend. Fresh, then? He's pretty friendly! Nah… I don't want to start talking like I'm part of the Beatles…"

During this long and frankly useless rant, Epic had been staring, perplexed, at the struggling Ink, who was still tangled in his body-length scarf. This was the protector of Alternate Universes?? Epic turned his back on Ink, thinking again about why he was here.

'Someone sent mah here, right? But wut for…' he thought, apparently having forgotten why he was here in the first place.

"Wassup, broseph! Funny seeing you here,Epic! I thought that ya couldn't travel between AUs?"

For the second time in minutes, Ink leaped up in bewilderment at all these sudden voices and people appearing in the Doodle Sphere.

For stars sake! This was supposed to be a safe haven! Nobody else could access the Doodle Sphere except for Ink and Error! And Error wasn't even supposed to be able to come here, let alone two other Sanses!

Maybe the sphere had been breached…and here was Ink, tangled up in his scarf like an idiot… Anyone could try to kill him right here and now! Ink curled up in a ball, still floating in the air, and thought of possible ways they could attack him, and how to deflect them.

Ink squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for impact.

Wait…they…weren't trying to hurt him?

Why not! Ink silently fumed. He was helpless, entwined in his prison of a scarf. How had he never noticed how long the darn thing was?! It was literally almost twice as long as himself! Why had this never happened to him before??? And why now?

He scolded himself. He was going off track again! He had to focus on the situation at hand!

What was it again? Ink heard the sound of people conversing behind him; oh yeah! The two intruders! But…the thing was… why weren't they trying to fight him?

It wasn't that Ink was scared…far from it, actually. He was…kinda immortal. It was the fact that these two were powerful enough to enter the Sphere, and also the fact that. He. Was. Still. Mixed Up. In. His. Stupid. Scarf.

Ink growled, a low note in his throat. The two infiltrators jumped, surprised at the sound.

"Umm,Bruh...Did…did'ja make that…sound?" 'Epic' asked.

"Kinda scary for such a non-intimidating dude!" the other one interjected. Ink still had no idea who it was, but the speech pattern sounded familiar…

"Yeah! I…made that sound! Because I'm mad! And I'm not a friendly guy when I'm mad! You don't want to see me angry! So…it'd be best for you two if you…assisted… me with the untangling of this gosh darn scarf!"

The two unwanted Sanses looked at each other, bewildered. "…No offence, bruh, but I feel like I'm being threatened by a cupcake." Epic announced, smirking a bit.

The other Sans started sniggering too. Soon, all-out heart laughter was filling the Doodle Sphere. Ink felt…happy… somewhere inside, that laughs were being exchanged inside the Sphere instead of death threats, but he was hit (once again) that these guys were intruders and shouldn't be exchanging giggles right now. His eyes, which had briefly flickered to yellow, turned a deep purple again.

"Look…I'm just going to say it…why…aren't you trying to attack me? I'm literally helpless right now, and I don't even know how the other one of you looks like. Plus, I can't reach Broomie, so, this is really the best chance that you have to kill me…not that you'll succeed or anything…just saying? That's…what intruder-people usually do?? Um…have I watched too many human movies? Also, I'm just taking a wild guess here, but…is the other one Fresh? Cus you kind of sound like him?"

Epic and Fresh (for yes, it was he) looked at each other, squeezing back more laughter. Fresh sighed, shaking his head. "Broski…Why would we try ta kill ya? And your rad guess was correct-a-mundo. It is I, Fresh!"

Epic poked his head over Ink, even though he still couldn't see anything out of the thick fabric of the sTiLL tAngLeD sCaRf. "Bruh, like I said, I don't attack peeps widout deir prior 'ye'. Plus, idk if u have anything going for ya! Nothin' gud would come outta killin' ya."

Ink frowned, unsure whether he had just been insulted or complimented. "Yes... that's all very good…BUT CAN YOU PLEASE HELP ME FREE FROM THIS COLD PRISON OF SCARF."

"K Bruh! Wait a sec tho! Dis might hurt!"

"Wait a second? Why in the Stars would it hur-" Ink paused abruptly as he felt something rubbery smack on the top of his skull with a 'Squawk!'.


Epic was holding a rubber chicken aloft in one of his gloved hands, grinning from ear to ear?? Ear-canal to ear- canal??

"Are you serious…That was the most pathetic thing I've ever seen" Ink muttered, his already seething anger boiling into something worse. He was only being a jerk because he, the 'creator' of universes, was wrapped up like a burrito in his scarf while two goofy onlookers, possibly invaders, were observing him. He had to ask for help from these two wackos and had ended up getting booped on the head with a rubber chicken. He wasn't damaged physically, but his pride had certainly taken quite a big one. Could this day get any worse?


Yes, it could.

Ink sensed Fresh bristle. This one… he was interesting. There was something behind those rad glasses that he wore (Quite literally) that made Ink curious and, frankly, suspicious.

Fresh chuckled. "Stop messing around, Broski. Not rad to insult Epic here's chickens, ya know?? But here, really, I'll help ya"

Fresh reached out for Ink, who automatically went on guard. Ink hoped that Fresh wasn't like Dream, able to detect emotions. Well, fake emotions.

"…Ya good Broski? I'm not gonna hurt ya…"

Apparently he could.

Ink was hating Fresh a bit more with every passing minute. Why was he treating him like some sort of scared animal??

"I'm NOT scared. Just hurry up and HELP ME. Do you know how long I've been in this position? I can't feel my legs anymore. Do you know how unhealthy that could be?"

"Bruh…" Epic interjected "Ya do know dat u don't have legs? U have leg..bones?"

Ink's eyes twitched. His pupils were quickly being replaced by darker reds and greens.


"Finally… Freedom…That took so long that I feel like I aged 20 years…" Ink grumbled, cracking his back with Epic and Fresh looking on, wincing. "SO!" He said happily, his demeanor changing drastically. "Why and how did you get in here?"

"Oh…well…" Fresh and Epic glanced at each other, apparently tense.

"Bruh, ya know dat black skele guy? With tear-tingys goin' down his face? Ya, I forgot the bruh's name, buh im pretty sure dat he sent us here. I think dat he sent Fresh here b4 meh? Cus he gave me no context, just said 'Go to this place, someone will be waiting for you'. So yea, pretty bruh-spicous. Anyways, I think he was calle- "

"ERROR!" Ink yelled suddenly, frightening the 2 other skelebois.