
Chapter 19

Pancakes. Pancakes with crispy bacon and syrup.

I wake up to the smell of my dad's Saturday morning specialty. The sudden pang of hunger literally makes me nauseous, as if I haven't eaten in forever.

What did I have for dinner last night?

My appetite is gone in an instant, as the events of the evening come back to me.

Oh yes, that's right. I didn't have time to eat. I was too busy having my clothes ripped off by a pack of psychotic girls.

And after I went to sleep... I had the dream, but it was different.

No. That wasn’t a dream.

That was a memory.

My mind wanders to the shadowy shape in front of the bus just before we went over the cliff. I'd never noticed that before. I'm sure it didn't really happen. There couldn't have been anyone there. Just my dreaming mind adding little embellishments to my memories, as if the actual event wasn't already horrifying enough.