

Five years after being kidnapped and ens*aved in a city full of Witches, I became the only male Witch in the world!

VadVitchVelat · Fantasy
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126 Chs



Why do happy moments pass by so quickly?

Time passed by with no time to catch it, like sand slipping through the cracks of one's hands.

We wake up every day and eat breakfast together.

Amelia's cooking wasn't very good.

Amelia also knew this, so she mainly made food that brought out the natural taste of the ingredients rather than using grandiose tricks.

Fried eggs, bacon, sausage, bread, etc.

After breakfast, we packed a lunch and went out somewhere until lunch.

Because I decided to do one special thing every day.

Some days, we took an easel, a canvas, and a pencil and sat on a hillside in a barley field that had grown unevenly due to lack of maintenance and drew pictures together.

On some days, I play the violin and give a concert just for Siwoo.

On other days, we fished or swam together in a nearby lake.

Climb up on the roof, lie side by side and look at the stars together,

Washing bed sheets by stepping on them in a basin full of bubbles,

Sometimes we bought ingredients and made apple pie together in the oven in a separate building.

Amelia shared all the warm days she received from her teacher with Siu.

Every day was a very precious and shining moment.



"You seem dazed today."

"I was thinking about something else for a moment."

Amelia shook her head and looked at Siu.

He was sitting at the table sorting out formulas that had become much more difficult than before.

Now Amelia couldn't read properly without his explanation.

I don't know if it was another witch's magnetic magic, but the magic he was researching had a very unique color.

Moreover, once he lost his emotions, it feels like his color became even more intense.

"It's okay if you don't have to be next to me. "Now I can do it on my own."

"no. Still, sometimes things get stuck."

Siwoo's voice became thicker.

More than half of the medicine bottle was empty, and he looked like a young man who had just gone through puberty.

He still looks a bit young, but as the days go by, he becomes more similar to the Siwoo that Amelia knew.

"If you're tired, it's okay to sleep first."

"No, I am a witch. "I'm not this tired."

"But you've been sleeping a lot lately."

"I guess I've developed a habit. "But you don't have to sleep."

Amelia, who had not slept for at least a week or as long as several months, had suddenly become a witch with a consistent sleep pattern.

"Isn't it because you feel lonely without me?"

Some time had passed since Amelia and Siwoo stopped sleeping in the same bed.

This is because Si-woo, who was growing more and more every day, felt that he was male and refused to sleep with her.

Si-Woo pretends to be calm, but asks as if he is embarrassed.

He seemed to slightly regret even saying this.

"Is that so?"


Amelia's words make Si-Woo, who was embarrassed, even more embarrassed.

The words came out as if they were flowing without being filtered by the brain.

Siwoo opened his mouth blankly, and Amelia stared at his face.

Now, the adjective that he looks like a child is an awkward look.

That little boy has grown up like this.

In reality, we've only been together for about a month, but it feels like we've been together for a very long time, perhaps because I've watched him grow up from when he was young to now.

If it was such a happy time, it wouldn't be strange if a year felt like just one day.

"sorry. "It was a joke."

"Was Siwoo like that too? "I was joking too."

Amelia leaned her head on the desk and laughed, and Siwoo turned his head, cupping his hand under his chin for no reason.

I cleared my throat.

Perhaps because so many memories were being reconstructed with such dense density, each day truly felt like a year to Siwoo.

When I just closed my eyes and woke up, my body, mind, and memories had changed.

Therefore, the closeness and affection that Siwoo felt towards Amelia, who stayed by his side all day, was not limited to just one month.

As if Amelia had raised Siwoo as a child, sometimes as a mother, sometimes as an older sister, sometimes as a teacher, and sometimes...


Amelia suddenly pokes her head in as Siwoo's thoughts wander.

Amelia, who was now smaller than Siwoo, was holding less than half of the medicine bottle in her hands.

Every night, Amelia gave Siu medicine.

I wanted these days to continue.

Of course, I also had the desire to run away and avoid it.

But this was Amelia's duty and responsibility.

When I saw Si-woo recovering safely, I felt relief, but at the same time, I also felt sadness as if I was being burned to ashes.

Siwoo calmly took the potion on a spoon and drank it, unaware of Amelia's speed.

"I could drink this much by myself."

"It's because I want to do it."

Siwoo calmly put the spoon Amelia gave him to his mouth and took the medicine.

Amelia watched that scene with sad eyes for some reason.

"Don't overdo it too late. "I'm going in."

"Yes, Amelia."

Amelia, who was about to leave, stopped in her tracks as she felt like she would burst into tears if she looked at his face any longer.

Seeing Si-woo growing up strong revived the lingering attachment that I thought I had given up on.

I know it in my head.

You shouldn't say it.

You shouldn't say this.

That is a cowardly, petty, and despicable act.

However, the nervousness and desperation that had built up as I watched the happy time end right next to me ended up flowing out of my lips without me even realizing it.

"Siwoo, there is something I want to say."


Amelia stood diagonally next to the desk where Siwoo was studying.

Did he notice that her voice was different from usual?

Siwoo looked back at Amelia with a slightly nervous look.

Her sorrowful eyes seem to pierce my heart.

She was sad.

Looking at Amelia's gloomy face, Siwoo's heart also throbs.

I thought that that kind of expression did not suit her and that a smiling face suited her better.

"I'm listening."

Siwoo is very considerate to Amelia, who does not say anything for a long time.

Amelia's beautiful eyes were already filled with tears.


Amelia swallowed her tears once and spoke to Siu.

I decided never to speak of it,

Selfish words for momentary comfort.

"Even if I regain my memories later, can you… forgive me?"


Seeing Amelia looking so shabby and weak, unlike her usual appearance, Siwoo stretched out his arm and wiped away her tears with the sleeve of his shirt.


Amelia felt the urge to run to his wide arms and be hugged.

I want to hang on to it and let everyone know what I did wrong and how sorry I am.

I want to beg.

I want to cry out loud, saying that I am so sorry, that I regret this, and that I will never abandon you.

I want to plead, beg, ask for forgiveness.

But Amelia managed to block the unholy impulse.

I feel Siwoo's thick hands patting my back.

"I don't know what wrong Amelia did to me. So I don't think I can give her assurances."

Despite my weak and selfish appearance, as his sweet voice rang close to my ear, I began to cry as if it were a lie.

"Ugh...Ugh.... Hibb...."

Siwoo gently strokes Amelia's hair as she shakes her shoulders and wets Siwoo's shoulder.

"But, I will forgive you. Even if I can't do it right now, I'll try. "Amelia is the most important person to me right now."

Siwoo waited until Amelia calmed down.

I grabbed her shoulder and slightly distanced myself to look at her face.

Amelia's neat and tidy face is in front of Siwoo, a mess covered in tears.

They were two people with different upbringings, different ways of thinking, and different positions, but at this moment, they thought the same thing.

I want to kiss you.

Without even thinking about who went first, our lips overlapped.

Soft and soft lips overlapped and Siwoo wrapped Amelia's waist and neck as if hugging her.

Amelia's hand, which was hesitantly looking for a place to go, pulled Siwoo's shirt as if she was clinging to him.

As if he doesn't want to let go.

As if he wanted to continue like this.

As the rough tongue sticking out between her lips entered her mouth, Amelia's body trembled as if she had received an electric shock.

Seeing her as if she was trying to run away, Si-woo tightly grabbed her slender waist to prevent her from escaping.

Amelia felt the touch of the kiss with a hazy feeling, as if she was walking in a dream.

It is rough yet soft, soft and sticky at the same time.

I learned from my teacher.

You said that a kiss is a signal between two people.

A sign that says 'I believe in you'.

A signal that says, 'I allow you more than before.'

Shin Si-woo believes in Amelia.

Amelia wants to allow Siwoo to do more than this.

I don't know anything else, but I knew and felt that much.

Amelia clings to Siwoo, exchanging each other's saliva and breath.

The sound of increasingly hot breathing filled the small room.

There was also an unspoken sadness in Amelia's hand hanging on the collar.

Siwoo's hand, which was supporting her waist, grabbed Amelia's buttocks.

The other hand that was at the nape of her neck lifts up the nightgown like a curtain and grabs her soft bare chest.

Siwoo doesn't know how to treat a woman.

He is just dealing with Amelia guided by his instincts.

Amelia also did not offer any resistance to Siwoo groping her body.

I just gasped as I sucked his tongue more carefully, as if I was really giving myself over to him.

The two naturally walked towards the bed like a waltz without stopping kissing.

Amelia's legs, which had been gradually moving backwards, caught on the bed and she fell backwards.



Their lips parted, and Siwoo calmed his trembling heart and looked down at Amelia.

Hair shining like gold dust scattered across the bed, cheeks flushed red.

The nightgown lifted up by Siwoo's hand exposed her white and smooth stomach and one side of her breasts.

Amelia didn't even cover herself.

I didn't even straighten my dress.

He just looks up at Si-woo, panting heavily from the kiss, as if waiting to be disposed of.

Siwoo swallowed his saliva.

In Shiwoo's experience, Amelia is a benefactor who has taken care of Siwoo and showered her with affection for nearly ten years.

Even though I knew I shouldn't, I can't guarantee that I never once thought rationally while looking at the beautiful Amelia.

In fact, it was the opposite.

I really want to get closer to her and have a deeper relationship rather than this ambiguous one.

I thought about it a lot.

And this atmosphere was a natural flow, even for Siwoo, who knew nothing about it.

A flow that allows you to become one with her and have a deeper relationship with her.



Even if we started dating officially, I always thought that the relationship would end after 3 years.

Because that is the demeanor of a chaste and cultured lady.

But when his tongue burrows between your lips.

When his strong hands grab your breasts and support your buttocks.

To lie down on his bed like this and receive his burning gaze.

I want to give permission.

I want him to open the door to a world I have never experienced before.

Siwoo swallowed his saliva and lowered his upper body, crawling over her body.

Amelia narrowed her eyes and turned her head.

And as if she had made up her mind, she carefully pushed away Siwoo's cheek, which was trying to bite the back of her neck, with the palm of her hand.

"No… Siwoo, you can't do this…"


Siwoo, who was intoxicated by the atmosphere and was trying to get her, comes back to his senses as if he had woken up from a dream.

Amelia, who was rapidly cooling down as if cold water had been poured into the heated atmosphere, got up and straightened her tangled dress.

She said in a hushed voice.

"I also hope for what Siwoo wants...."

Amelia passed Siu and grabbed the doorknob as if running away.

Amelia's back, with her back to Siwoo, looked very small and shabby.

"But... I don't deserve it... I don't deserve this..."

"What qualifications do you have..."


After apologizing to turn everything back to nothing, Amelia returned to her room.