
F*ckboy Tears

Isis is in a new school for the semester. Coupled with a Vixx is the signature bad boy His friends, Leon and Sage

LJBleyk · Urban
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Slow it Down

Vixx had that smirk on his lips. The one that could easily ruin nuns and priests. The famous devilish smirk.

As he brought his motorcycle to a stop, he took in a deep breath. The thrill of the ride coupled with the intense heat of the sun made him want to bask in the hungry stares of the people around him. They feasted their eyes on his muscles as they ripped proudly in the white shirt he had on.

"Enough of the thirst trap V, we don't want the girls to start screaming like last fall. That ruckus was enough to get us on the school's f*ckboy page". Vixx turned to smile at Sage, his classmate.

"Funny how I was making sure they scream their lungs out this time around", he replied proudly.

"And people still don't believe me when I say you're a masochist!", Sage counted with a sneer that made Vixx smile.

"Is my wife trynna seduce me?". He asked with a raised brow. There was a snort and Sage grabbed Vixx by the arm, "don't call me your wife. People might assume things"

Vixx hid a victorious smile, " like what?, I know you like…..". He was suddenly cut off by a pink haired man with a school shirt that looked customized in pink.

"If it isn't the two hoes of the school…", the newcomer said with all the sass in the world

Sage rolled his eyes, "Leon, I actually do like you. Just don't let the principal see you in that shirt"

"Oh c'mon, it's not like I killed someone!", Leon replied.

That was fashion kill in a sense. The boys gave Leon a dumb look and then headed to class. First day shit.

Meanwhile Isis was sitting at the school cafeteria reeling everything in. Nothing hit hard like an icy cup of coffee on your first day in a new school. She had absolutely no plans of going to class and she wanted to spend time alone with her thoughts. Her phone rang and she looked up with a smile.

"Hey Denks, yeah. I'm online"

She smiled genuinely.

"Nerh, I'm skipping today. Nobody cares about the new girl", she replied with a scrunch of her nose.

"I'm still getting the tattoo after fall, hopefully when we meet in Denver"

The conversation dragged on a little bit more before she hung up.

After that she headed to the library to explore the new school. She didn't particularly like books but she would do anything to pass time even if it meant going to her least favorite place in the whole world.

Standing outside the building, she marveled at the sheer magnificence. It was an architecture that looked like a painting made by Van Gogh himself.

Isis settled for a corner of the library and pulled out a notebook. Drowning herself in her own world, she began to write about the new idea she had started working on. It was the love story of two boys, set in the late 16th century when same sex love was still abhorred. The main characters Vers and Ace, both married men had met in a brothel and gradually fallen in love. Hiding their relationships in a town where everyone knew each other's business was not going to be easy especially coupled with navigating the discovery of their new sexuality.

There was a loud this and Isis looked up to find a girl slumped on the floor. Her dark hair sprawled around her like an erotic figure from an art exhibition. She made a move from her seat but immediately sat back in it. Someone else walked into the room. He had blonde hair and his face was blurry from the distance.