
FÉNIX (ángel or demon)

Nix had lived the nineteen years of his life as something completely ordinary, his grandparents had died and he was following his dream of being a great ballet dancer in the city. The color of her hair was a little strange, half white and half black, this was due to a light-colored mole on her head, or so the doctor told her, Nix just walked back to her house and a bright light made him stop, without realizing that light had blinded him and he was in a totally different world from the city, everything was marble, shiny and the trees had leaves similar to silver. In the sky? What this boy did not know was that his mother was a warrior angel of God and his father a demon enemy of heaven, from this love he was born and now he would be recruited to help win the war between good and evil, angels and the demons. What will you do when you notice that nothing is what it seems? If he is half angel and demon, what force will he support?

Alex_Jhons · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 01: Son of good and evil

The night was cold, warning that summer was approaching, the city was more than alive, the sounds of people talking, the cars passing in the distance and one or another song that was heard somewhere out there. In one of those places a young man with somewhat strange hair, black eyes and penetrating gaze was walking, he was heading towards a bench in the park, sitting on it he simply remained observing the majestic beauty of the place where he was, he took a long sigh and He moved his head back, letting it fall on top of the furniture where he was lying.

His breeze rushes past and his hair flies with it, a light rushes down behind him as if something had fallen and the entire park is fully illuminated by this glow. The intrigue makes the boy approach quickly to see what has just fallen, he runs to the impact site and is totally surprised by what he observes.

A man was found lying on the ground, although he was not exactly a human being, his wings were beautiful and large, his complexion clear and brilliant like no other on earth, he had cuts all over his body and his eyes were closed, from the cuts A white liquid came out as if frost had been added to it because of how shiny it was.

Nix contained his surprise and approached the subject about to lose his life due to the seriousness of his injuries, the light that shone on his body gradually ceased and the beautiful wings disappeared for no reason, the young man held him in his arms and He brought his ear close to the heart of that strange subject.

— He is alive — He mentioned when he heard slight heartbeats

The strange being moved slowly due to pain and his voice was heard in a small but shocking complaint showing Nix that he had not yet completely lost consciousness, this being of light opened his eyes, they were violet as if he had Alexandria syndrome, with those eyes looked up and smirked for unknown reason

"Sir!" Nix spoke quickly, worried about the stranger's health. "Is he alright?" Shall I call an ambulance? Don't move! It could drastically worsen your condition.

—So….— The fractured man spoke between the pain —So you are the son of Hella

The young man did not understand what the being who was losing his life little by little wanted to say, without further ado his face was disoriented because he had never heard such a name

I think you are wrong sir.

"I'm never wrong" He spoke with a small smile forming on her face "Your look is the same as hers, and in your heart you look much more like her, I thought I wouldn't find you

"Do you know me?" The boy asked, knowing absolutely nothing about what was going on.

I know more about you than you do.

They were the last words the young man heard from that unknown luminous being before a light surrounded him and the body he had on his lap disappeared, however it was not the only thing that disappeared, Nix looked at his hands and they were becoming transparent, the light was also enveloping him and helplessly he just closed his eyes hoping not to die.

When trying to see something again, he found a dream place, he looked behind him and two giant trees with silver leaves guarded what seemed to be a gigantic door, he looked towards the floor and could see his image reflected in it, when he looked ahead he He found a beautiful structure, the beams seemed to be made of pure marble, everything was brilliant and the roof of the building was lost among the infinite clouds above his head, clouds which were extremely white and rose through the sky without any end.

The boy didn't know how to react, he was there, still on his knees like in the park, with a light that disturbed his eyes, a beautiful place with pale walls and details carved in gold, his legs didn't have the strength to get up, he just kept watching trying deduce what had happened in the last twenty minutes of his short existence.

As he thought, a figure posed in front of him, his hair was short, with extremely long locks, bright ash in color, his face denoted strength, courage and purity, with ivory armor accompanied by golden lines and his eyes blue as the sea. which were staring at Nix

—So you are the fruit of good and evil— That being spoke —Phoenix, as you call yourself, son of Hella and an unknown demon, welcome

"What!?" The boy spoke, totally baffled. "Who's son?" Devil? How do you know my name? Who are you?

—All the answers, in due time— It was the only thing that that subject of light responded to Nix's questions —Follow me

—Where am I— he mentioned the black eyes as he kept looking around

The being that had perched in front of him was walking in the opposite direction to the great door of the two beautiful trees, the boy stood up and decided to follow his lead.

—I'll update you— The beautiful stranger spoke, preparing to narrate —Have you read the Bible?

—A little, I don't like religion being shoved in my eyes

—That's good, you will have noticed in some pages the story of the morning star, right?

—Lucifer, the most beautiful and beloved angel of God, the devil— Nix replied

—Exactly, well, that story is not fictitious, although they have changed it a bit over time.

-You want me to say?

The subject and Hella's son went up several steps and at the last one, they took a seat facing the gigantic door.

—Since the war between Lucifer and God, we have been in battle until today for the human souls and the life of our lord since the demons want to finish him off.

—That means that....— The young man went blank for a moment —You're an angel! and I'm in heaven!

"How intelligent, just like your mother." He smiled.

—This war will have no end, it is good and evil and the two forces are equally powerful. Two decades ago we had a beautiful warrior, a kind angel who saw love in the eyes of a demon and became pregnant by it.

"What was the name of the angel?" Fenix ​​asked.

Hella was his name, one of the few female angels who wanted to fight demons. Unfortunately she fell in love with one of them and when she gave birth she died.

—But she was an angel. Couldn't they bring her to life?

—No, she had already given her divinity to another being, the son of her womb, which with her last breaths she brought to earth so that he would not be found by other demons or angels of hard heart

— She disappeared forever

"That's right," the angel answered, "And that child, he grew up without knowing what he was and now I have him in front of me."

The boy's black eyes widened deeply. He was the son of that warrior? How can that be possible? Nix questioned everything, his questions were always: does heaven exist? Which God is the real one? He came to think of being an atheist, however he only considered himself someone with an "Open Mind"

"What!?" He stood up quickly and took a few steps back in surprise, "I don't think so sir, I just can't be that person."

—Fenix, we need your help, only with you can we end this war

—No!—He lowered his gaze —I'm not human, I'm not an angel, but I'm not a demon either. How can I help you?

—You are not human, nor angel, nor demon— He tries to approach the young man —You are more powerful than all those three races together

-I don't understand

—With your angelic magic you are stronger than a demon, with your demonic gifts you are stronger than an angel— he continued concluding —If you exploit your potential you can become even stronger than Lucifer himself

—So— he calmed down a bit —Assuming that I am actually the son of that angel, how do I see my potential?

—I will help you, that is why you are here— The beautiful angel smiled confidently— We will win this war with you, all evil will be destroyed, but for that I must train you from today.