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A girl opens her eyes surrounded by light and strange sounds she starts to see more clearly and she is at a school desk "haha, look she woke up" the teacher in anger gives out a sigh "really Amy?sleeping in class again?" In confusion the girl asks "person with a fat face and strange voice who is Amy?" The class burst out in laughter the teachers with more anger then before says "how dare you?! I can not have you in my class if you are to be like this leave at once!" The girl or should I say Amy leaves and thinks to herself (where am I the last I remember is eating with Burch and white and my name is not Amy what a strange name my name is rosemary one thing is for sure this strange place is no where near my home how did I get here why did she get mad did I say something wro-) "oof" rosemary was lost in space and bumped in to someone "oh are you ok miss" rosemary looks up and sees a man reaching out his hand rosemary says "what are you doing with your hand?" "uh, offering to help you up?"