
Broken Memories

Riven, the motherland, a place that harbored the esteemed race known as the Rives. Who had a just and righteous way and were a nation to look up too. Their people never needed to worry about there hunger or safety because it was a given. Riven after all was the most powerful country, with there incredible military and sought after super soldiers.

Rivens super soldiers weren't just theirs though. As a result of the star known as The Nexus imploding. A virus was released that could latch on to a living organism and enhance it. When the virus latches on one of two things can happen:

1. You die

2. You gain white pale inhuman eyes and a power.

If you were to gain the latter you would ether have one white eye, wich happened 10% of the time or two white eyes, wich happened only 0.0001% of the time. So if there were a hundred people infect 10 would have be a white and A double white is like 1 in a million.

If you were a white (One white eye) you would gain one power the powers that you could get were like classes in a game but you only got one skill. So if you could get multiple whites with the same class you could build a whole character. Whereas the double whites (two white eyes) were a whole character themselves.

You are one of these double whites and must fight for the motherlands pride---Riven

"Aah," Kenjo sighed "Its finally over."

"Kenjo stop complaining, we're lucky, we're double whites so they are training us to stay alive." said Aisha "I tell you this every time can't you figure out that class of yours, its annoying and the adults are saying bad things about you."

"It's not my fault its a memory class, they are hard to control, and can't you be a little nicer." retorted Kenjo.

"Fine whatever just listen as I tell you again. We are in the RWP, also known as the Riven White development Program. This is where they nurture double whites and groups of single whites to serve the country. Okay?" explained Aisha

"Okay. I'm going to go back to my room to read the my memory catalog to get the rest back, but thanks!" Kenjo responded

Aisha yelled after Kenjo "Don't forget your checkup at 8 or the doctors going to yell at you again."

Oh whatever that old man is always on my tail, anyways let's get the catalog read and then think about that checkup. Thought Kenjo.