
Eyes of Millennium

A dream of a flaming city. A serial killer on the loose. And the terrors of the night that will follow soon after. Things that defy the realm of reality begin to assault and devour the city of dreams.

Angel_Polanco · Action
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17 Chs

Chapter 12

Vela was pissed because when we were halfway to the church I forcefully released my hand from her vice grip. But Viktorovich was didn't mind at all.

Viktorovich was the kind of guy that women and children were fond of. Though he seems indecisive to me. With his good nature personality his gentlemen like appearance and his shy tone, He was the definition of the perfect man

If it hadn't been for the recent murders in Central Park, he would have been treated better by the populace.

I had a mixed impression of the man, despite having just met him.

But Vela had a very strong liking to him.

Then It hits me, the sadness we were feeling when we left the school gym up till we met him had disappeared. He managed to rid of the burden in my heart without going to confessions., So must have been good at his job.

While I was engaged in my thoughts, stealing a glance or two at Father Vitorich we arrived at our destination.

"We're here. I said

This church was outside the city. It is called The Church of our Lord of Light, this is Tristana home.

"Do you think Trist is home? Vela asked

"I'd guess so. She said that she was expecting a guest and went back home early."I answered. I turn to Viotorich. "Father, are you a relative of Tristana?"

"I know her, but we are not close, unfortunately, but I've known Thea for nearly all her life."

"Thea?" Me and Vela question as we tilt our head in confusion from hearing that unfamiliar name.

"Oh, pardon me. Thea is Trsitana Christan's name. That name means gift of God in Latin. Her birth itself was a miracle to many excluding my self. She was given that name as a show of gratitude."

"That means your Trist Godfather!."Vela said in surprise.

"That I am, even though she considers it a great nuisance."

Something is off. Looking at Viktorovich seems to be in his early thirties. Could he really be Tristana godfather? He had to be a teenager when Trist was born.

"This place unlock the treasures of my memory. Me and Maria looking after Thea together. She was quite the rascal. Viktorovich smile remembering a time long past."She was the kind of person that if you let your eyes wander for even a second, she would disappear. We would search for her endlessly. Only to find her on the second floor of the church sleeping with her bible in hand under the stained glass.

Vela giggled." Is that right? I'm having a hard time imaging it."

"So that means Thea has gone up to be a fine young woman.

Vela and Vitorich continued to talk cheerfully, not noticing my shock look.

"Do tell me, my dear, did my angel Thea have turned to a hooligan?"

"Ah, no, not at all!" quite the opposite actually. Vela turn to me."Jan, stop making Father Viktorovich worry! She scolded me like a child.

Well, he did look like he was going to faint any minute.

"She a bit odd, but a nice person." I sais try to calm him down. She quite popular with the boys from what I've heard."

"Really?"Vela questioned


I really hope Vela realizes that acting surprise makes it more of a lie.

"You have nothing to worry about." I continued.

"It gives me great pleasure to hear that. It may sound ridiculous. I do think of her as my own daughter. From the bottom of my heart that she would grow up to be a person of greatness"

"Well, she is great indeed."Vela smiled at Viktorovich

Popluar...yeah, as the girl who can togue lash at anybody who got on her bad side and who guys got big crushes on..

"Anyway, we've made it this far, so let stop chatting and go on in."I turn to Vitorich. After all, you want to see your precious Thea as soon as possible, right, Viktorovich ?"

"Of course!" Viktorovich cried."When Thea was little, she cried tears of sorrow when I left her here at the church., I cried as well, but Maria kicked me out, for the reason that me crying made Thea cried, even more, talk about rude."Vitroich shook his head in dismay."Honestly, who does that woman thin I am? He looks at Jan and Vela with eyes of determination."But mark my words. Now that I've come back, she will have her way no longer, I will take responsibility…"

" Of sleeping with Thea?"A new voice said." That you were thinking, am I'm right Vic?"

"Of course!"Victoria realized what he just said."Wait...A female voice interrupted Viktorovich out of the blue, prompting the priest to freeze up like a deer in headlights.

That voice belongs to Mother Maria',s head of the Holy Light Church. Even though she was wearing her black robes that didn't hide her model figure. She has her eyes as green as the tree leaves and her black long hair flowing with the breeze. And her cooper skin radiant as the sun And Tristana was right behind her.

"Welcome back Vic, your ability to create counterfeit stories has not diminished over the years. It was quite the joy to hear them yet again." She walks towards the three with a cheery expression.

"Uh, Hi Maria I was just... um…" Viktorovich was at a loss for words as Maria was standing right in front of him.

"What the matter Vic. Your face is pale. I can give you some medicine if you like?" She said in fake concern. She looks like she is having a freaking pall with putting Viktorovich in this situation.

Vitorich flinched and screamed."I am quite all right!. He took a step for fear of Maria doing something horrible to him."No, I mean it!"He asked Maria."This is a strange question, but how much of the conversation did you hear.?

"It started when you said " Maria kick me out" part of your conversation."Maria laughed. Could stop by saying such dumb nonsense? I kicked you out for Thea safety."

"I am sorry Vic but pleased stop trying to bath with Thea. Just like you said, she's a young woman now. And while we are on the topic...Maria was cut off as Tristana appears out of nowhere.

"I didn't cry. Vic was the only one crying when I refuse his offer." Tristana said cold-blooded with her bluntness."With that said stop embarrassing yourself and get inside. Jan and Marvella will you come to join us."Tristana offered

"Are you sure?" Marvella asked Mother Maria. We don't want to be a burden."

"Of course. Mother Maria replied. It the least we can do for having to take care of this idiot. We could make dinner for you too."

Marvella turns to me"What do you think Jan?"She asked

"We don't have any reason to deny their offer but…fuck it let go."

As we went inside the church I could not a chill down my spine. Why does this place now felt not a place of worship, but a place of death?