
Eyes of Aliye: Ungrateful Reincarnator

I found myself reincarnated in a fantasy novel with shitty lords and relatives. Where a father can kill child, and wars are common place. In fact I was reborn in the moment my father killed my former self and now I must survive if I am to play this game of the nobles out. MC powers; mind control. Warning: strong language

Ensii99 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

The entrance exam (2)

Entrance exam (2)

I took a step forward and said, "my name is Saint Coldfire,"

The teachers looked at each other then the silver haired guy spoke, "I didn't know Vala Coldfire had a son,"

"I'm adopted," I shrugged.

"That makes sense. Name your class and be tested,"

"Knight class,"

"Ha ha ha ha," a big elderly man at the left end of the table laughed suddenly rising from his seat. He was wearing a gold colored robe and left his yellow hair long like my own. But unlike my own that I kept in a pony tail, he left his own free and shaggy. He picked the large black halberd leaning beside the table and walked into the circle or ring? "Show me what you got shorty," he told me.

I drew my sword and walked into the ring. "With honor," I said like a proper samurai.

"Ha ha ha ha, who cares about honor, are you one of those winter wimps?"

I narrowed my eyes. This guy must be Karlos, the loudest guy in the royal academy. He's eighty, but his powers made him stronger than the average youth. Rea hated his guts in the novel I remember, and Rea scantly hates anyone.

"What are you waiting for? Come at me shorty,"

I hated being called names but I wouldn't be riled so easily by him. I have be smart here so I can earn lots of points. If I can beat him it'll be good too as this guy respects strength, and with him on my side my school life will be easier. Though I had little hope of that prospect; in the novel Rea is the only one in the history of the academy to ever defeat a teacher in the entrance exam. So you can see why I'm not optimistic.

Hmm... Let's see how powerful this guy is. I kicked the ground and closed the distance in an instance, swinging my sword. Karlos laughed and blocked with his halberd. I rolled past him though, in that motion, swinging my sword low at his legs but I only cut air. Still I completed my roll by rising to my feet and turned to see the man grinning at me. Hmph, I scoffed. Let's see how smug you are after I land a hit. I rushed to him again.

This time I kicked the ground flying forward and swung my sword down towards his head. He lifted the halberd to block, and in that moment I mind blitz him. The weapons clashed with a spark as I landed, then I used his momentary pain and confusion from my mind blitz to roll beside him and swing my sword diagonally back at him. He blocked with his halberd held straight; but I flipped forward like a ninja swinging my sword again to his torso. As I expected he couldn't block this one, instead he drew back.

I completed my attack with two flips backwards to gain distance from him.

We faced each other again. Karlos was still grinning, however the insults has stopped. "Is that all you got boy?" He taunted. I prefer boy to shorty so this is a development. But to answer his question I wasn't finished yet. In these six years since arriving at Fen Castle city I was taught to fight by Arnold Shenz, the captain of the Wintertroops. The Coldfires personal killers. In short they are like samurais with ninja moves. Or does all samurais have ninja moves?

Anyway, beside the elites of the Wintertroops that are usually always away to missions, and rare powerhouses, they was almost nobody that can beat me. At least I am strong enough to embarrass this old man.

I stood my ground refusing to move, when Karlos looked at me in askance I shook my head and said, "I attacked first so it's your turn now,"

"You cheeky brat!" The old man lifted his halberd to the air and rushed towards me. I casually avoided his first swing, and his second, then I stepped onto the halberd he swung to the ground and jumped swinging my sword at him. He drew back and barely escaped but I managed to nick him below the eye.

The wound quickly closed and healed because of his super regeneration but still I didn't expect him to start laughing again. "Ha ha ha ha, good boy, very good. Show me your strength." He came at he again with renewed vigor.

I mind blitz him and met him halfway. Then we started exchanging moves again. This guy has super strength, agility and regeneration; plus he's older than me, with more fighting experience, so I was the one in a big disadvantage but I evened the gap some with my mind blitz. If I do it right I kill his attacks before they even start and hamper his defense just as I attack. Still I wasn't winning though. I was constantly pushed back.

"Ha ha ha ha, what power boy! You really are interesting! Are you really a twelve year old? Show me your strength and I'll grade you well, ha ha ha ha,"

I was striking back at him earlier but now I could only dodge. In the first place this fight wasn't fair on many grounds. It added that with his strength and the heaviness of his weapon I feared parrying his attacks with my thin sword. So dodging it's, that was becoming even harder too. My mind blitz didn't slow him anymore. Maybe it was because he expected it and braced through the pain but nothing looked good for me.

As I dodged his attack again Karlos suddenly let go of his weapon and grabbed me with both of his hands. I squealed in suprise and tried to strike him with my sword in this difficult angle but he just lifted me up and shook me in the air as if I was a doll and he a little girl. I let go of my sword at the sudden dizziness and it clattered on the ground.

Karlos grinned wider, an evil grin in his eyes. Then he started squeezing me. I had something break and screamed in pain.

A flash of white light washed over me the next moment and I found myself outside the ring a little tired but otherwise alright. I quested at my body with my powers, that's something it can do too, and found no injuries, not even the bruises I must had accumulated in the fight.

"Ha ha ha ha," Karlos was still laughing. "You passed brat! There's no way I'm failing you. I look forward to your growth; maybe in fifteen years you can challenge me and win, seeing your talent maybe in ten. Ha ha ha ha, the future is bright,"

"Ha, don't mind him dear," a pink haired woman said from the table. "Return here in exactly one week to see your result, you can leave through that door," she pointed at a door at the opposite side of the one we came through. I bowed to them, then picked my sword and sheathed it. With that me and Celestine left the courtyard.

True to their words it was exactly seven days that the result came out.