
Eyes of Aliye: Ungrateful Reincarnator

I found myself reincarnated in a fantasy novel with shitty lords and relatives. Where a father can kill child, and wars are common place. In fact I was reborn in the moment my father killed my former self and now I must survive if I am to play this game of the nobles out. MC powers; mind control. Warning: strong language

Ensii99 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Arc four. 1. Dorm mates

Of the six main houses of Crystalis; Windgone, Highvoids, Swornhalf, Van Sowlki, Vest, and Bridgewort; lies a fierce rivalry and competition. One might think the Windgones will be above all this seeing as they're the royal family but they'd never been able to cast themselves as the greatest of the houses. The only reason, I suspect, that they still lead the floating halls is because of the Highvoids support.

One does not have to imagine why king Alford is so desperate to join their houses. Saint could have been perfect, for he's Jack's blood son, but now Sin will have to suffice.

_________ Rickard Renseed, professor of Oa. Date 14-3-009 of the original story.

Arc four; Houses

1. Dorm mates

The room I was giving was in Doom Hide house. That's its name; they're a total of six houses with students scattered at random. The houses are as follows; Heroes, Makers, Doom Hide, Pius, Kaitlyn landing, and Dragons. Celestine is at heroes, Rea is at Dragons, Sin is in Pius, what a joke! And I in Doom Hide?!! I sighed as Matt's men finished bringing in my stuff and flopped on the bed looking at the vaulted ceiling. The room was large, even for nobles, with a large bed in the center and completed with furniture that'll make life all the more enjoyable.

It was getting late; they said we'd have to go to the Call halls for our welcome ceremony later. That's not a very important part of the novel, thank God. But some things are going to happen right? I sighed gravely, I frankly don't have the energy for all this today. I'd rather there's no storyline I have to guard. Is this what this has become of me? Making sure what happens happens?

Even though the storyline staying true made everything more in control but that's not a life I envision for myself; I'd rather stay away from the main story for now if I could that is. Besides, the world makes a good job at keeping the storyline. There are places were it had failed already, but well, maybe it has a way to fill the void later.

A terrifying thought.

A knock at the door suddenly interrupted my thoughts, I turned to the door and asked. "Who's is it?"

"I am called Bailey Race, house captain sent me,"

"Come in,"

The door was pushed open and a skinny boy, perhaps one year older than me, as he didn't look like a freshman, walked in. He was wearing a blue tunic, red pants and yellow boots. In this continent where colored cloth is gold, it was an 'envious' thing indeed. He had short brown hair and blue eyes too. What typical noble. "You are already settled I see," he told me looking around, "anyway house cap wants you down to the lounge for socials."

I rose to my feet. "Socials?"

The boy shrugged, "it's to introduce you to everyone,"

We walked out of the room together into the hallway. I took a moment to lock the door behind me before we continued on.

"Why so guarded?" Bailey asked.

"Is there no need of it?"

The boy shrugged. "Apart from Tryst I don't see anything that'll bother your room,"

The hallway was silent unless for the two of us. Tapestries and classic paintings hung on the walls. We trodded down a stairs with wooden banister spiraled down to the lounge; A hall packed by plush carpets and couches, with tables in between. They were fifteen kids waiting for me there. I might say kids but to be more exact they were between the age of twelve to fifteen. Each of them wore bright cloths to prove them as nobles.

In the first place the royal academy is the school of the nobility. Only a handful of commoners has attended the academy in its 102 years history as only nobles have that magic fire power that meets the standard of the academy.

Plus most commoners with strong powers In history mostly ended up becoming nobles themselves, marrying nobles, and having noble children with strong powers too. It was a system that dictates if you are weak you'll not rule. What do they call it again, strength determine status? Ever read a book like that? Those cultivation novels I am sure. It was like that.

"So you are here," a blond haired girl said. She was sitting before a table with papers strewn atop, sorting through files. A pen and an ink pot sat beside the papers. Even though all I could go by was the description from the author of the novel, the fact that I was in dorm Doom Hide made it an easy guess at to who this girl is. Relda Windgone. She looked sixteen or older but from the novel I know she's just fourteen. Thing is, she's chubby and tall like a viking, with a round ruddy face. It didn't mean she was ugly though.

Relda was wearing a black and white uniform which consists of a black pleated skirt, white shirt that made a poor attempt to conceel her big bust, white stockings and tennis shoes. Beside her a rapier leaned against the table, hung to it by a loop on the sheath. The royal princess hadn't looked at me when she said that earlier. Now she looked up, her blue eyes icy. "Please have a seat," she said, "while we await the others."

I took a seat and noted that the others were all sitting too, abiet some atop sofa arms, but still... They'd say she is a conformist in the novel, she'd make sure everyone sat, textbook style, as she made the introductions as formal as she could. We waited for about five minutes from the time I arrived for another boy to come leading three girls and one boy into the lounge.

Relda had them seat too. The boy and two of the girls sat at the empty sofa beside mine, but the third girl sat beside me. On my couch! "Hi," she said, but I ignored her, angry that she'd sat beside me. I know it's stupid and I am just being childish but I have something with spaces. Most of my fights with my wife in my past life was because of that; you know that 'that's my chair!' I was like that.

Ah! How life has dealt with me. As a child people has invaded my private space more than I could count, and even though I got used to it, I loathed it more too.

After that we introduce ourselves, the girl that sat next to me introduced herself as Kara. She was a red haired beauty. I thought I knew her from the novel but try as I might I couldn't remember, maybe she was just a more important canon fodder I decided reluctantly and forgot all about it. Anyway that's how Princess Relda officially welcomed us to the Doom Hide house.

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