
Eyes Like No Others

In a world full of people with certain supernatural abilities, the one that I suddenly claimed is unlike any other ability. My eyes are unlike any I’ve ever seen before. How am I supposed to hide this. Everyone will know, they’ll see my eyes. What do I do with these unseen powers.

Trenton_Jones_0006 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

I Need To Get Stronger

<p>My Name is Trever Lynn. This is the story of how I discovered a hidden ability amongst a supernatural human society. <br/><br/>~~~<br/><br/>Today began like any other. Same story different day. <br/><br/>I woke up early in this morning, and began my regular routine.<br/><br/>Wake up, eat breakfast, my morning jog, then off to school. <br/><br/>I didn't live far from school. Thanks to the government I was placed in government housing close to my school. <br/><br/>Not long ago after the discovery of the new planets the military formed a group of special search parties to go explore these strange but interesting new planets. <br/><br/>That was about 5 years ago when I was just 12 years old. <br/><br/>My parents were a part of this special expedition squad…<br/><br/>One day my parents left to head an expedition to explore a newly found planet. Since that day I never saw my parents again. <br/><br/>No one really knows what happened just that all communication was lost, and after years of searching they were never found. <br/><br/>Ever since then I've been living on my own. Living off government aid and housing. <br/><br/>Finally it's my last week of school. I'd just recently turned 17. I was ready to start a new chapter in my life.<br/><br/>I was never one that fit in much. As such I was usually alone. <br/><br/>Today, like any other day, I start walking toward my home room class. Suddenly I bumped into someone. Someone I'd much rather have avoided. <br/><br/>I fell over, my school books fell on the floor around me. I look up to see a face I'm all too familiar with. <br/><br/>Chad Duncan, towering over me. His sharp sky blue eyes piercing down at me. I scramble to gather my book, but he grabs me by my collar. <br/><br/>"Hey dweeb, watch where you're going."<br/><br/>Suddenly I feel myself flying backwards down the hall. I crash hard against the floor and slide up against the wall. <br/><br/>Chad's sub element was gust.<br/><br/>"Worthless, with no ability you'll never made it anywhere in this world. You're just useless trash wasting precious recourses. Why do you even bother trying."<br/><br/>Before my parents left, they hadn't given me any ability book. I was left an orphan with no power. <br/><br/>It was extremely rare to find people like me with no ability. <br/><br/>Some were lucky to be born to families with abilities such as originals. While others had to purchase sub element ability books. <br/><br/>It was pretty rare to find people with the full original ability. Most commonly people had sub abilities that would stem from the original element. <br/><br/>I lived in a grey zone where most people had any random type of the sub elements. <br/><br/>As I lay here on the ground trying to gather my senses again. I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. I look to see and notice my shoulder is broken. <br/><br/>As Chad walks away I gather my things and head to the nurses office, wincing in pain every time my shoulder moves. <br/><br/>As I walk in the school nurse walks up to me. <br/><br/>"You ran into Chad again today didn't you? What have I told you about keeping your head down while waking in the halls. You're about to be an Adult. When are you going to come out of this shy phase Trever." <br/><br/>The school nurse knows me better than anyone. Since I first started middle school, Chad has been bullying me for years. <br/><br/>The school nurse is one of very few rare water sub elementals that have the ability of healing mist. <br/><br/>"Ms. Camillé, you know how I am. I was just trying to avoid everyone and get to my home room." <br/><br/>She looks at me with hurt in her eyes. "You need to be more careful. There are a lot more people like Chad out in the real world. If you don't learn to be aware of your surroundings you'll be picked on for the rest of your life." <br/><br/>In a society where power means everything. Bullying is overlooked. If a person is weaker it meant they deserved to be treated in such ways. <br/><br/>Such is the hierarchy of the Star Foundation Society. Those at the top will always look down on those below them. <br/><br/>For me I'm as low as it gets. I have no family, no money, and no ability, trash.<br/><br/>Ms. Camille starts to heal my shoulder after setting it back into place. As the pain start to subside my expression finally relaxes. <br/><br/>"Thank you Ms. Camillé." <br/><br/>She looks at me with hurt and worry in her misty blue eyes. "I won't always be around kid. You have to learn to fend for yourself out there."<br/><br/>With that I said my goodbyes as the bell was about to ring signaling classes are about to begin. <br/><br/>As I'm rushing to class I think to myself. "I need to get stronger."<br/><br/><br/>~~~~<br/><br/>I'm a slightly new writer, I love feedback and suggestions don't be afraid to throw in suggestions. I want this story to be one that everyone can enjoy and feel included in. <br/><br/><br/><br/></p>