
Eyes Beyond The World

[Fanaa (n.) destruction of self, destroyed in love.] An untold tale of gods with an unfortunate fate. The forbidden love, friendship, and desire that turns to hatred have been punished by the almighty, who has cursed them with a life-long war. How did it start? But How could they end it? Saori Claude Moon, the main protagonist of this story, began her adventure by participating in the tournament that had begun in the other world to fulfill her late grandmother's last wish. She met a number of individuals on her quest and was unaware that she was a royal magnet. The other folks, on the other hand, despise her for entering their world and envy her for wielding such great power. She had no idea that her little adventure would lead her on a journey to discover the truth on something more beyond their knowledge.

ClaudeMoon · Fantasy
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8 Chs


"Grandma, could you please tell us the story of the gods again?" the little girl and her two cousins pleaded. She turns to face her baby brother, who is also looking at them. "I think my brother wants to hear it, too!"

The old lady chuckles and pats the little girl on the head. "Well, here's a story about three gods who started a life-long war..."

The story began with the dream of Lucy, a young, bubbly goddess of peace. She wanted to explore the living world and visit places she'd never seen before...

Once upon a time, a curious little one wandered through their realm and discovered a portal in the middle of the forest that young gods are forbidden from entering.

The little goddess, whose beauty captures a man's heart, is dressed in an azure-blue 'ampuyou' and wrap-around blouse that complements her long, brilliant white hair and skin. She is also the average height of a mortal woman, and you would mistake her for an ordinary being if it weren't for her stunning appearance.

[Ampuyou - Filipino female tribe attire, a wrap-around skirt.]

As the young goddess got close to the portal, someone grabbed her as she tried to reach through it. A young man with a gentle demeanor and a polite smile. He has warm skin and emerald eyes that slowly engulf her, but she senses more... She appears to be able to see right through him—he has a lionheart and a kind soul. He stands at a respectable height of around 5'9, which all girls find attractive. He is slim but muscular, with an almost perfectly symmetrical face.

"Who are you?" she questioned, still taken aback by his flawless appearance.

"My name is Seofon—I mean Seven, call me Seven, and I'm the god of luck, and you?" He smiled warmly and extended his hand to her.

She responds to his friendly smile by extending her hand for a handshake. "I am Lucy! The goddess of peace."

"Oh, it's an honor..." Seven bowed briefly in respect. "By the way, what exactly are you doing here?"

He is aware of how dangerous this location could be for a young deity, and he wonders why she would be here.

"I've heard there's a portal to the land of the living here, so... I want to explore the world and learn more than what the eye can see."

"Do you mean looking for the truth?"

"Yes? Perhaps? Well then-- I have to go, bye!" She waved goodbye, but he grabbed her arms and dragged her behind a massive tree.

"Shh! I sense a presence nearby," he announced, pausing for a few moments for it to flee.

"What was that?" Lucy asked, scanning the area for the creature who had imposed the loud steps.

"They are the keepers of this forest." He replied.

Later on... Seven gets up and helped Lucy up when he's certain that the keepers already left.

"Ohh... thanks by the way!"

"You are welcome." he chuckled.

"Hey, would you like to join me?"


"My ambition, join me to fulfill my dream." she requested.

"Y-you mean... what you told me a while ago?" he asked, surprised.


"Did you think leaving this realm would be easy?" he challenged.

"What do you think?"

"That is a forbidden dream for us; it will only tarnish our identity especially if the elders found out."

"Do not worry, I have you." she beamed, "You are the god of luck, right?"

"What about it?" He looked away as soon as he felt his face redden.

"That means that we could definitely run away if they found out because I have you with me." she extends out her hand, waiting for the young man's reply. "Please join me."

He stared at the hands of the young goddess and thought it would be fun if he accepted her invitation.

"Alright," He replied and took her hand.

They both came into the portal and when they reached the human world, they wander around with excitement and bliss.

"So this is Zeraschia... the place that the elders are talking about..." Lucy said in awe, fascinated by the wonderful scenery.

Little did she know this was going to be much more wonderful than she had thought. There are different types of trees everywhere, then there were also peculiar but cute looking animals. The atmosphere is also brighter and wonderful. Although her world is much enchanted, she is still amazed that she can discover new environment and different types of creatures such as this.

"Indeed! I never imagined this place would be amazing," He responded.

"Then let us explore more!" she giggled and clasped Seven's hand.

They were glad the Zeraschians would accept them, so they fit in easily. They enjoyed the memorable moments they spent in Zeraschia and in a century both shared happiness and love with the mortals. Even so, their relationship flourished, and Lucy fell in love with Seven. She's not entirely sure if he feels the same way, but it doesn't matter as long as they are together.

Meanwhile, on the horizon of Zeraschia, there is a cave where no one has ever been. Even the Zeraschians were unaware of the existence of this cave.

They were excited to explore this part of the country at first, but Lucy became confused when they came across a cave. "The aura of this cave makes me feel uncomfortable..." Lucy whimpered in fright.

"We can back out for now; let's just come back here when you're ready," Seven said, caressing her shoulder.

"No! It's fine! I want to see everything in Zeraschia," she insisted.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! I just hope we don't run into any wild beasts inside..." she nervously laughed.

Seven comforts her with a smile and clasps her hand. "You don't have to worry about anything else as long as I'm here."

But as soon as they entered the dark and eerie cave, two paths appeared and, unfortunately, split. Lucy believed that no one could harm them because they were immortal and powerful enough to defend themselves against any monster that crossed their path. Lucy goes right, and Seven goes left.

After all, there are glowing flowers inside that serve as their light, as well as some crystals.

"Hello, is someone here?" she asked as soon as she reached the cliff, but quickly realized how stupid she was when she asked if anyone was inside this hidden cave.

And she was about to leave the path she had taken when she heard a faint sound that caused her to come to a halt.


"Huh?" Her heartbeat quickened as she heard a disembodied voice speak.

"H—Elp... Please...!" a voice called out to her, despite his inability to speak.

So Lucy followed his voice and found him easily. She was surprised to see a human inside this creepy cave, so she carried and supported him quickly but gently. He's so skinny that she can easily lift him up, but she's also strong, so she hurriedly exited the cave to meet Seven.

When Seven finally emerged, Lucy explained everything, and they both agreed to transport the poor man to the village and ask the Zeraschians for a place for him to live.

"Thank you... For saving me..." he said and smiled weakly.

"Aww... don't mention it." She smiled and pats his head.

Months had passed. The two gods decided to teach him how to live like an ordinary being. She taught him everything and constantly looks out for him like a mother to her child.

"Look! Lucy! I caught a fish!" Samael bragged and celebrate in satisfaction.

"You are a natural! Keep it up!" she giggled and somehow, for that very moment, she realized that he looks like he's the same age as them. Samael was the name of the man they rescued from the cave.

Lucy also noticed his sapphire red eyes, which were hypnotic, and his strong and defined face. His brows were thick and slanted downward in a thoughtful expression. His normally playful smile had become a hard line across his face. Lucy was especially fascinated with his deep voice.

"Lucy, let us now return home," Seven said as she watched him approach Samael.

Later, when they got home the boy decided to reveal his true identity, saying, "Lucy, Seven... I have something to tell you."

"Go ahead, Samael," she said, smiling and encouraging him to speak up.

"But I'm afraid you'll resent me," he said before turning away.

"What could be the reason for me to despise you?" she wondered, setting the plates on the table.

"I am Chaos, the god of destruction. The elder of Infortunii gods imprisoned me inside the sacred cave for the reason... I cannot tell..." He hesitated at first but gave up and chooses not to tell the reason.

The information angered Seven and as expected from the goddess of peace, Lucy accepted him for who he is.

"He is innocent as long as he has hurt no one, so please accept him too." Lucy defended him.

"Okay, I will do as you wish but if he ever did something wrong. You'll need to go back with me to the heavens realm." Seven calmed himself, but still on guard of Chaos behavior.

"I knew this would happen, so I did not bother to tell you, I am sorry." Chaos repented.

"You are forgiven. By the way, is that your true appearance? Do you have a horn-like a devil?" Lucy asked him out of curiosity.

"Well, just like you, I am still young and do not have the power to transform myself into some powerful deity." He explained.

Chaos still cannot tell his feelings towards Lucy, he thinks of her like an angel sent from heaven, a light that saved him from darkness... While Lucy appreciates his gratitude and kindness, but she knew that she should not have feelings for him.

As time passed, the elders of the heavens realm apprehended Lucy and Seven and brought back them to their kingdom. They are sentenced to stay in their shelter for a century for trespassing into the mortal realm and interacting with mortals.

Chaos was enraged, so he begged the Viking Empire to show him the way to the heavenly realm. He decided to save the love of his life despite his fear of hurting someone along the way and breaking his promise.

"So I was right, you really came," Seven declared, wielding a holy sword.

"Of course, I acted upon in the name of love."

"Do not deceive yourself, Chaos... You knew what was forbidden, so leave or perish."

"Lucy taught me not to start a war if I don't know what I'm fighting for... Now I've come here with a burning desire to succeed; I'll fight for my love even if it means losing my life."

"But that would worsen the situation! You are not the only one who will suffer! Don't you understand? Lucy will suffer as well if you let love blind you!" exclaimed Seven.

"Says the one who told me that love is a powerful thing that cannot be stopped no matter how hard you try! Besides, she is someone I am willing to sacrifice my life for! So give her to me and we'll live happily and free in the mortal realm!" he cried out.

"No! I'm doing this to protect her! You're not the only one here fighting for love! I'm doing it... Because I love her just as much as you do!"

"Then forgive me... Because I have to stop you from interfering with my desires," he said as he dashed towards Seven and swung his blade at him.

—Both of them battled to death until one of them is left...

"W-what did you do...?" Lucy asked as she witnessed her love's death and ran to Seven while holding his lifeless body.

Chaos watched her sob for her loss, but it didn't bother him now that he could have what he desired.

"I fought for you," he proudly replied. His eyes had changed; he is no longer the Chaos that Lucy knew.

"I never thought you'd go this far... please go," she wept, avoiding eye contact with him.

He gasped in disbelief, "What?"

"I will give you a chance to escape... So leave."

"But, Lucy—"

"I understand that you did this for me, but... why did you fall in love with me? Of all the living, why me?" she asked as she rose to her feet.

"You are the light that saved me from the darkness," he said.

"Thank you for thinking of me as your hope," she said, trying to smile despite the pain. "But-- just like you... Seven is my sun."

"That should be me," he blurted out unconsciously.

"Chaos!" Lucy exclaimed.

"I should have killed him a long time ago."

"No, you don't understand, I loved him before I met you."

"Stop making excuses, Lucy... just admit it, you couldn't return my affection because I am the god of destruction... YOU DON'T TRUST ME, DO YOU?!!" he screamed angrily, but she slapped him.

"Chaos! Stop acting like a fool! I understand your reason for hiding the truth from us that you are one of the Infortunii! But what I couldn't understand is that you were aware that loving me was forbidden, yet you let your emotions take over and pursued me despite the consequences, and then you mercilessly killed Seven!" Lucy screamed angrily. She is unaware that this could have a negative impact on her.

Chaos saw her love one slowly transform into a demon-like creature, and this made him realize the real consequences of staining a Fortunae's soul. Her eyes had turned completely black, and bloody tears streamed down her cheeks. Her skin turned pale white, her hair turned gray, her nails grew longer, and her teeth sharpened like the devil's.

"I'm sorry... I really am..." he sobbed, falling to his knees.

"You must pay for what you have done," Lucy said, grabbing the sinner's head. But, just as Lucy was about to go for the kill, the Almighty stormed into the palace and handed out their respective punishments.

•Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy it!

•The next chapters are published every week on Friday.


  I'd like to thank you for reading my story, which may contain grammatical errors and poor scenario narration, but if you could correct it, that would help me get better.

Since I was in ninth grade, an anime inspired me to begin writing this novel, and I really want to make a comic version of it.

After I finish the first book, I'll start working on the comics, and please keep in mind that the revelations in this story are happening quickly!


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