
Eye System in RWBY

Our MC used to be an idol, singing, dancing and seducing were all in the job description. Unfortunately, a fan was a bit too enthusiastic about him and kidnapped him. Spending time in a crazy woman's sex dungeon was surprisingly fun but that’s beside the point. He ended up dying to a different woman that had found him chained up. Without explanation, he woke up in a far more attractive body in a world full of attractive women. There is no world better suited for out protagonist. …He also had an Eye Power System but who cares.

BillNyeThePGGuy · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

This Bitch Too Strong

After taking care of his raging erection, Gojo had breakfast with the rest of his family.

Rumi was still aching, but she was bouncing back quickly, as expected.

Yoruichi on the other hand was using her injury as a weapon.

"Gojo, my arms hurt, can you please feed me?" She asked.

Without answering, he used a second of Limitless to lift the spoon from the cereal to her mouth.

"You're welcome." He said with a gleaming smile. Yoruichi pouted but sucked it up and continued to eat.

After breakfast, everyone went back to their hobbies. Ghislaine watched some T.V., and Yoruichi went to go take her clothes off.

Gojo went to Rumi's room to check on her. He was too pre-occupied with Yoruichi's bullshit to ask her about her condition.

He passed through the door and saw Rumi fumbling with her sheets and looking at him with a blushed face and crooked smile.

"Am I interrupting something?" Gojo asked.

"Hi-yaah!" The scroll answered. The sounds of skin hitting each other continued as Rumi desperately tried to turn it off.

In her panic, her wound must have flamed up considering she put her hand to her stomach with a hurt expression.

Gojo took the scroll.

"Sister and Brother confess their love for each other and fuck as celebration?" He asked.

"Give it back!" She swiped at his hand to retrieve the scroll, but his Limitless was faster.

Fiddling with the scroll under the cries of Rumi, Gojo gave the scroll back. However, it was on a different video.

Rumi's expression reddened after seeing the title, 'Sister gets caught masturbating, uses her body to convince Brother to keep quiet to parents'.

After taking a couple seconds to collect herself, she tugged on his shirt.

"Please don't tell mom about this." Rumi asked with tears in her eyes. She really nailed the acting.

"Ok." Gojo left the room.

"Wha-" Her voice was cut off by the sounds of the door shutting.

He was annoyed that he wasn't able to do what he set out for but this was a better result anyway. Planting flags are always good.

Rumi laid in her own sweat as she continued to masturbate to the video that her brother had turned on.

"Stupid bastard." She muttered as she came all over her blanket. A small voice in her brain wished for him to walk back through the door as she squirted.

Gojo went outside to train with his abilities. Unfortunately, you can't really train future-sight. The only thing he could think of that would allow him to continue his upgrade path was to kill more grimm.

He trained his cursed energy. The system explained it by saying it was the manifestation of negative energy and thus negative emotions like anger.

Therefore, he did his best to think of the most enraging things he could think of, then switching to the most lust-inducing ones. Every time he'd switch, he'd compress as much emotion as he could to try and become calm again before changing to the other.

This way, his negative emotions wouldn't become too easy to keep in check because of repeating-attempts.

He realized that his lustful thought fueled his energy much more than any other type of negative emotion with rage coming in second.

'Maybe if I use my eyes on Yoruichi, she'd get down on all fours like a good little kitten and give me a blowjob...' Gojo thought. This was an example of a time he accidentally got too far into a thought and therefore not transferring it into cursed energy.

This was also the moment he put up a strict rule for himself.

'Never use the eyes unless it's a special moment.' With that restriction in place, it'd serve as a self-barrier from acting on his lust.

It was weak but it was something.

The system also said that satiating these energies and turning them into positive ones would to reduce them into manageable quantities and therefore increasing efficiency, however, it'd take some work before the girls started allowing him to use them as fleshlights... Oops, another stray thought.

Regardless, he now understood the core concept of cursed energy, even if he didn't make too much progress but it was a good first step.

Before he went back inside the house, a Nevermore came flying towards him.

Gojo activated Limitless and gouged its eye out with precision. He used the Ultimate Eye to come up with more efficient counter attacks while using Limitless to block those that would be too inefficient to dodge.

By the time the Nevermore had turned to ashes, he saw Ghislaine at the front door.

"You've gotten better." She commented.

"I don't know what level I was at before." Gojo replied.

"I see, well don't get cocky, your power isn't perfect." Ghislaine concluded before turning around to go back inside.

"I don't know, I think I can take an attack from you." He responded. She turned around with a gleam in her eye.

"What are you willing to bet?" She asked.

"What aren't I?" Gojo replied.

"If you can't, you will sleep with me every night until you move out." Ghislaine put her bet on the table. She was secretly really happy about being able to hug someone it seemed, although not too much a secret now.

"Gotcha, If I can, you'll become my woman." Obviously, the bets were not fair. However, if he could win this, he would be able to take a shortcut to her heart. Words are surprisingly effective, if he is able to call her, 'wife' often, she'll naturally become more and more like a wife.

"Cocky boy." She muttered before she teleported and punched out to Gojo's chest.

Limitless activated. For a second, her fist was moving so fast that it wasn't able to be seen. However, Limitless is the one that decides threats, not Gojo, and Limitless moves at a speed that no human can surpass.

The fist is stopped a centimeter before it hits his chest.

"Heh, guess I'll take you as my wife now." His face contorted into a large lewd grin.

Ghislaine punched again in annoyance. This time, his body went flying into the many trees surrounding the house. Every time his body would hit a tree, it'd get knocked down and he's move onto the next.

After a couple of seconds of this, he stopped in the middle of a random part of the forest.

His Limitless was active the whole time so he was completely fine, but his emotional state was not.

'Doesn't Limitless stop every attack? What the fuck was that?' He thought.

Ghislaine caught up to the crash zone and helped him up.

"I win." She says with a small smile. This was perhaps the first time he'd ever seen her smile for real and not just implied it through her tone.

"You look much more beautiful smiling." Gojo commented. Ghislaine didn't respond but looked away for a second.

"And no way you won! You had to throw a second punch!" He retorted. Ghislaine looked back to the boy.

"That was one attack." She said with complete seriousness.

"You cheater! How'd you even do that?" Gojo argued.

"Your ability makes every attack around you stop before it hits you, but that doesn't stop me from simply attacking the space around you." She responded.

"...You displaced space with one attack?" He asked.

"It's easy once you get the hang of it." She concluded.

Ghislaine carried Gojo back while sprinting, the whole time, he was complaining about him winning the bet.

Once they got back, he finished the conversation.

"Okay, if we can't reach a consensus, how about we both win? You become my woman and I sleep with you every night." He spoke.

"Deal." She spoke as she walked back into the house.

Gojo wanted to get happy, but he smelt something fishy, and it wasn't Amy Schumer's vagina.

Regardless, he spent the rest of the day with the family he planned to seduce and fuck.

Somewhere else, a woman on a throne was thinking very heavily about something.

"So, he's, her son. I had to send the Nevermore to be certain. And to think he had so much lustful energy radiating off of him like a plague. If I can take him as a pet, that woman would keep out of my plans." She spoke to herself.

"I'll talk to him a bit tonight. If he's so lustful, promises of having as many women as he wants should suffice. Even if I must use my own or Cinder's body, it would be worth it to keep her out of the chess game between Ozma and I." She spoke.

"Well, no matter, no man can resist my body. Although, it's been a couple millennia since I've had sex..." She continued talking to herself.

At this moment, a grunt ran into her throne room.

"Ma'am! Bad News! The silver eyed woman lives!" The grunt yelled.

"How incompetent are you that you can't even kill a single huntswoman!" Her hands flicked with two fingers and his head separated itself from his body. Bood covered the red carpet. Maybe that's why it's red?