
Eye of Ice

Noah has been through a considerable amount throughout his life. Losing his entire family to a decree from the king of Winterguard to kill all magic users, he is taken in by a kind couple and given a second chance to live his life. Despite this second chance, Noah is essentially forced to grow up early as life continues to throw different situations his way. Everyone expects great things of Noah. Even so, he doesn't know himself if he wants to be a hero. Will he be able to gain the resolve he needs to constantly protect the ones he loves?

Danyul · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


The situation at hand was already an awkward one. It's obviously not everyday a newborn child is left on your front porch, but this baby girl having purple eyes turns the entire situation even more so on its head. This isn't a trick from the lighting, she genuinely has purple eyes. The household stared in shock as the baby cried in probable confusion. The conversation probably should have been about what they should do with the kid, but speculation about the eyes was far too interesting for all of them.

Noah: "I thought it was only dark blue, red, and gold for magic colors?"

Lawrence: "Well... it should be."

Edna: "Should I go and grab David? Maybe he knows something that we don't."

Lawrence: "No, no. It's raining rather hard right now. No sense in getting him immediately. This doesn't seem to be an emergency situation of some sort."

In some regards it could actually be seen as an emergency. The child most likely had magic, which would be a problem if someone who wasn't a part of the village was to find out. This is a high stakes situation with zero benefit.

Lawrence: "Well, it's safe to assume this kid has magic, and even though we can't know for sure, no knight is going to take the chance of it not being magic of some kind. Purple is an odd color though..."

Edna: "Maybe it's a new type of magic that we just don't know about?"

Lawrence: "That's probably it, but we have no clue, and probably wont know for a while, if ever."

Noah: "Blue and red make purple. Maybe it's a combination of Creation and Destruction magic!"

Lawrence: "Oh yeah, that's a chance as well."

This was as far as the group could speculate, so they turned the conversation to the main issue.

Edna: "We can talk more about the color later. What are we going to do with the child?"

Lawrence: "I don't feel right giving her away. No telling what might happen if we give her to someone random."

Edna: "Would you be willing to help do the work needed to raise an actual baby? Noah is one thing, but none of us have raised a child from this age."

Noah: "I'll help!"

Lawrence gave a quick sigh.

Lawrence: "Well like I said, it doesn't feel right to give her up. Surely the three of us can do this, right?"

Edna: "It doesn't feel right to be this old and being the mom and dad..."

Noah: "I'll do it! I'll be the dad, so you two can be the grandparents!"

Edna and Lawrence both laughed at Noah's enthusiasm.

Lawrence: "Alright hotshot, go for it. If you want to be the dad then you get to name her."

The name was something they all hoped she didn't already have. There was a card in the basket dating back nine days. It was assumed that this card had her birthday. There was no name anywhere though. Likely the parents didn't want to be too attached for one reason or another.

Noah thought long and hard about the name. He mulled over all sorts of possibilities, but in the end he just went with something simple and easy. No hidden meanings or anything of that sort.

Noah: "I'm going to name her... Ellie!"

Edna: "Well that's a cute name."

Lawrence: "We'll have Ellie sleep with us while we figure out what to do with her. Noah, you and I are going to head over to David's to have him help us with this tomorrow, so for now just get some rest."

Noah: "Alright then."

Noah headed off for bed. His nightmare didn't bother him as much this night due to the excited feeling he had. In the morning, him and Lawrence went to David's as planned.

David: "Purple eyes you say? I know a lot more about the magic world than the average person I'd say, but even I haven't heard of anyone with purple eyes. That's definitely peculiar. All things considered, I'm leaning towards Noah's idea of it being a combination of two magics. A mutation I guess we could call it."

Lawrence: "Knowing for sure isn't too much of an issue, but we could use some help learning to raise her with the world how it is."

David: "Yeah... that decree is a problem. I'll offer as much advice as I can. First off, the only times you should ever have her out of the home is early in the morning, or if you know for sure only people native to this village are out and about. I'll handle the spread of the news of Ellie to the villagers, but we don't want this news going anywhere else."

Noah: "Got it!"

David: "I'll try to gather information from other magic users in different villages, but don't hope for too much there. Once she's old enough, eye covers will allow us to bring her out into the public, but I'd say about three years old is going to be the best age. Are you willing to risk this for that long?"

Lawrence: "Just by naming her, I'd say we agreed to take those risks on."

David: "Alright then. Like I said, I'll help out as much as I can. Don't hesitate to ask me for anything."

Noah: "Alright, let's head back!"

David: "Oh, hold on. Lawrence, I'd like to talk to Noah for a bit, can you head on out?"

Lawrence: "Yeah that's fine. Don't keep him too late!"

David: "No problem."

Lawrence headed on back to the home to help Edna. As the door closed, David motioned for Noah to take a seat.

Noah: "So, what did you want to talk about?"

David: "It's about Ellie. If you really want to be the father for that kid, I need you to know what that actually means."

Noah: "Okay."

David: "This kid, she's gonna have a target on her back bigger than any person in the world probably. If knights find out about her eyes, they wont take a chance on it being just nothing, they'll kill her, one hundred percent. If you're going to be her father, you need to know that you'll be leading a life full of risk. Are you willing to protect her through all of that? For years and years until someone saves this country, are you willing to fight for her? You said you wanted to be a knight growing up, that still applies. You don't have to be a hero for this country, but at the least you need to be one for her. You have to stay by her side, hold her, comfort her, bleed for her, and maybe even die for her. Are you willing to do that? If so then..."

Noah: "I'll do it for sure! I took on the challenge so I'll see it through!"

David: "Jeez kid, interrupting my speech like that. Well, that shows your resolve. If you're truly willing to do all those things for that girl, I'll help you through it. I'll teach you how to fight with a sword. Just because you don't have magic doesn't mean that you can't be the strongest in the world for her. I hope you're ready, because I wont go easy on you! You're the one who decided to throw away your last chance at childhood, so I hope you're able to keep up!"

Noah: "Please teach me! I want to be strong so that I can keep her safe. I want to make sure she doesn't end up like my family..."

Noah started to tear up a bit. Seeing the resolve of Noah, David smiled a bit.

David: "Alright then, each morning stop by here. First things first, we need to get your body in shape. You wont be able to protect her without at least a little bit of muscle."

Noah: "Deal!"

David: "There's something else I want to ask you. I'm planning to go on a trip to the Heaven's Peak Mountain, do you want to come?"

Noah: "Sure, but why?"

David: "I said earlier, I know a lot about this world of magic. There are a lot of myths and legends that float around, but have you ever considered any of them to be possibly true?"

Noah: "No... I thought they were just stories."

David: "Well kid, we both just witnessed purple eyes for the first time, but I want to witness something else next. I want to be this country's hero, but if I fail, I want you to know that you have a path to being the hero instead."

Noah: "Huh? What do you mean?"

David: "Noah, tell me, do the words 'Titans of Magic' ring a bell to you?"

Noah: "Titans of Magic? What are those?"

David: "Stay sitting kid, our talk is about to get a whole lot longer than you thought it would be. I hope you're willing to go on this adventure, because we might be able to hold power to change the entire world."