
Extraordinary Power

**DROPPED** I don’t like how I did this Novel so I’m planning on making a new one at some point. People on earth had started awakening powers since the dawn of time, in order to keep these people under control and to help grow their powers a superhero school was built: United Academy. Milos, The main character in this story was born in Greece but moved to the United Kingdom after he was born, His parents found out that Milos was born different he was born a empathy deficit disorder with no empathy for anything. after getting kicked out he went through lots of emotions causing him to awaken early at the age of 7. With no way to get money he was forced to rely on dangerous jobs like stealing and assassination, which his powers helped him. After living this way for some time, when he turned 10 he ran into people from the United Academy who took him in after noticing his power. *** This is my first novel, so please take it easy on me and i know im going to make lots of mistakes. *** THE COVER IS NOT MINE. Credits to Aleena Giordano for the cover. https://displate.com/aleena4

WalkZSkuy · Urban
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6 Chs

First Mission

*** 2013, August 5 ***

After Milos's 8th birthday, another half a year passed and Martin had been training Milos hard the whole time and he was being taught by Emma.

In the bar Martin and Rex were talking about when to have Milos start missions since he was already stronger than the average person by a lot.

"Martin, do you think we should let him start now?" Rex was still concerned for Milos. Rex was like Milos's big brother in a sense. They spent lots of time together and joked a lot.

"I think he's ready considering how well he does in training." Martin was worried but he knew that Milos could just run away if anything went wrong. Milos could run up to 130 km/h in his displacer form.

"Besides hes very eager to start since he keeps saying he wants to fight some villains" Martin said while looking over at Emma signaling for another beer.

"Yeah, but he would be doing easy missions like stealing and assassination." Rex didn't really know what to do since he was more brawn than brains.

At the same time as they were talking Milos had come outside of his room, he then walked down the stairs. He didn't hear what Rex and Martin were talking about. He just went over and hoped onto the seat which he didn't need to transform to get on now.

"Hey, Martin" Milos looked at Martin, then looked over at Rex "Hey, Rex"

"Good Morning, Milos" Martin took a sip of his beer that he always drank early in the morning.

"Hey, little man" Rex got up and walked over to Milos and pat him on the head. "You might be starting missions soon you know?"

"Really?!" Milos looked at Rex then looked over at Martin with eager eyes.

Martin could feel the pressure of Milos's gaze on his face and he sighed.

"Well yeah, you're going to start soon but I didn't plan on telling you yet." Martin glared at Rex

Rex started to sweat a little bit. "oops".

"That's awesome!" Milos was excited to finally be able to start doing missions. Although he no longer needed money as much because he could just stay at the bar. He wanted to fight, and he thought he needed to earn his place there.

*** A Couple Days Later ***

Martin and Milos finished training for the day and they were both sitting in a booth at the bar. Rex was out on a mission and Emma had the day off. So it was just them in the bar that day.

The majority of the people who worked for Night walk either stayed somewhere else or were on long term missions and couldn't come back.

Milos was waiting for his first mission to come in and was sitting there since he didn't have a phone. 'why do all the adults have phones but not me?' Milos wanted a phone but he didn't know if he should ask for one since it's not like he needed it.

Even for missions they will give him an ear piece and they will talk to him through that. He thought he might as well ask since there wasn't a reason not to. "Hey, Martin".

"What's up?" Martin said while looking up from his phone.

"I was wondering if i could also get a phone?" Milos said while looking at the phone in Martins hand.

"Oh, i mean yeah you could but you need to buy your own." Martin said while explaining it to Milos. "If i bought everything for you, you will start to become a little spoiled."

"ok..." Milos understood what he meant. At the same time the door to enter this side of the bar opened and a man in a suit walked in.

"Are you Martin and Milos?" The man in the suit had a deep voice with his black hair he looked like some super spy.

"Ah, yes" Martin said while getting up to shake the man's hand. Milos looked at the man in confusion.

"I work for the government, and i'm here to give you all a mission." The government man took out a folder from his suitcase he was carrying.

"We have been getting tip offs that a group of criminals are smuggling guns from Russia. We need you to go to the location here and give a recon of the area, find out how many people they have and the amount of supplies that are being smuggled in." The man finished his talk by handing over the folder to Martin.

"Goodbye" The man walked out of the bar without anything else to say.

"Not a bad mission for your first one." Martin said while reading the papers in the folder.

Milos was starting to get even more excited because it was his first mission. But he was also slightly disappointed that he couldn't fight anyone.

*** The Next Day ***

Milos was getting ready for his first mission he had put on fully black clothes with a black hat and mask, he looked like a mix between a special forces solider and a burglar.

"Ok, Milos take this ear piece and give you directions to the location." Martin handed over the ear piece to Milos and then walked outside the room to go to the control room.

"Check, Check." Milos said to see if Martin could hear him.

"You're good to go Milos, Be careful" Martin was worried for Milos. But Milos didn't understand why.

At the warehouse where the smugglers were at.

It was a warehouse by the coast, late at night so no one could see the large cat walking on top of the crates. Milos was in Cat form and was sneaking into the warehouse.

The doors were all shut and locked, so Milos needed to climb through the windows on the roof. Milos jumped on top of the small building next to the warehouse and could jump from there to the warehouse roof.

The windows were all open so Milos turned into a human, and took out some wire, attached it to the window and went down into the warehouse.

There were 6 men all sleeping in sleeping bags, dozens of boxes of guns, mainly pistols. But next to all the sleeping men were assault rifles.

Once Milos touched ground him turned into his cat form again. the harness fell off since it was loose on him as a cat. He started walking to the door to unlock it so he could get out quick if anything happened. He was kind of hoping something did.

After unlocking the door, he went around to the boxes and took count of all the guns. The whole time Martin was at the control room in the bar waiting for something to happen. since he was connected to Milos ear piece he heard what was going on. but every time Milos turned into a cat the ear piece would stay with his human form and not stay with him.

He expected Milos would be in cat form most of the time, but not being able to hear what was going on was a little nerve racking.

Honestly there wasn't much need for Milos to have the ear piece and most of the time they don't use them, since it would be an obvious giveaway if they were on a spy mission.

Milos on the other hand was on his first mission so Martin wanted him to take with him just this once. It could also track his location even if he couldn't hear him.

Milos didn't notice that one of the men was starting to wake up and saw him as a cat.

"Hey! Cat!" The man closest to where Milos said in a yelling whisper voice.

It didn't manage to wake up any of the other people. Milos was spooked by the man's sudden voice and turned into his displacer form, and attacked the man by rushing him and slitting his throat.

Milos didn't care that he just killed a man or what would happen now that he did, but he loved the rush he got from fighting him just now.

Like a crazy person he rushed at the other people who had started to wake up from the noise of Milos killing the man.

One of the men tried to grab his gun and shoot Milos but Milos got to him first and cut off his hands. then he scratched his face until he was a bloody mess. the other 4 men were terrified at the creature in front of them.

While Milos was killing all of the men Martin had no idea what was going on. He saw that Milos was moving around a lot but didn't think much of it.

After Milos was done slaughtering the 6 men, he recounted all the weapon crates because he had forgotten.

Then he switched into a human and walked out of the warehouse, after walking a little ways away from the warehouse he turned back into a cat.

Back at the bar after Milos returned.

Milos entered the bar still as a cat, no one really noticed him and the only person who did was the bartender who also worked for Night walk and had seen Milos's cat form before.

Martin walked down to the bar, he saw Milos as a cat. "Hey, your back, good job." Martin smiled because his student did his first job perfectly. "Now we just leave the rest to the government".

Milos turned back into a human. "Not sure if they have much to do" Milos grinned.

Martin was confused but just blew it off since he didn't think Milos did anything crazy.

After his mission he went upstairs and got ready for bed. He pulled out a phone from one of his pockets and grinned, he stole the phone of one of the smugglers. They had the newest iPhone. Not that he knew what that was exactly.

While exploring the internet because Milos has never messed with technology before, he saw on one the apps with a camera on it, the first thing he saw when he opened the app was a school. The school was huge and seemed like a big deal.

Milos had learned to read from Emma, so he knew what it said and the school was called. United Academy.

'Dumb name'.