
Extraordinary Famous Actress is a Villainess

After years of slaving away for her mother and sister, Yu xiao yan is slapped back to her sense by her sister scheme which not only got her insulted by the whole world but also made her lose her fiancee. "you're such a horrible child! you have no filial piety, why can't you be like your sister who doesn't bring shame to our family" Devastated by the shame and scorns she leaves home yet her absence doesn't bother her family but now she's back! what Filial piety? what family? Hmph! she's back to slap them all in their faces, didn't they like to disgrace her?, she'll show them what disgrace actually mean! ' would be Famous! not just famous but Extraordinarily Famous!' 'They call me a Villain?...well then I would be a Villainess' "Baby don't worry I cut them all down for your sake!" a stranger man said. "who are you?" she asked confused. "I'm your man!"

unique2bliss · Urban
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41 Chs

beauty calm down

The event continued peacefully and harmoniously for everybody, but only Yu xiao yan was exhausted both physically and mentally as she had been the subject of a thousand death glare tonight and that was because a certain beauty had stuck to her side like adhesive throughout the night.

No matter what she did or where she went, she couldn't shake him off, he would always find himself back to her side making all the ladies in the hall jealous, especially Yu zhi ruo, Shen xue and Zhou lanzhou.

The event finally ended and everyone began leaving one after the other until there was only Director Jiang, some few investors, Yu xiao yan and Shi zeyi. Fei Hong and Lin Lijia had already left since they had some things to attend to.

"Good night sir" she took a slight now as she saw Director Jiang to his car.

"Yu xiao yan your manager has gone, would you like me to drop you off" Director Jiang offered, scared that it would be dangerous to leave her all be herself.

"No thank you sir but my friend is coming to pick me up, so I'll be fine" she assured him.

" okay but at least let Shi zeyi stay with you till your friend arrives okay?" The man sighed looking at the Shi zeyi who was standing next to Yu xiao yan

"Director Jiang you don't have to worry I'll stay for a little while" only after Shi zeyi had agreed did Director accept to leave with the investors, they bade their goodbye and watched as the motor drove out of the environment.

"finally we're alone... Beasty i_ Ouch! what was that for?!" Yu xiao yan had hit him on his head immediately the men were gone

"what are you doing here? you're supposed to be in L.A so what the hell are you doing?!" she questioned frustratedly, she had gone through so much mental stress that she was too exhausted to tell at him.

"what? am I forbidden from coming home?" he made a justified look as he asked back.

"no you're not but Shi zeyi if you dare make things hard for me, I'll return the favor in a thousand folds" Yu xiao yan threatened, she was well aware of his nature to cause trouble every time.

"yeah yeah I get it!"

"oh before I forget, my cousin asked to bring you to Chrysanthemum palace" he informed her with a helpless expression, his expression showed that there was no room for disagreements

"really? did he_" she was going to ask why the imperial great immortal wanted her to come over but she was disrupted by the car that suddenly came to halt in front of them.

A man in Black suit stepped out of the limosin and said "sorry for the interruption but miss Yu xiao yan I was sent to invite you" he opened the door of the car for her, by his attitude it was clear that it was not a request but an order.

"who are you?" Shi Zeyi stepped forward slightly blocking Yu xiao yan from the man

The middle aged man replied courteously "I am housekeeper Cai, my boss sent me to bring miss Yan".

"Your boss? who is your boss" The girl asked cautiously, looking puzzled. it has not been long since she returned to China and she had not seen that many people, and none of them were this rich to be this man's boss.

"my boss is Mr ye" He answered again.

"Mr ye? what business do i have with your boss?" She asked suspiciously, she had never heard of any Mr ye and the once she has heard of would not have any business with a commoner like her so who was this Mr ye.

"I'm afraid I don't know that but if miss Yan would follow me back, I'm sure you'll get to know" he seemed to have become impatient as he looked at his watch.

"she's not going anywhere!" Shi zeyi protected Yu xiao yan behind him, he didn't feel right as he stared at this man. Something in him told him, he would regret it if he let Yu xiao yan meet this so called boss.

"ma'am it's best you follow us willingly or else we might be forced to use force" The Elderly man urged, though his words sounded like he was ordering her, his tone was still as polite as ever, it showed that he was not accustomed to using force.

"didn't you hear me?! she's_" Shi Zeyi was going to tell on the man but he felt a soft hand on his shoulder stopping him from completing his words. He looked at Yu xiao yan and saw her signal him to stop talking. she walked past him and walked towards the limo.

"xiao yan wait!" he panicked as he saw her about to get in. how can she just walk in like it's her own private chauffeur, what if these people have bad intentions and besides what does he tell his cousin?! The helpless boy thought

"beauty calm down, I'll be back" she said and gave him a meaningful look before she got into the car.

Shi zeyi watch the door close and the car drive away, he had gotten the message she sent him through that look, she was asking to ask from help from his cousin if she somehow doesn't return that night. But there was no how he would wait he she doesn't return, if he truly waited till then, then his cousin would skin him alive then decapitate him. he immediately called his chauffeur and then sped off in the other direction.


weirdly enough for someone who was being taken to an unknown place, Yu xiao yan slept throughout the whole ride, she had only woken up when she felt the car had stopped. she looked out the window and saw a big sign board with Phantom Hive written on it before the car the car drive in a vast compound.

"miss please this way" the house keeper came down and her into the house.

Yu xiao yan looked at the house outlets and could immediately tell that the owner was a very rich and influential person, this even made her wonder the more what the person wanted with her.

"please miss wait here, My master would be with you soon" He said and left her standing alone in the sitting room.

Yu xiao yan stood as she ransacked the place with her eyes, she expected to see an exquisitely designed interior with the person's picture scattered everywhere with frames of gold but what she saw was quite... simple. the painting and design of the house gave it a cold and aloof feeling, there wasn't even a single picture on the walls, only a bunch of odd looking art paintings.

Yu xiao yan had lost track of how long she had stood there and no one has come out yet, even her legs were already aching her from standing so long. just as she was contemplating whetter to sit or keep standing she heard footsteps on the staircase behind her.