
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

54. Sudden reaction





Right beneath the orchid forest, A dark haired young teenager could be seen sitting in a desk where huge piles of paper with weird symbols were towering over the lab. The girl was sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden a strange sound came from the huge spaceship right beside her. 


' Beeep ' ' Beeep '


" Mwaaah~"


The girls seemingly confused by the sound. She finally snapped out from her daze as she ran towards the ship.

" W-what is going on? "


The girl was excited and confused as she barely managed to restore the power in the ship. however a weird message appeared in one of the monitors of the spaceship.

" ??? What could this language be? "

The message was in a weird language. She tried to but couldn't decipher it just yet then she remembered a specific person who managed to decipher a new runic language in less than a minute.

" Arthur might know... but I can't... I am already indebted to him for many things...."


Shaking off that thought, the girl finally decided to at least give it another week and try to decipher it by her own. If she couldn't then unfortunately for her, she might have to rely on him again.




" Welcome first year students! This meeting is an introduction about our club. The hunting club" 

I was currently at one of the clubs rooms, but this specific club occupies the largest room due to the number of the students.

" Before we begin, We would like to thank everyone who attended the session. You can call me Adrian, and I am the leader of this club and a third-year student. "


just like I expected, all of the main lead are in the hunting club except for Loren and... wait? Is that Zen? The hell is he doing here?....anyway....I'm not sure why does Livia keep giving me glances today, maybe I need to remind her...


" Maaan....I can't wait to hunt these monsters "


Since the Academy resumed its courses, I never had a moment of peace without John blabbering. They say humans are adaptive creatures, yet I still can't even imagine adapting to his stupidity. To be honest, I kinda missed his chattering when I was on trip to that territory--

" -Dude! I think rank one is staring at me! You think she fell for my muscles and handsomeness? "




I take that back.. there's no way I would miss this guy again.... what is with all the talking? Does he think he is on podcast or something?

" Yeah yeah she definitely fell for you dude..."

I gave up on arguing with him so the best solution is just to go with whatever he says.

" They also ranked up..."


Taking a quick glance over the main lead I can tell that they also grown stronger since that dungeon attack...


Harold seems to be on C rank... he might be ready for that mission. In the novel, around this time he must have received a mission to clear a dungeon and the reward was a great Legendary swordsmanship scripture. The mission difficulty was B rank.


After that incident with the club, I remember that Harold was once again reminded of how weak he was making him take on this difficult quest to get stronger. Unfortunately for him, he met a very powerful enemy who almost killed him if not by a lucky encounter. He didn't even clear the quest which frustrated many readers.

Hmm... maybe if I help him clearing the quest, I could take that arcane? Currently, what I lack the most is swiftness. Although my defense and offense are both great for my current rank, but still I lack dexterity... 

After thinking about it for some more time, I finally decided to consider this as an option. After all, I'm pretty sure that even if I brought Sali with me, the elves would still hate me. Not only am I half a vampire who uses darkness, but also my purpose of visiting them would be still get noticed.


They will know that I don't care about them and only their movement abilities...


I w--


" --Hello? Dude what are you spacing out for? Let's leave they already are done for today"

"Hmm? Oh right let's go "





Loren POV:

" I feel closer to B rank "

—————[Status window]———————-



Race: Human



Name: Loren Hermes



Rank: C



planet: Earth




Strength: D



Mana: C



Dexterity: B



Stamina: C


Luck: F



[ Panther's Tears ] [ SS ]

 Skill type: [ Passive ] [ Manual ]



{ A mysterious skill that manifested from remnants of an extinct void creature. 'Panther's Tears' Allows the user to adjust their rank into a weaker one while pertaining their original power. No cool down for the skill }

[ Soothing Nights ] [ A ]

Skill type: [ Automatic ]



{ The owner of this skill will have a peaceful sleeping, the effect is only active upon trying to sleep. }

Martial arts: 

[ Advanced Dagger arts ] [ Epic Grade ]


{ this scripture contains most of the advanced and special movements of the dagger style, the more one practice those movements, the more precise and critical their slashes becomes }



[ Mind of Steel ] [ S ]



{ Being raised with such harsh environment, and enduring all of the pain and suffering from childhood. Your mind became strong enough to withstand a lot of pain. Your mind can now stay focused in your training and handle the effort much easier than others }

[ Bloodlust ] [ A ]




{ Having so many murderous thoughts and anticipating the blood of your enemies. You now gain 20% boost over all stats upon trying to kill your opponents }




" Still... Who the hell is the ' Anonymous ' ? "


At first I thought that maybe it was the principle of the academy since he is the only one close and strong enough to perhaps see through my arcane. However, during the attack he didn't intervene neither does he need to hide his identity. Even the Hermes cannot face him because of his status. The greatest mage, the principal of the most elite academy and one of the few SS rankers.....


" The who else? "


Thanks to that unknown person, I can think clearly now and plan with much ease. I want to know who it is.... I don't care about who they might be... I just want to make sure that this person isn't another ploy by the Hermes...



" I'm getting stronger.... are you still watching me ? "




