
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

52. Settiling debts 2




Zen POV:

" Young master, are you expecting a friend from the academy by any chance? Someone named Arthur "


Who? Friend? Arthur? I have never heard of him...


" No, but why do you ask? "


" He is at the front gate claiming that he is here to settle a debt. I thought that maybe you lended him something since he looked young like you "


 A debt? I don't recall lending anything to anyone? Who is it? Sighe... it must be one of those beggars at the academy...


" Send him off...."


" As you wish, young master "







" Young master...."


?? what now? 


" yes? "


" He said that he is here to meet his excellency the patriarch, your esteemed father "

" What? How dare some kid..... just kick-"


"-Zen? How is your training, and kick who exactly? "


Father? Wasn't he busy managing the external affairs with the other guilds recently?


" Nothing father... a stupid brat appeared at the main gate... there's no need to bother yourself with that "


" I see...wait..a brat?"



" yes?"

" What was his name "


Hmm? Seriously? Could that kid really have some buisness with my father?

The one to answer my father was the butler head of the house, Buren our most entrusted servant.

" His name is Arthur Riverblood, your excellency "

" Arthur? Oh! It has been a while! Let him inside and bring him to my office!"

" As you command "

No way....why is my father this happy to meet him? Arthur Riverblood Hmm... I will have to check on him sometime at the academy....


" he is indebted to my father? Interesting..."








Arthur POV:

It has been more than a month and now I just experienced an epiphany that I have been wronged the whole time....




{ Elite Families }


I have only read about them in the novel back in my previous world, but to witness it with my own eyes is different.

All type of accessories, decorations and the most expensive furnishings are in display. I just realized how insignificant my worldview was.... just because I became quite rich doesn't mean anything. To reach a level where I can spend my money in such lavish items is what a true ' rich individual' can do...


" His excellency is inside, please mind your words....."





Am I imagining it or this butler is being little too difficult? Hmm...maybe my reaction to the place while walking made him think that I was some beggar?



' open the huge wooden stylish door ' I entered what to a room that seemed to be more like an office.

" It's been a while, kid "


Demulein Sylvicous. meeting him in person is much different than in a screen, although he is hiding his pressure, but his presence alone holds such a terrifying pressure by itself....


" You look better than before, patriarch "

' Smiling at my remark ' the patriarch replied 


" Of course... capturing that bug has relieved a lot of stress. Same goes to you... I can feel how much you enjoyed using that martial art..."


Old bastard already rubbing it on my face... Luckily I came prepared.

" Yes indeed, it was a great item, That's why I came to repay you for it "


He seemed surprised that I came back so early as he asked 

" Already? "


" Yeah, here check it out "

'Taking out a skill scroll form my special space' I passed him the skill scroll that I found in the dungeon as a reward. It originally was for the protagonist and it was the same skill that he used when he discovered the hidden path to the spaceship. This much wouldn't cripple him as the system had skills up to S rank...


[ Charge of Destruction ] [ A Rank ]

Skill type : [ Active ] [ Manual ]



{ A powerful skill that can charge up a weapon with the user's mana to unleash a massive destructive attack. The more mana consumed the more destructive the attack becomes }


" Hoo? A rank? Where did you find it "

" As you can see I became quite rich"


"...a spacial ring..?"

" Yup "


There weren't many of them so he must understand how expensive it was to get one.

" It's quite the good skill, but still It is not as good as the martial art I gave you "




sighe.. I thought so... legendary items if compared to skills they would be as valuable as S ranking ones.... 


" well....I am not done yet... I came with a valuable information...."


" information..?"

" Remember when we made that deal? I might not look like it, but in information wise, you can guarantee their worth"

" Hmm? Interesting... you knew that we already possess plenty of artifacts and wealth, so again you came with an intel? sure I'm all ears "

" Ahem... before I tell you I need you to promise me again that you will not disclose what I told you while at the same time not to pry on how I know of it "

" Again?... sighe... is it really this valuable? "


" Sir, what if I told you that this information is more valuable than the previous one? "




Hmm? What is wrong? Why did he become silent all of a sudden?

[ Sound Concealment ] 

" Sorry, now you can continue...."


Is this the sound-proof spell? Impressive, I need to get my hands on one.

" Yes, before I tell this to you. I need you to know that this is more of a warning than some piece of an info "


" Warning?..."


" Yes, have you heard of the new S rank dungeon around Terdom Jungles "


" Terdom? Yes of course...wait.. how do you know about this? The association still didn't reveal that to the public "



" Ahem.....yes I remember..... you said you wouldn't disclose your intel source..."

" I assume that you also made a request to own it "




Silence is a sign of acceptance.... he doesn't have to say it because I already know that he did in the novel.

" Anyway, the warning is to not even get close to that dungeon "

" Are you kidding me? "


Thought so.... How can I convince him? He was one of the good characters. I really don't want him to die. If that really happened, then his son might become one of the most troublesome villains.


" I can't give you clear evidence, but that dungeon is much dangerous than you could ever imagine "


" Arthur... you know that what you are saying is ridiculous right? Throughout mankind, no one knew what was inside the dungeons, and here you are claiming you know? "


 " I can't disclose my source of information, but I guarantee its credibility "


" .....If you can't reveal any evidence then I can't believe you. anyway, we are now equal I guess... you are dismissed"

sighe..... at least I tried...

Unbeknownst to me that hiding my source of knowledge this much while revealing many informations, have raised the patriarch curiosity to the degree where he just used his S rank skill ' Eye of The Above '

* Stare *



