
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

37. ???




Arthur's POV:

...Where am I?....


What is this dark place? Oh.....did I die?

The last thing I remember was using the curse... so where am I? Is this what is it like in the afterlife?

What is that? A black crystal?....No... a throne? But w-who is that?

What was sitting in front of me was a beautiful white haired man that exuded an air of nobility and dignity... his eyes that also were red like mine were however like that of a hawk eyes.... how can someone look majestic but this scary? And why does he have a slight smile drawn on his face?


{ Human.....thank you for the flattery...now tell me..... why did you use the curse?}

Hmm? Who are you? Wait.. is that you Koorgil?!

{ Indeed human.... It is me Koorgil.. now answer my question... for what reason have you used the curse? }


Koorgil? but how? didn't you pass away after giving me the curse?


{ ...fine.....This part of me is not the 'Real' me. You see... for all those centuries of isolation I learnt many things.... in your knowledge I should be what you call SSS rank...}

...Not the real you? So like some sort of a spell or something?

{ Yes.... It was the gift I left for you Arthur...no or should I call you ' Eric '...}




....It has been a while since I heard my real name...

{ Now Eric.. why did you use the curse.. }



I don't know anymore....can I ask you something koorgil?

{...? Sure.. go ahead..}

What do you think my purpose of coming here? you saw how I lived in my previous world... why would I end up here?...



.....sighe...I guess you als--

{..... I think it is you who wished to come here... }


What? Why in the hell would I want to come in this missed up world? Why would I leave my lovely family and my old world?

{ ...Stop fooling yourself human..}


{.... you see...I lived for thousands of years..when I saw your memories.... I also can feel what you felt..... I know many things... one of them is your confusion....}


{ Human.. you aren't not stupid... your uncle and his wife were friendly with you because of your parents house and lands... your friends only hanged out with you because of your grades... none of them truly considered you as a friend or family... }


{ You of all people... knew this but kept acting... however you fell in love with this world... }


{ you....wished for this world to end peacefully despite its agony, but the ending left a whole in your chest...}


{ Eric...you are not a weak human who would weep...I know what you felt.... you were more bored and betrayed...}


{ You...lost hope in humanity....Although acted as others.... but you lost hope in your previous world... all the fake people in power using morality to their benefit..... all the humans around you using you for their own benefit..... it was all too boring for you}


{ Erick.... you found this world different....you loved its honesty.... but you wished to change its end....}



I guess living thousands of years gives you some sort of wisdom.... but what did you expect me to do?

Do you think I had power to change the whole world? Even if I somehow became like hitler and ruled the world do you think I can change the behavior of others? Am I some sort of a god? Of course I will live like them I can't even bother acting up.... and it is the same here... nothing will change.... all this is just the same....

{.... Do...you really think that's the case Eric?... are you sure you lost hope in this world..as well.? }


{ what about the characters you read?.... what about John?... you know them more than anyone.... this world isn't like yours..... the evil and good are clear.....you have the opportunity to change this world as well... are you sure that you will just give up? }

...and what is it that you want me to do?! Do you think I can do this shit?! A freaking undying bastard!!!...and that prideful asshole!!.... what about the damn races who are freaking close minded?! Do you think that this world is any different? And who are you to tell me to try? Didn't you just lose it after killing that bastard for once?!!!

{.....Eric.... I am not here to tell you what to do... neither will I judge your decision.... If you leave this world end as it is....it is not your fault... but I will ask you this...will you give up...? }

...I can't...I am too weak...for this BS... I was just a student... a human teen Koorgil... you saw my world...


Do you think I have the preserve and tenacity to fight all of this?

{....I don't care about any of that....Eric...I am not asking about whether you can do it or not... I am asking whether you 'want' to do it....}

....What? I already answered.....cut the crap... don't give me some speech of resolve and patience or whatever I told you my mind can't deal with this...what? stupid ring that gives me some sedation? And this arcane? What the hell is the use of a skill that will break me?....

{ You don't have to worry about those....}


{ all that you need to do is answer my question...honestly }


{ Eric son of Blake and Jane from the other world...for what purpose have you used this curse?}


My goal still is the same, I want to become stronger..... I want to change this world..... B-but I am pathetic.... I tried getting stronger but look at me.... I ended up using this curse to some weakling... the invasion didn't even start, and I am not sure now whether I died using this skill or not....

{ worry not.....as for whether you died or not I protected your mind this once...and now that I know of your purpose in this world.... I will pass to you the real gift...}


[ Warning!!!]

[ Warning!!!]

[ Warning!!!]

[ an anomaly is happening in the system!! ]


[ a change occurred in the unchangable variable 'Talents' !!!]

{ You see.... in my isolation.... I realized many things... on of them is the power source of this world...}


[ Initiating defending mechanism.... ]

[ Erasing the anomaly began....]


{ If you wish to know more try reaching my castle....}


[ Error!!! Error!!! ]

[ Threat already breached the host!!! ]

[ %&*@xžīøēÿ--------------]

[ -----Success! a new trait appeared in the 'Talents' section! ]

{ Farewell... Eric..never....use this ability like this time...unless of course...}


 It!? Wait.... what do you mean?? Unless what? This wasn't mentioned in the novel?! Hold on don't just leave after giving me some hope?!

{ worry not Eric.....now I will have to leave.... don't disappoint my trust human... and try reaching my planet if you wish to learn more.....}



