
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

35. All crumbled






Sophia POV:

T-This is it! now is the perfect chance!!

"NOW!!! SALI!!"

[ H--Holy Protection! ]

"Huh?! Kid are you crazy?! you will die as will!! "

Finally!! now there is no going back!






"...S--Sophia? Are you okay?"

"Cough...Cough..Y--yes pleas- hea.....l...m....."

"Ehh? s--Sophia Y--you! don't just die on me!"

[ Greater Heal!! ]

" ughh... who? Sali? Oh yeah... what happened to that bastard?"

My head feels fuzzy but I still remember what happened, we were planning to take that guy down by fooling him with a sudden attack... hopefully we got him...

" I--I think he is unconscious... just rest please"

"F-first I need to make sure he is not acting..."

Urghh I will beat up that old geezer for allowing this to happen...




Livia POV:

[ Horold Light ] [25m]

" Looks like we are almost there, Arthur"

'Walking beside Arthur' we finally reached our destination.

" Again, you will be the one to act I am not going to intervene"

Apparently, Arthur wants to hide his power and make me do the work, he said their leader should be a single C ranker so it should be fine right?

[Harold Light] [9m]

"There they are...hmm? Arthur?"

why is he silent? 


W-What is that aura? That is not a C rank!! He is too strong!! We need to run!!!

" Arthur! He is too strong... we mus-

"-Hmm?.. wait a second... Livia? Yo what a surprise gift! Not only the 2nd but also the 1st ranking students!"

Me? A gift? he is after me as well?! W--wait who is that in his arm? A S--student? His face is too missed up!! Shit he will di--


Hmm? Arthur? 


"Change of plans.....take them with your spirits and leave...make sure to use the potions on them.."

Them?.... wait something is different about Arthur... I never seen him like this...??!!!!!! thinking about it now that student looks like the one he was talking to back in class?? Is he his friend?

" What are you spacing out for Livia..take them and get the fuck out of here"




I don't know what is he thinking, but I think I should listen to he says for now...

" hmm? Who is this? 4 digi--

" --Shut your mouth Jerrad... weren't you supposed to be with Ron and your boss?"

" ...What?"

" Bastard... you are an A ranker... you also was supposed to be a distraction..."

" Huh?"

" Sigh.....you know... since coming to this world I had a problem...what do you think is a character? Are they humans? Are you real? Am I in some sort of simulation?"

" What the hell are you mumbling kid? How do you know my name?"

" You see... I thought about leaving this world to crumple.. I thought it was too difficult.. and too much effort...after all I am just a student..... and still I feel the same "

"??? Kid, Who told you about Ron and boss? Don't you understand the situation?"

" But there was John.. although he was stupid, but I didn't know of his existence. It was just a week with him, but I learned something precious"

"John? Oh this boy? Heh I must say his face was fun to crush, answer me If you don't want to end up like him"

" those characters are real... they are alive.. and that's why I actually kinda do care about them..."

" ...Don't you dare run away kid....you hiding over there....."

[ Magical Restraint ]


Shit! I can't move!! he noticed me!

Luckily I managed to retrieve the unconscious students using my spirits. However, the terrorist has noticed what I was doing and stopped me... that's bad I can't move.. He is way too strong...I can't do anything but watch... I don't understand why Arthur is acting this way but I have to leave it up to him for now....

'Lup-Dup' 'Lup-Dup' 'Lup-Dup'

He is very strong ranker b--but why? Why is it that my heart can't stop pounding? Why do I feel more scared of Arthur more than this ranker?

" You see Jarred your pathetic existence hold no value, your life itself up to this point is to die in this event"

".....?? Me? Die?..... Pfrt... HAhHAHAHaHAHa.....ohhh men.. that was some hilarious joke..anyway I have to kill Livia and Harold as well... I don't know how you know my name, but I don't really care, so sorry to disappoint you kid but your acting stops no--

" ---Jarred member of ' Freedom '. You are an A ranker who hates one of the elite families for some personal matter."



"When you lost hope in taking revenge due to how weak and pathetic you are, A group a fanatics approached you and gave you an opportunity you wished for."



" You wished to cause them pain, and the best way is to take their most precious children. The leader herself who you guys call ' Free Lady ' secretly became an SS ranker."



" Only you and other minority know about this, but she currently is looking for a powerful artifact.."




"You guys are nothing but a pathetic little bunch of weaklings. Did you know Jarred? That this whole group of yours was made for some content?"


N-no!! The ranker is getting serious! Why is Arthur not even moving?!

" Heh..... I was very careful.. but the plot kept changing....some reason.....you know what? why do I even care at this point?"

Screw it.....I will just use it..."





What is going on?

Why did the A ranker stop?

wait what the hell is he doing?

" Aaah..aahhh"

is he kneeling?

No.... is he crying? What kind of absurd situation is that?


M-my ears!!



W--what? What's going on? Why is the terrorist crying?! what the fuck did Arthur do?!


SHIT!!!! he is reaching for a weapon!! Why is Arthur not stopping him?! I need to help.. b..but I can't move.....

* STAB *




D--did he just stab himself? W--why? 

" sighe.... I was too lax.. now I will have to deal with this shit..."

*Thud *


W--wait why is Arthur unconscious as well what in the world just happened??!!





Hello dear reader, hopefully you enjoyed the reading so far. Unfortunately, I have some bad news. I have a midterm this Thursday…. So in the next week starting from Sunday to Thursday. I will unfortunately not upload chapters, but hey there are some good news as well! I started making some illustrations for the characters using an AI generator! Again sorry for the sudden break…

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