
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

13. A Forbidden Curse

Apparently the demon lord was actually killed by the vampirelord using this arcane however. He lost his mind as he was only an SS rank when he faced the demon king. The backlash was so severe that he lost his mind and started massacring his kind….

[ 10 minutes till the effect of ' Turus Mushrooms ' run out ]

I had to hurry up…luckily he agreed to give me the arcane without any resistance

{ human use this power only at risk…. Don't do the same mistake that I made…I killed my enemy…but lost my family}

' reaching toward the crystal ' Just like 'the void' I felt a sense of familiarity with a new energy,

After touching the crystal the usual window appeared before my eyes.

[ Abaddons curse ] [ S-SSS Rank ]

Type : [ Active ] [ manual ]


{ The lord of the vampires unlocked a forbidden spell. A forgotten curse from hell that shouldn't exist in this world. A powerful vampire that managed to kill the demon lord. However, he lost his mind and killed his allies in the process. The only way to seal his cursed power was by using the divine grade seal ' Blackstar '. A curse that destroys the psychic and ignores all defense. The more powerful the enemy compared to the user, the more the relapse.}

'?!!!' WHAT?!


I was astonished… was it that strong in the novel? But how did that villain not kill the main character if this is how strong it was?….

{ ?? What do you mean human.. did someone else have this curse?}

No, Someone else was supposed to take it from you. However, I don't think they had the same powerful skill…

{ Hoo?…then I probably cursed them…..don't underestimate me human…. I was once a lord}


That would actually make more sense, it was mentioned that the villain was somehow crazy and irrational. He even killed himself at some point.

Wait a minute... does that mean I would have gotten cursed if you didn't read my mind?


oh shit.. well hopefully that didn't happen..

Interesting, then are you going to stay inside this seal?

{ no…..I was waiting…..this seal is impossible to breach without contact….it really holds its divine prowess}



Is this real? Of course he will be sealed. A divine seal will be able to seal even gods.

Then what am I supposed to do? Do I need to bring something?

{ No human… just touch the seal once again… all I need is a living link from the outside}

Just that?… ok then what will happen to you?

{ I will finally have my rest… I have no idea how long have passed…..but now all I want is to rest in peace…..}

Well thanks again vampire lord.

{ Then farewell.. human….and consider this… as a gift from me…. Koorgil Vinhilm…the 13th lord of the great vampires….}

[ Warning! Warning! ]

[ External threat '???' Has breached the system…. ]

[ Requesting permission from the host…..]

[ Accept external link or activate defending mechanism?]

{ Just take it… it will keep that bastard away from you… he will definitely notice this curse…}

As soon as I heard his words, I accepted his gift by pressing [Yes].

Afterward, the crystal started to crack. Once it split open, it vanished into nothingness.

When I got out of the lake. A heavenly scene was in front of my eyes

The whole lake regained its color and the dark depth started to lighten up slowly. Like a movie where angels descend from heaven.

The dead ground became more alive and I could feel the dry land becoming more muddy and solid.

" was the reason this curse?"

Unfortunately, before I could adore the scene a sudden nausea hit me.

[ The effect of underwater breathing have ran out]


And here comes the stupid side effe…."Blerghhh..

Before returning, I inquired about the identity from the old lady in the inn.

"Hmm? Old skinny man with large cut in his face? There is no other elderly in this area other than me and my husband"

".... Really?"

"Hmmm... wait there actually was one like in my young days who fits the discription... you might not believe it but he was someone very important"

"?? Can You please explain more?"

"Well.. you see, believe it or not he had a strange power that made him talk with the dead.... anyway it is very old and it is impossible to be him"

hmm interesting, was his soul waiting then? But how did he know abo--- wait.. did he hear Koorgil? Maybe other dead spirits? This is going no where let's just ignore that

"Alright, thanks granny!"

" You are welcome anytime, young man"

After that I headed back to Azur city, I spent the whole day once again from a station to another until finally reaching my home.

" just two more days, I should train more to become like master"




At the same time in a meeting room within the association, A huge circular table with 20 seats arranged were surrounding the table. Currently, 12 of those seats were occupied.

" why have you called for this meeting, Demulein"

A huge burly man with wide shoulders and scars all over his body, the guildmaster of the obsidian rank ' Shield ', Gordon SS rank tanker asked in a friendly tone.

" Please hurry, the others are probably not coming"

A feminine voice interjected in between, if one didn't know the owner of this voice, they would have been tricked into thinking that the owner is a peaceful woman. Lia the guildmistress of the obsidian rank guild ' Nightgale ' SS rank Assassin known for her stealth arts ' Shadow Steps '. If one heard her voice, their only wish is that she wasn't there for them.

" they are not coming"

Finally, the man in question, demulein an SS ranker and the patriarch of the Sylvicous, responded back. The only thing he did next was look at the person beside him.

The strongest man alive, the leader of the humanity association with a power of SSS and the Hero ranked 1st opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes everyone became silent out of respect, and the person beside him. Kevin, leader of administrative faculty, his most trusted advisor stood up from his seat.

" The meeting will now commence"

After saying that, a hologram at the center of the table appeared with some kind of a map with an X mark pointing somewhere.

" the main topic for this meeting is capturing a group of villains ranging from B to S rank…..

The sitting rankers lowered their tension. However, the following words made the hall's tension become much more serious than before.

… and the retrieval of a Mythic grade artifact"




At the same time,

In a different galaxy and throughout space, A crimson colored planet, where oceans are as red as blood, and no vegetation could ever be seen. A huge building towering over thousands of meters was floating above the steaming hot bloody red liquid. In the center of the building was a magnificent hall adorned with all kinds of riches with a massive huge jewel made throne, behind the throne was however a Lab. The Lab contained the most futuristic kind of devices meant for genetic experiments, biological modifications and all sorts of crazy heretical experiments. One of the largest devices was a massive flask like tube filled with what seemed to be a saline or a healing liquid?

Inside the tube, A huge body was floating, the body was the perfect example of an abomination. Dark bloody black skin, long thin black scaled tail, and two massive tattered wings. If someone saw this creature their only wish is that it wasn't alive. No pity for such a creature that only brought fear and restlessness to the onlookers.

The immortal, the harbinger of destruction, the king of both death and living. Some even glorified him as a greater being than gods, which was to some extent true. Gods although hailed as the most superior, they cannot break the law of causality. However, there were no such restrictions to this being. He was the strongest individual of the strongest race. An everlasting existence.

The demon lord, 'Anathema'. No one knows his true name, but most beings call him 'Liege'.

Anathema after many years has once again opened his eyes. However, for the first time in thousands of years, He was frowning as he stared blankly at the red murky sky.


