
Extra who isn’t actually an extra

Arthur Riverblood was a normal college student back in his previous life. After dying in an accident, he woke up in the worst possible novel [ Hero within the darkness]. A novel that was down rated and hated by the viewers due to the devilish author. Join our poor Arthur In his journey. Can he survive? Or would he die in vain?

Daoistv0hCZs · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

11. Complete Turtle

Two weeks later~

" status "

———————[Status window]———————-

Race: Human

Name: Arthur Riverblood

Rank: E

planet: Earth


Strength: D

Mana: E

Dexterity: E

Stamina: E

Luck: D



[ The void ] [ S rank]

Skill type: [Active] [Automatic]


{ The wielder of this skill will have a defensive portal that can protect the user from flying attacks up to rank S. The stronger the attack, The more time is required for recharging the void. Weak attacks of rank C and below have no cool down time }

Martial arts:

[ Gaia's Teachings] [ Legendary rank ]


{ the teachings and techniques of this martial art scripture will grant its practitioner with a body more solid than earth. Boosting physical strength by a whole rank above the over all rank. the body will go into a huge development both physically and mentally }

[ Basics of Daggers Arts] [ Rare ]


{ this scripture contains both basic and some advanced movements of the dagger style, the more one practice those movements, the more precise and critical the slashes get}

Talents: None


" Now I finally became a turtle"

During the last two weeks I trained like a maniac with only three things occupying my mind. Train, eat and sleep.

" only one week is left"

The beginning of the academy where students will be ranked based in the exams done to asses them previously. The ranking changes every term. I think my current rank will be trashed as I was accepted when my rank was F.

" this is troublesome"

Knowing how the kids from the rich family behaves, I will surely be targeted by them.

' opening my phone' I checked the next location where the offensive arcane was.

Arcanes are very powerful skills that have a some defect or side effect. Luckily, I got my hands on ' Gaia's teachings' since it weakens the side effects of the one I am looking for.

The one arcane that I must get my hands on is a very powerful madness skill. It directly attacks the psyche of the enemy causing psychic damage. From irritation to permanent cognitive damage and even death, depending on rank of the attacked individual.

" The person who got it turned into a maniac and lost his mind after using it"

The reason why I am so adamant about getting it is because I remember that the author described it as { mystery }. The only other mystery I know of is the immortality of the demon king… I need to make sure that at least it doesn't fall into the hands of someone else. Strangely, the guy who got it killed himself immediately after using it, so I will actually not use it. After all, I can't risk losing my mind. For now I kept practicing my dagger arts and even got a rare grade martial arts that was auctioned for 100 thousand gold. I'm officially dirt poor again.

The next location was quite far from the others. It wasn't in a dungeon nor even hidden. The novel mentioned something about a lake where no life resides. At the depths of the lake there is a dark crystal that has some resemblance of a star.

" All I need is to touch it"

Fortunately, I am quite the good swimmer. However, the most annoying part is breathing underwater.

" I need to go back to orchid forest for now…"





The same receptionist from back then greeted me with a bow… I totally should never joke like that ever again.

' While thinking about unnecessary stuff ' a beautiful 18 years old girl with long brown hair and golden eyes passed by.

Wait… Isn't that Sophia Alex???

Sophia Alex Is one of the main lead and also the daughter of an obsidian rank guildmaster. With the talent of [ child of mana ] she became a future powerful ally that even surpassed Amelia….

[ Each guild was ranked based in its total power and influence ranging from weak to strong. Copper-Silver-Golden-Diamond-Obsidian.]

The future ' Archmage ', the one who can wipe out a huge army of demons by herself. Unfortunately she died in a future event, but that's none of my business.

" Hey.. What are you gawking at? Don't you know that's rude?"

She wasn't a prideful one, but she wasn't silent and shy at all. The main character had a lot of trouble dealing with her.

" My apologies, I mistook you for a friend of mine. Please excuse me"

The girl was taken aback by my respectful response. She probably missjudged me as some perverted teen.

" S-Sure"

Before leaving , the girl noticed the shivering receptionist and due to her nature she asked in a worried tone

" excuse me, Are you okay? "

The receptionist looked at the girl and was amazed of her beautiful face then replied

" Y..yes I'm fine thank you for asking"

Immediately after, the receptionist turned to me and said while bowing repeatedly

" I truly am sorry for wasting your time young master please forgive me!"


Ohh shit…

Sophia noticed the weird atmosphere and probably made some weird scenario of what I might have done. Well karma is truly a B.

" tsk…"

Sophia just left after reassuring the receptionist. I just stood like a vase watching the scene unfold. Before she left there was a glint of disgust in her eyes.

" sigh… Well I kinda deserved it…. Anyway please to orchid city again"




The reason why I needed to come back is that because of a specific dark blue mushroom that gives the ability to breathe underwater for a short period and after the duration ends, there will be some nausea and even vomiting in some cases.

This time, I was truly prepared. Every goblin that I encountered was massacred mercilessly. The sting from that hit was unforgivable. That's how I became a goblin slayer.

After I gathered what I came here for, I left to the train station and headed to the southern border of the central continent. I had to cross 4 different train stations and spent the whole day from a district to another until finally reaching the city where that arcane was located.

Wolcyon city is a borderline city with a very low population and poor infrastructure. Most of the citizens here die of either hunger or some illegal fightings. The borders usually have strict management, however; here it is different. There were no monsters nor even vegetation. The sand wasn't good for cultivation that's why most of the citizens moved out.

Here at this desolate land, there was a taboo that most of the citizens knows of.. ' the lake of ghosts '

Each night there will be some grotesque screaming of people that could be heard from far away.

I had to spend the night in a nearby inn. There was no one except an old woman who refused to receive any payment.

The next day, I saw an old man lying in a nearby public bench and approached him to inquire about the location of the lake.

" excuse me sir, do you by any chance know where the lake of ghosts is?"

The man looked at me and laughed hysterically at me

" Hehheehehee, yes yes the lake… come…come follow me "


Hell nah

That's what I normally would say but no one else was in town so I followed him reluctantly.


