
extra time novel

On a rainy night, the mundane life of Lucas, an ordinary man discontented with his existence, takes an unexpected turn. While returning home after another exhausting day of work, he is struck by an out-of-control vehicle. When Lucas regains consciousness, he realizes he is no longer in the world he knew. As he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a strange body, inside a laboratory. He discovers that he has been transported into the world of the last fantasy novel he read, but not as the hero of the story. Instead, he inhabits the body of a mere extra, created in the laboratory and believed to be dead, as only one person survives the experiments. Despite the desperate situation, something happens during the transmigration. Lucas acquires the cold and determined personality of the body he now possesses. He awakens with astonishing abilities, physical dexterity beyond ordinary limits, and the power to... predict and calculate above normal capabilities. Lucas, now known as Subject 002, finds himself embroiled in a fight for survival in a world full of dangers and intrigues. Determined to survive and unravel the secrets of his new existence, 002 utilizes his abilities to infiltrate the Academy of Light and uncover the truth behind his creation. Throughout his journey, he forges unexpected alliances and faces increasingly complex challenges, questioning his own identity and the nature of his existence. "Extra Time Novel" is an adventure full of twists, mysteries, and a dose of action, in which an ordinary man is forced to confront his past and venture into an unknown world, while fighting for his own survival and searching for his true place in that fantastic reality.

Rosimane_Major · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Chapter 1: 002

The rain fell incessantly as Lucas, discontented with his monotonous life, walked back home. Thoughts of frustration occupied his mind when suddenly, an out-of-control vehicle struck him. His consciousness wavered for a moment, and upon regaining awareness, Lucas found himself in a completely different place.

As he opened his eyes, he realized he was inside a dim laboratory. His body was no longer the same, and a sense of strangeness washed over him. Quickly, he realized he had been transported into the world of the last fantasy novel he had read, but something was amiss. Instead of assuming the role of the hero, Lucas now inhabited the body of a mere extra, created in the laboratory and considered dead.

While trying to assimilate his new reality, something astonishing happened during the transmigration. Lucas, now known as Subject 002, felt a change in his personality. A determined coldness took hold of him, and his abilities awakened. He discovered he possessed exceptional physical dexterity and the ability to foresee and calculate beyond normal limits.

Determined to survive and unravel the secrets behind his creation, 002 realized he needed to find answers. He knew the key to his survival lay within the Academy of Light, a place of power and knowledge where the darkest secrets were guarded.

One of the things he noticed was the presence of many children around him, reminiscent of the fact that in this laboratory, they had to undergo a multitude of experiments, and only one survived according to the novel. He would have to do everything in his power to survive. Adapting would be the beginning—planning and orchestrating his actions would be his only way out, as in this story, there was no place for extras like him.

Lucas, now Subject 002, carefully observed his surroundings. Inside the dim laboratory, he noticed many children, each carrying the weight of the experiments they had undergone. Remembering the pages of the novel he had read, he knew that only one of them had survived. This grim discovery made him realize that to survive in this unforgiving world, he would need to adapt and overcome the obstacles that arose in his path.

With his new body and abilities, Lucas began meticulously planning his strategy. He knew he couldn't trust anyone and needed to create a solid plan to ensure his survival. Observing the behavioral patterns of the other extras, he realized that many of them were trapped in an oppressive routine, without questioning their own existence.

Determined not to follow the same fate, Lucas decided to use his newly acquired manipulation ability to influence events in his favor. He approached other extras, forming strategic friendships while keeping his true identity hidden. Through subtle conversations and persuasive tactics, he manipulated his fellow unfortunate souls, building alliances that could prove useful in the future.

At the same time, Lucas also started observing the agents responsible for the laboratory and the cruel experiments. He studied their movements, their weaknesses, and sought openings to exploit for his benefit. He knew that if he wanted to survive, he would need to unravel the hidden secrets within the depths of the Academy of Light.

Gradually, Lucas became a key player in the power game unfolding within the laboratory. He infiltrated secret meetings, eavesdropped on forbidden conversations, and obtained valuable information. His cold and calculated personality grew stronger with each challenge he faced, shaping him into a true strategist.

As the story progressed, Lucas realized that not only his survival but also the freedom of all was at stake. But nothing could be done, as only one was meant to survive. Let the game begin, where survival is not determined by strength or intelligence, but by adaptability.