
Extra of My Own Novel

A/N: This is an original novel. If you liked the novel and want to continue reading, then please read it at the following link. https://www.webnovel.com/book/extra-of-my-own-novel_22343756505850705 _____________________________________ Lucas, a small-time newbie writer, who may or may not have stolen a few key elements from different popular novels in hopes of earning some pocket money. But, it leads to him writing an absolute piece so sh*t that even the website he wrote it in deletes his account. However, opening his eyes, he finds himself in that same novel, and now reality comes to haunt him as his absolute garbage writing becomes his everyday life. Lucas thought he could easily reach his pinnacle with the various cheat items that he knows by being the author of the novel. *Ahem*(spoilers ahead) Plot twist It turns out he is a Demon, a noble at that but the family he belongs to is seen as an eyesore by other noble families. Now, the pressure is on him as he has to grow strong in this sh*t show of a world and also hide his demon identity because if the truth is known not only humans, the whole world will turn against him.

Shridal · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

10: I got kidnapped by the girl I rejected!!! (1)

Opening the various study materials, I started studying like a possessed man, ignoring everything around me. Even the girl's stare didn't faze me one bit. That's how focused I was.

As such, My repetitive schedule started. Every day after class, I would run straight to the VR capsule cyber after a quick visit to my room for a change. In the VR capsule cyber, I would train for the rest of the night while also getting some shut-eye, which lasted from a few hours to only 15 minutes based on how fatigued I felt.

After exiting the VR capsule, I would walk straight to the Cafeteria. Where I was getting some attention from the Staff for coming only once a day and eating comically large portions of food.

Exiting the Cafeteria, I would return to my room, take a bath, and wear the Academy Uniform that I had washed in the Washing Machine the previous evening.

After getting ready, I would attend classes where I would read various study materials from elementary school. Even on Saturdays and Sundays, my schedule didn't deviate by much.

I also didn't hear any rumors about any other student dying after the incident, which occurred the day I returned.


Tuesday morning.

Standing in the middle of the room, I had a wide smile plastered on my face. The reason for so was that my repetitive schedule had finally borne results as there was an update to my status.


Name: Lucas Ross (Dantalion)

Rank: 2-star

Strength: F-

Agility: F-

Dexterity: F-

Vitality: F-

P.Mana: E

Intelligence: E+

Charm: F


Innate Ability

Calm mind-(D-rank)


Users can think logically in any situation. Mind-related skills have a lesser effect on the user. Negative emotions don't have a significant impact on the user.

Thousand Forms-(S-rank)


As a descendent of one of the 72 greats, 'Dantalion,' You can camouflage yourself into any being, be it male or female, Goblin or Orc, a lich or a Vampire, etc. without any problems and with only a few to none flaws.



As a descendent of one of the 72 greats, 'Dantalion,' You can read the minds of people by looking deep into their eyes.

True Demon Form-(SS-rank)

As a descendent of one of the 72 greats 'Dantalion', You can transform into a form similar to that of the 'Dantalion' himself.



As a descendent of one of the 72 greats, 'Dantalion,' the one who is considered the 'Sage in all Arts,' you have terrifying comprehension skills and learn knowledge faster than others.


Scheaming-( F-rank)

You are very proficient at making and executing schemes but still have a lot to learn.

Acting-( F-rank)

Your acting can look very convincing to dumb people. You could probably be an actor in the future.

Melodious Voice-( F-rank)

As a schemer by birth, You need a melodious voice to fool people and look professional.


Hand to hand combat( 1-star)- Greater Mastery

Unnamed sword technique (5-star)- Superficial Understanding


Right now, I was perfectly below average at using a sword from this world's standards. Honestly, being below average might sound like nothing special but remind you, I reached that in only a weak. My comprehension could even give the MC, with a system, a run for his money.

As for the Academic side of things, the things didn't seem very optimistic. No matter how insane my comprehension was, reaching the level of a high schooler from the level of an illiterate idiot in just 6 days is just impossible. Anyway, I had currently barely reached the level of a middle schooler.

It might seem like that isn't too special. Still, you see, with the amount of knowledge I currently had, if I was in the 21st century, I would have been praised as the greatest genius in human history. A 'Genius' greater than Issac Newton and Albert Einstein.

'I guess I will have to beg Mr. Han to extend the deadline somehow.'

I smiled bitterly, thinking about the teacher with dirty brown hair and gray eyes, who had a very chilly stare.


Sighing, I exited my room to attend classes.


Entering the Class, I felt the same intense gaze on me.


My eyebrow twitched. This girl who kept staring at me in every class for the past 6 days kept getting me more and more bothered every day.

Why was I bothered? Well, it's because if my eyes weren't playing any tricks on me, this girl kept getting more and more beautiful every day.

I was somehow able to keep my sanity in check, but I don't know how long this will last for.

Sitting in my seat, I started reading to get her out of my mind like usual. That's when,


My watch vibrated, which prompted me to open and check it. I felt my mind go blank, my heart started pounding at the speed of a racing car, and my throat felt dry the next moment. I was a message.

More than the message, the sender and the content were the real problem.


Catharine- Could you meet me in the forest behind the Academy after classes.


Calming my restless mind and heart, I mechanically turned towards the person who I thought was the culprit.

'Holy Sh*t!!! Is she blushing?'

That was the only thought in my mind as I saw her pale face have a tinge of red. While I was staring back at her, she slightly bowed her head and turned away from me. Which made my mind go into another flurry.

If my barely existing social skill was correct, I was currently in a very rare case of a girl's confession.


I took a deep breath and tried to straw away from those blissful thoughts. I helped somewhat since I could think rationally now.

After clearing my mind,

'So her name is Catherine, huh!'

'What a beautiful nam... Wait! that's not the point here.'

'I have to come up with a way to reject her!'

'Damn it! I feel so torn right now!'

After the message, I couldn't concentrate on anything else for the day. My rationality and my lower body were in total conflict. Both of my upper and lower heads had blood rushing into them.


I don't know how the classes ended. I didn't hear even a single word that the teacher told. My mind only truly cleared after the Bell signaling the end of classes for the day. Looking around, many students had already exited the classroom. Even the girl, Catherine, had already left the class.

Finally calming down, I strengthened my resolve and stood up to walk towards the forest behind the Academy.


In the forest behind the Academy, I stood face to face with Catharine. It had been about 5 minutes since I had arrived here, and for the last 5 minutes, we hadn't spoken even a single word to each other.

Finally, I saw Catherine's mouth open gently; it seemed that she was finally about to speak.


"I know what you are about to say next."

I cut her off, mustering all of my Will. Catherine looked stunned by my words and seemed confused and wanted to ask something. I also quickly thought of something to continue.

"How did?"

"I don't like women!"

Catherine looked at me, stunned for words, like a statue. As for me, well,

'Ah, Sh*t!'

'That came out so fu*king wrong!'

'No no no, Quicky think of something else!'

Coming out of her stupor, Catherine tried to ask something.

"Then? You?"

Feeling an inkling as to what she was about to ask next, I continued.

"No no no, I don't like men either!"

Looking at me even more confused, she just stayed silent. While I just tried to continue.

"You see... that I..."

'Fu*k it! Since my reputation will be ruined either way, I might as well go all in!'


"I'm not into living peope at all... I don't feel any sexual urges... towards anything that is living."

It seemed that Catherine's mind went totally blank at this point. While my mind was in an even bigger chaos.

'In the Name of Dantalion, Da Hael did I just say ?!!'

'What Da Hael mind!!!, Why did you betray me at such an important moment?!! Where did that D-rank skill which allowed me think in any situation go?!!'

I couldn't stand there any longer. I didn't have the thick skin that all protagonists of Chinese novels had. No, my embarrassment didn't allow it. So, I just turned around and ran back to my room and didn't see the red blush which had crept up Catherine's face.


After Lucas had left, A deep blush had crept up Catherine's face, who stood rooted to the spot.

"Buhuhahaha!!!, Buhuhahaha!!!"

Right then, a burst of boisterous laughter came from the shadows behind. Catherine, whose face was still red, looked behind her with an angry stare.

"hahaha!!!, Did the 18th princess of the Dracula family just get rejected for being alive?!!"

With that exclamation, a body slowly emerged from the shadows.

"Hahaha!!! This is so funny! A Vampire getting rejected for being alive!"

Along with that voice, the face of the male came into view. He had golden blonde hair with red eyes and skin as white as a corpse and a handsome, chiseled face.

"Shut up, Jonathan!!!"

A snarling remark came from Catherine, yet it barely had any effect.

"Hahaha!! Ok! Just a moment! I can't stop!"

Catherine, who heard the guy called Jonatan's remark. Had her face turning dark.


"Why is the 18th princess so fixated about him?"

"Honestly, If the 18th princess only wants to suck his blood, then why doesn't the 18th princess just go to his room during the night, or just kidnap him?"

The guy, Jonathan, talked after letting out a breath to calm himself.

"You don't get it! There is something special about him; I can smell it!"

Catherine rebutted in a huff.

"Oh really! Then..."

*Sniff Sniff*

"Why don't I smell this special scent?"

Continued Jonathan with a slightly exaggerated sniffing action, which infuriated Catherine even more.


Gritting her teeth, Catherine spoke a last sentence and left.

"I don't need you to tell me what to do."

After Catherine left, The smile on Jonatan's face froze and then slowly disappeared. Soon after, another shadow popped out of the ground. The shadow was wearing a black cloak, and nothing about their gender could be ascertained by it.

"Are the preparations ready?" Asked Jonathan in a cold voice.

"Yes!" Came a neutral voice from the cloak.

"What about those vampires from the 'Lioncourt family'? Have you drugged them sufficiently?"

"Yes!" Came the same neutral voice to Jonathan's Question.

Listening to that, Jonathan let out a creepy laugh and started a 'Very Original' villainous monologue.

"keh keh keh! I'm sorry, princess, but for my century worth of plans to succeed, You must die."

"This is the only way I can create my own family and be hailed as the 6th vampire king!"


Catherine, who was still Infuriated by Jonathan's remark, entered her room. Unlike Lucas's room which consisted of only basic furniture, Catherine's room looked like royalty's. It was huge with lavish furnishings and looked awesome.

Jumping onto the king-size bed, Catherine grabbed a pillow and started a cute tantrum.

'Damn it! That Jonathan! What does he even know? Who does he think he is? To tell me to go into a boy's room or kidnap him.'

'Damn it! As for that, Lucas, how dare he not even listen properly!'

'I wasn't even asking for a date, that idiot.'

'Damn it! I just wanted to suck some blood, after which I would have erased his memories and go on with our individual lives!'

Letting out all of her rage and humiliation, Catherine calmed down for a moment and spoke.

"Is there anyone?"


A/N: Some elements of this and the previous Chapters might seem a bit forced but trust me, after a POV switch to Catherine's in a few chapters, everything will start making sense.


A/N: If you like this 'Very Original' Novel, then leave a comment and a review. Also, consider dropping some power stones.


A/N: This is an original novel. If you liked the novel and want to continue reading, then please read it at the following link.
