

I have been bored during this COVID-19 period. I need to experience something. Something that will lift my mood and make me happy. Will I achieve this? Will I be happy or will I bring trouble to my self? I have been transported to another world. Quite different from the real one. it's like I'm in a novel. An extra? this... well let's read about me and how I survived in a world where the weak gets killed and the strong rule.

Samuel_Oni · Fantasy
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26 Chs


"He's asleep now", Principal Wole said while sitting down on his chair. After Femi collapsed,he had directed some instructors he trusted to watch over him and send him reports. "I checked his body and nothing seems wrong with him. Although his breathing is stable, I don't know why he's not waking up. It's an hour already"

"I admit my curiosity got the best of me", Gladys replied with a smile. She rested her back on the chair opposite the principal and took a deep breath. " I just wanted to inspect the seal in his body and also the level of his strength. My [ Seal path: revelation] should have revealed some aspect of his seal but instead it took a chunk of mana from me. This kid is indeed a mystery. Can I take him in?"

"The huntress really wants to take the boy in ! ", Principal Wole exclaimed. He was so surprised but he managed to control himself. "That's interesting. What happened to the fact that you said you didn't need a disciple? Last I heard you made a scene shouting to everyone that you don't need a progeny. If not for me,you would have crippled the young boy".

In my defense, the boy was rude, Gladys said recounting. Thankfully I calmed myself down and that boy is still alive though I'm happy he got his ass whooped. I just hope that kid, Bayo changes. I'm getting reports of his bullying activity and I intend to investigate. In response to my words long ago , I changed my mind old man and stop calling me huntress. That was a long time ago."

"Whatever you find, don't hesitate to send it to me. If it's true we can send him to the Hole of the academy."

The hole of the academy was where the students in the black book were placed. It's said to have the most strict and disciplined instructors over there A nightmare for students you might say.

"Oh", Principal Wole continued. "You can't take him as your progeny yet. After what you pulled off, I could feel a stronger aura within him. You should ask him before making that conclusion.

"He will surely accept", she smiled while winking. "My charms aren't resistable. What about Elian's body?"

"It was taken care of, Principal Wole sighted. He was buried immediately since the academy board leaders wanted to keep his actions a secret. It's so sad to see that talent die now. He would have reached B rank at his prime."

"He did reach it early and even stood his ground against me", Gladys chuckled. "I have to commend those who created the potion. It was a groundbreaking achievement but they did end up creating chaos. If the public get wind of this, there will ...."

"That's why we need to be slient and watchful",Principal Wole interrupted her . He had placed a barrier preventing their voice from escaping the moment she brought up that issue "Let's the organization do its job. We don't need to be a part of it"

"You are right", Gladys nodded standing up. "They should be quick about it as I don't want another Elian's case".

"I hear you", Principal Wole said while taking some document. "Oh,that's reminds me".

He continued stopping Gladys who was on her way out. "How was your date?"

Gladys looked at the principal and smiled before leaving the office.

"Her smile is always the same",he mumbled taking another document to read." At 25 years, she should enjoy her life unlike me who used my young days to work all the time".

He read all the document, filled some and attended a few meetings.

" There's so much work to be done and yet I feel this is just the beginning", Principal Wole sighed resting his back on his office chair after the meeting ended." Besides that kid did surprised me. Having a rank skill that no one has ever had. He's indeed a special one and a sleepy one at that. I'm still am surprised when I heard he's not awake. So Femi, when will you wake up?"


"Now listen", The old man started not wasting any time."Normally it should have taken a year and a half for your body to incorporate the SSS superior physique but because of that woman,she sped it up a little faster. I'm sure she's feeling the repercussions."

"Oh",I said widening my eyes. " I guess she must have tampered with the seal locking the skill in my body . Vice principal Gladys is just so curious isn't she?"

"So that's her name huh. I never knew her as that. I knew her as the huntress"

"The huntress?", I thought."That name seems familiar".

WHAT! That huntress

You guys must be wondering why I screamed in my mind. She's famous for standing her ground against an A rank while she was in C rank. Though she lost, but the victor was said to have had a lot of injuries. She registered as a hunter after graduating and is said to be part of the youngest geniuses that is qualified to reach S rank by the age of 30.it was also said that she entered an A rank dungeon alone and lived to tell the tale.. She's really a beast. For Eli to have stood his ground against her, I'm really surprised. I need to investigate further. Oh,She also help the MC and his team in the final arc of the novel. Africa did send reinforcement and she was part of them. The author didn't really discuss much about the reinforcement from Africa only their achievement did he dedicate a chapter to talk about them. Wow, everything is just connected

"But how do you know all these things?", I asked puzzled. He looked like a ghost to me. Maybe that explains it.

"Oh I will tell you that story later before you leave, he said bring two chair out of nothingness. He then took a sit and also gestured me to sit. " Hear me out,you need to know this. Our body need mana to survive In this type of world. So as we awaken,mana enters our body and spread to the cell and all the way to the body system thereby enhancing it. After this event,the next process is is to form a mana core. You can read my book which have all those theories when you awaken. Now, your case is a bit special as your cells all the way to your system are undergoing changes in response to the superior physique skill and when it's complete,your body will need tremendous amount of mana to complement the change. It's just like having a good body but no good food to eat. In time the body will break down and death is inevitable. So you really need that awakening potion. It wasn't in my time so I don't know any details about it. Lucky for you,you have a treasure map. You can make it your treasure and ask the map to help you find the perfect grade".

"I can?"

"Of course", He answered smiling. "The map can do those things. Just image the item you want to find and it will direct you. That's it's hidden function. Only a perfect grade appraisal device is allowed to see the hidden function."

"Ohh I see", I replied closing my eyes. I just revealed this to the principal. I should have kept it to myself if I knew. "So how many months do I have left".

"I would say 6 months maybe less",The old man said after raising his hand counting in the air.

Ok, luckily I'm going to be through with my mock next month so there's more time for me to prepare and I need back up.

"I see"

"Don't you have anything to say apart from that?, He asked

"Huh, Ah I understand"

"Ah", He sighed shaking his head." Also, it's important to train your body in order to adapt to changes. You can start some exercise and build up yourself from the scratch. Besides the superior physique skill comes with some special abilities and that makes it essentially to train and develop your body. Your mentor will help you."

"Mentor?", I asked wondering what he meant.

"Yeah",He answered nonchalantly. "The huntress is willing to be your mentor. That's nice and It's better if you have someone that strong and known as your mentor. Do say yes to her if she asks for your consent."

"Uhmm I see"

"Also my heritage as well will unlock when you have mana", He said rolling his eyes.

Huh heritage? I thought. I was stunned by the fact that he rolled his eyes and my superior skill isn't my heritage.

"I thought the superior physique was your heritage"

"What? ",He shouted. I think he was surprised." That mere skill. Are you insulting me?."

"No sir I'm not", I quickly apologized. "I just didn't know that fact. Forgive me".

"Tch", He fixed his face as he had a scowl before. "As I was saying,it will activate when you have Mana. I was going to tell you what it's but now I have decided against it. See how powerful my heritage is.."

"Hmm ookaayii."

"Also there's also something else I want to discuss",He said sounding serious all a sudden. "It's about your special ability or talent you can say. As everyone awaken, they also awaken their special ability only used by them . It's said to be their hidden weapon. Well, not everyone have this ability as it's very rare but it's also has a 50 percent chance if the baby comes from parent who both have these special ability. That's brings me to this question. Do you know who your parent are? Have you searched about them?"

"No", I answered not caring. I don't have parent in this world as far as I know. "And I'm not planning to now".

"Is that so?",He said raising his eyebrows."You have a powerful special ability and I can understand why you don't have mana".

Huh what's this man saying

"I was born without mana sir", I said completely confused." Why would I have mana".

"That would be the case but you were indeed born with mana. While transferring my heritage to you. I noticed a minute mana in your cells. Like I said, your special ability is too powerful. You have the ability to negate or nullify mana. I'm guessing it was activated when you were a baby and getting out of control,your body was devoid of mana. That's my conclusion".

"As expected of my successor", He laughed so proudly that I was a bit shocked. " You were a beast even as a baby. I can also conclude that you took an awakening potion when you were a child because I saw traces of impurity in your body. That for a fact means your parent are rich folks. Since you didn't still awaken which was rare, they thought you were a useless trash. I can understand why your parent could leave and disown you but it isn't right to throw away a child just because of reputation. Anyway if anyone gets wind of what you can do, you will be dead within an hour. So, it's better to keep that secret with you at all times do you understand?

"Wow", I said as that was the word inside my mouth. How did he..."

"So", He continued not waiting for me to process what I heard. "What do you want to call it?"

"Maybe Nemesis?", answered unsure. I'm not really good with names.

"That name seems cool"

"How powerful is my ability", I asked wanting to know

"Hmm, for it to be able to devoid your body of mana for 15 years and the fact that I had to make my magic circle three times, I'd it's very much powerful. But still, I have seen a fair share of powerful abilities. I have seen one that decrease the percentage of your attack by 99 percent or a healer that can heal and worsen the body as well. Also there was one who had better defense".

"What was yours", I asked waiting for him to reply. He took a while.

"My intelligence was far above my time. I had special intelligence".

"Oh", I exclaimed." So a great scholar".

"Look that's not the point", He said waving his hand. " What I'm trying to say is that there are people with powerful abilities ones even more stronger than yours. So kid,develop yourself. Be stronger as there are many evils in this world seeking to destroy it. When you are stronger,I will come back to explain. Till then"

"Wait", I shouted stopping him from leaving. "Tell me your story first before you leave".

"You really want to hear it."

"Hunhun",I nodded.

"Ah", He sighed taking his seat. "Fine kid, I don't even know why I'm talking to you like my son. Maybe it's because of my special request".

"Same here I want to ask a request too"

"Huh okay"

"Let's hear it then", I said waiting to know the mystery around him. "Your story".


At a hall where a center table was seen with chairs around it, A man was seen writing. He had blue eyes and white hair. He also had a fair white skin and was built. He had a ring engraved with a bishop symbol on his fingers. While in the midst of his work, A man in lab coat entered bringing news.

"Sir,the experiment was successful and we now have 4 ranking potions and an awakening potions"

"Tell me about the ranking potion first",The man said not rasing his eyes from his work

"After I collated all the experiment conducted including the one where most of the scientists were killed;the 324 project", The man in lab coat said leaving some reports on the table.

"I finally figured out the key ingredient", The man in Lab coat continued as he saw that his boss was interested and was already looking at the reports in front of him. " Now I created a ranking potion capable of raising ranks to the targeted rank. The downside effect is that you won't be able to progress to the next rank until after 3 years if your potential is above the targeted rank. The added effect is that the targeted rank has increased strength more than the usual rank".

The man wearing the ring nodded.

"What about the awakening potion", He asked flipping through the pages.

"It's the most amazing work I have ever done. It's just bad I can only do it once as there's no more material to use for this potion. It has no adverse effect but it's added effect is that after awaking,your rank will rise to the targeted rank I written in the report".

"You can't make it again",The white-haired man with the bishop ring asked as he was dejected.

"Unfortunately,there are no material to make this potion again in this world".

"You can leave",He waved. The man in lab coat left and the white- haired man was left alone in the hall

"Are we having anymore stumblers?"

As he asked,a man clothed in black appeared from the shadows.

"No we aren't",The man in black answered kneeling down." The barrier is effective and nobody notices our secret passage anymore".

"Is that so?", The white-haired man chuckled. " In that case,keep the potions in the lowest F rank dungeon in our control and let my favorite monster guard it.

"As you wish"

As soon as he said this,he vanished leaving no afterimages. The white-haired man continued with his work as though he wasn't interrupted.

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