
extra forever (fanfic of novel's extra)

a fanfic of my favorite novel/manhwa right now NOTE -don't know if i will continue arin who woke up due to a 'friendly' cockroach finds out that she is in the world of novel's extra, she doesn't want to change the plot but SOMEONE is forcing her to change it, have fun reading .

shuriOC_alt · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 23- noble society meeting

Narrator's pov*

In a popular coffee shop, which was strangely empty, were 3 people.

one of them was a cold beauty with dark hair and eye palettes. It was yoo yeonha, she was quietly watching the other two people talk.

the 2 people who were actively talking were no less beautiful. one of them was a white haired boy with golden, honey like eyes that excluded a sense of arrogance. the other person was a beautiful, tomboyish girl who had a brownish hair with green eyes. 

the boy actively brought up conversation topics as the girl just replied to it very nonchalantly. They were Shin Jonghak and chae nayun respectively.

"By the way, do you know Kim Hajin?"

Chae nayun said with an annoyed tone. She was meeting up her childhood friends and this wasn't a topic she had to share about but, she needed some advice and people to talk to this about.

"Kim Hajin?"

yeonha joined the conversation as she sipped her cup of coffee.


"...What about him?"

Chae Nayun's face became severely distorted. Every time she met with hajin, it always ended up with him mocking her.

"What do you think about that bastard, Yeonha?"

Yoo Yeonha felt her heart drop. Kim Hajin. Normally, she wouldn't have had to think about someone like Kim Hajin. Even if she did, her assessment of him would have been 'I don't care' or 'That crazy psycho.'

But the circumstance had changed.

There was something about him. She wasn't sure exactly what, but he wasn't so simple. But Yoo Yeonha purposefully hid her inner thoughts.

"...What do you mean? He's just an average guy."

"No, nevermind."

Chae Nayun grabbed her cup of coffee roughly. Yoo Yeonha swallowed her saliva at Chae Nayun's strange reaction.

"That bastard is hiding something for sure."

"What are you so angry about?"

This time, Shin Jonghak asked. His face was full of smiles, he enjoyed seeing an angry Chae Nayun.

"You don't know? There was a Djinn at the National Weapons Museum during the recent monster incident in Seoul. Then, that bastard..."

With that, Chae Nayun gulped down her coffee. She then immediately spurted it out.

"Aak! Fuck, it's hot! Water! water!"

Panting, she looked for cold water. Yoo Yeonha carefully consoled her, feeling a knot in her heart being loosened.

"...Nayun, that's coffee, not cold water."

"You haven't changed, have you?"

Shin Jonghak laughed, as he thoroughly enjoyed this. An employee quickly ran over with cold water.


Chae Nayun quickly grabbed it and gulped it down.

"Aagh, I burned my tongue."

Then, she caught her breath before continuing where she left off.

"Anyways, that Djinn was stronger than Kim Suho and I thought. Even I..."

At that point, Chae Nayun paused once more and watched her two listeners. Because what happened back then was embarrassing, she didn't want to talk about it in detail.

"...Even I struggled a bit. Kim Suho's a different story, but how can an ordinary cadet like him deal such fatal damage to a Djinn?"

"What happened exactly?"

"I don't want to explain it in detail. Just know that he blew up a Djinn's arm. With a gun at that! A gun! How does that make sense?"

Blowing up a Djinn's arm with a gun. Indeed, it was hard to believe without seeing it in person.

Yoo Yeonha pondered as she rubbed her chin. She'd seen Kim Hajin fight. It was true that he was quick, but it was hard to say he had the attack power to break a Djinn's arm.

"Ah wait."

At that moment, Chae Nayun suddenly put on a serious tone. Her eyes looked nervous and she seemed hesitant to speak. Naturally, Shin Jonghak and Yoo Yeonha's attention fell on her.

"Could it be that he's... a Djinn?"

"...Nayun, if he was a Djinn, he wouldn't have attacked a fellow Djinn."

But Yoo Yeonha quickly broke the atmosphere with a sentence.

"By the way, what about the stalker?"- she continued. she wanted chae nayun to get over the topic of kim hajin so, she chose some other topic to talk about.

Chae nayun who almost calmed down, became very angry.

"Stalker? What is this about?!?"

Shin Jonghak question both of them with a clear face asking ' how come i didn't know about this??'

Yeonha avoided his eyes as chae nayun angrily replied.

"Remember the time I was in hospital. When I was going out to get some air, I bumped into this crazy stalker guy. He is coincidentally in cube, in the same class as us. 

I also saw him during the anti monster combat class and the anti personnel training class. I missed him during the anti monster combat class class but, I caught him the second time. 

I even questioned him about why he's stalking me. You know what he replied?!?!? He said that I better tell him about you."

Chae nayun rushingly said as she looked at yeonha. She had more things to say but she stopped.

"Why about me?"- yeonha asked with a confused look. it was justified, the 'stalker' yeonha never met and the whole thing was about chae nayun and him so, why was she mentioned???

"You should've killed him."- said Shin Jonghak very seriously.

"he asked me, who told me about him. of course i didn't speak a word about you yeonha."- chae nayun assured yoenha, who sighed at what she said.

chae nayun had more to say but, chose to ignore all of the unnecessary stuff and enjoy the meetup with her friends. yeonha did the same as she brought up topics to talk about as, shin jonghak was lost in thoughts.

he could feel that chae nayun hated both of them. both hajin and stalker. He decided that he would do something about them. he would first tell his lacke- friends, to find out more about this stalker.

but for now, he decided to enjoy his time with chae nayun. all these stuff could be done later.

with that, he broke out of his thoughts and continued teasing chae nayun.


arin's pov*

The weekend sky was clear and blue. The early spring weather was a chilly, but still had a bit of warmth to it. But I was unable to enjoy this beautiful day to myself, as I was dragged by hajin to go to Seoul's 'Association Tower'.

he receiving commendation for subjugating the Djinn in the recent incident. 

...Really, couldn't they just come to give it themselves?, for then he wouldn't have dragged me with him.

Actually, both me and eun-woo (remember him?) were also supposed to receive the commendation today but, we both declined. It wasn't a big job anyways and besides we would still get the money so, why even bother.

The conferment ceremony took place at a garden in Association Tower, and many people were already gathered by the time we arrived. However, the conferment ceremony seemed nowhere close to starting. 

Kim Suho, Chae Nayun, and hajin were forced into a ceremony rehearsal because they would receive their commendations from a dignitary, but the dignitary himself was late and everyone was forced to wait.

I couldn't accompany hajin to his seat since, I wasn't one of the people receiving the commendation. But I sat behind him, making sure that noting went wrong. Not that it would anyway.

Even if something did go wrong, it would be hajin's and my relationship with chae nayun because, she was sitting right next to hajin glaring daggers at both of us. she watched hajin with a criticizing eyes.

"...Haaam."- Hajin yawned once because he was bored. But Chae Nayun, who was looking for an excuse to pick a fight, finally shot back at him.


"What."- Hajin retorted briefly.

"You've had a smirk for a while."

Haaah, let's just get it over with. Dealing with these two fighting is very annoying. it used to be so cute when i was reading it.

"..."- hajin remained silent because he was at a loss for words

"You didn't forget, did you?"

"Forget what?"

"That I saved you."

"..."- Despite looking angry, she shut her mouth and tried to come up with a response. After a momentary contemplation, Chae Nayun opened her mouth to strike back

"That's that and this is..."

"Stop, both of you."- when Kim Suho cut in.
