
The Senate Part 1

"Son of bitch," I muttered as I hurried through the expansive corridors of this accursed place, with Ada's voice trailing behind, attempting to catch up with me.

My heart raced relentlessly, refusing to calm down; the sensation was terrifying. How did I even respond that way initially? It left me trembling afterward. Could it be that I am simply a deranged individual? Well, that no longer holds any significance.

"Fry! Wait..." Ada called out.

I turned to face my sister. "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Are you alright? Did he cause you any harm?"

I let out a sarcastic laugh. "Since when have you ever cared about my well-being, Ada? I thought you'd be happy to see this ..."

Ada's expression turned to a frown.

"I am not concerned about you, but what occurred between us could potentially impact our status. We are the main family, while they are merely a branch. Do not forget this. So, I will certainly ensure that he learns about his whereabouts."

I noticed the hatred in Ada's eyes and felt a twinge of sympathy for Vulcan, who would soon become her servant.

"Huh... spare me the family nonsense," I retorted.

Now standing before the room that had been prepared for me, I reached out to grasp the doorknob when Ada abruptly halted me.

"What are you doing? There's going to be a party held in your honor, and the entire family is present. You should at least make an appearance," Ada pleaded.

I let out a mocking laugh. "A party in my honor?"

"Enough with the hypocrisy, Ada," I retorted sharply. "Those bastards showed nothing but contempt, and now that I am about to become lord, they suddenly want to win my favor?"

"This is utter nonsense. In the first place, not a single one of the elders bothered to meet me ; they simply sent Vulcan..." My voice trailed off as I noticed Ada's silence. She couldn't deny the truth in my words.

"I will rest in my room until the council date. Let them celebrate my honor or the honor of others; I couldn't care less," I declared.

I entered my room, shutting the door behind me, leaving my sister alone in the corridor. Perhaps I had been overly considerate of her lately, but I couldn't forget my purpose after Vulcan's last threat. These are merely characters I fabricated... tools at best.

What truly matters is achieving my goal. That's all that matters.


"Fine," Ada muttered, standing before the closed door.

Frey had reverted to his cold, distant self, and she no longer understood him. He seemed sad at times, angry at others, and mostly aloof. There had been some improvement in the past few days, but it quickly faded after encountering Vulcan. She couldn't comprehend what was happening to him.

He was definitely a far cry from the old, malicious Fry. After all, he hadn't harmed anyone during her time with him. He had grown, matured...

But she couldn't be certain. Was this truly a change, or merely the calm before the storm?

Lost in these thoughts, Ada made her way to the party. Preserving the family's reputation was her current priority.

. . .

I leaned against the door. I was inside a spacious room with high walls, luxurious furniture... a medium-sized bed.

It was equipped with almost everything the same as my previous room, except for the size of the bed. I went over to the rocking chair I caught a glimpse of it to the side and threw myself on it.

I swayed quietly and looked up at the ceiling. 'Sons of bitch are watching me.' This was an absolute fact; I am being watched from the moment I set foot in this place.

The Senate, a bunch of rusty engines, hypocrites to the core. These idiots are trying to suppress me as much as possible. If it wasn't for Frey's father's will, they would have killed the owner of that body a long time ago.

It was said that they respected the father of this body, 'Abraham Starlight,' but I do not know where the respect is in what they did. Yes, they didn't kill me, but they did the worst.

I realized everything when I stayed for a month with Ada. First, Frey is completely cut off from the family's lands, with his castle on the other side of the empire as if they were banishing him or to facilitate his killing.

Secondly, Fry's training was deliberately suppressed, someone of that stature should have the best training resources to reach higher dimensions, but on the contrary... he was kept below.

Thirdly, they tried to kill Fry indirectly, that's why they gave him that stupid skill "Infatuation" hoping that he would use it on one of the eldest families' daughters and cause a disaster to be killed as revenge.

They wanted me dead, but they couldn't reach out directly.

This brings me to one conclusion, the board is divided.

There is a faction that wants me dead by any means, while others may not like me but still respect Abraham's commandment.

Therefore, the first group, let's call them "the sons of bitches who want me dead"

The second group, "the sons of a bitch who hate me but don't want me dead"

Is there a third group? I don't think I will find out soon.

Perhaps they had hoped that Vulcan would kill me and then assume the responsibility himself.

I stood up from the chair and went to the balcony. The mountains surrounded us on all sides, creating a sight you don't see every day.

My plan starts here. They want me dead, and I, too, will fulfill their wish.

My plan is simple. First, I will relinquish the position of Lord, which will shock everyone.

After that, I need to appear as a suicidal person.

I had already made my first move against Vulkan when I told him to kill me. I tried to sound as crazy as possible at the time, knowing they were watching.

Upon seeing my desire to commit suicide, I will play my last card.

"I want to embark on a training trip."

To where?

"The Nightmare Lands... "


"Yes, alone."

Isn't it perfect? They will lead me directly to the location of the Ten Thousand Steps of Shadow technique.

They will believe that someone like me in Class F has no chance there, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

They will think they have finally gotten rid of me, that foolish Fry has met his own demise. However, they won't realize that they will be the reason I am saved.

My plan was based on wild expectations on my part. Whether it will work or not, I will find out tomorrow.

I couldn't sleep that night.

. . .

And here we are.

I had to endure the presence of the maids around me who insisted on choosing my clothes.

I don't know how much time had passed, but it felt like hours.

When I looked in the mirror at the end, I wanted to vomit... I looked like a spoiled child in expensive attire... and with my hair parted on the side, I truly resembled those snobbish gentlemen.

"Calm down... I just have to bear with it for today..."

Eventually, I encountered Ada, who was wearing a stunning black dress. She tried to coordinate with me, and together we made our way to the designated location.

Several servants accompany us along the way...

Finally, we arrived at the main hall where the event would take place.

As I stared at the enormous door in front of me, I took a deep breath... a door that could house an entire villa...

"This is as far as we can go, Your Honor. Only the Lord and his attendants may enter from this point onward."

The servants walked away, leaving us alone.

I nodded at Ada and followed her lead, opening the door... I had to channel some aura through my arms to push the massive door open.

As the gate swung open, I realized that I had rushed too quickly...

Immediately, hundreds of eyes fixed upon me... if not more.

The hall before me was as vast as a stadium, with majestic grandstands adorned in gold and white.

Directly ahead, there was a platform elevated above everything else, upon which twelve seats were arranged.

Those chairs were occupied by the most influential individuals within this family.

The moment I sensed the icy gazes they directed at me, all the composure I had feigned vanished, replaced by tension.

I took hesitant steps and positioned myself in the designated spot, amidst it all.

I clenched my fist tightly, exerting control over my expression.

"This is not an interview; it feels more like a trial... a trial for me."

Although it bothered me, I decided to endure it. I was too weak to object.

Raising my head, I attempted to identify the individuals before me.

The place was filled with chaos due to the constant whispering from the crowd.

Of the entire Starlight family, I could only recall two individuals—the first being an elderly man and the second a woman. They were the only characters who played a role in the events.

Among the twelve, there was an old man seated in the center, clearly taking charge, as if proclaiming, "I am the boss here."

"It must be him... The Immortal Lion Leonidas Starlight. Supposedly over 150 years old, but just look at him..."

Sitting tall and straight, his long and thick hair cascading down, and his beard resembling a lion's mane. His gaze alone had the power to silence me in my place...

He was the head of the elders and the current strongest member within the family, an awakened S+ rank, one step away from reaching SS rank.

I lowered my head, enduring the scorn that rained upon me.

I could bet that everyone present here despised Fry.

I had to bear this burden, but it was alright... I needed every reason to harbor more hatred for this world.

When Leonidas felt he had seen enough, he raised his hand.

This simple gesture was enough to silence everyone, solidifying his prestige.

Leonidas turned his gaze back to me, then opened his mouth, his deep voice echoing through the hall.

"Fry Starlight," he uttered.

Pausing for a moment before continuing

"Son of Abraham Starlight."

Every word of his was making my spine tremor, as if he were screaming next to my ear.. I didn't know if

it was some kind of skill or just his presence...but he didn't intend to shut up any time soon..

"My great-grandson... Aizen Starlight"

"Who in turn was the son of our father, the founder of this family, Nova Starlight."

That was a name I was familiar with… After all Nova is one of the few people who ever reached the SSS class…

The eyes of the Immortal Lion lit up as he continued,

"All the names you mentioned except for you… have been the lords of this family for the past 300 years."

"Every single one of them raised this family…with blood, tears, and most importantly…force."

I saw a visible power continuously emitting from Leonidas' body such that his aura covered the entire hall… Finally that aura gathered and formed into three huge bodies in the air.

Each one of them belonged to one of the previous lords.

Seeing this astonishing spectacle of Aura's control, the hall erupted into applause and cheers. Even the elders who sat beside him showed their admiration.

I looked up and felt this strong...it was terrifying.

Again, Leonidas raised his hand when he had received enough applause and praise.

"Tell me, son of Abraham, compared to these formidable entities i have conjured in the air, what do you have to offer?"

'You're trying to corner me then? Okay let's play your game'

No doubt about it... Leonidas was on the first team, the team that wanted Frey dead.

I took a step forward to the amplifier that was placed in front of me.

I cleared my throat before I announced.

"My name is Fry starlight first of his name, it is fate that I come here and appear before Your Eminence."

"You asked me what I can offer compared to my predecessors, and my answer is simple…"

"What I have to offer, is nothing."

I said my word and took a step back. The entire hall was left in shock

(Pls let me know if there are any mistakes I have made, and ty for your support.)

Next chapter