
Course of action - Chapter 3

After breakfast, I deceided to take my first step into power. First is to get the 2 mentionned treasures. So step 1: Convince my parents about my journey to gravitas mountain range. Quickly forming a plan I went to my parents and said "I am going to go to gravites mountain range." However contrary to my expectations my parents remained unfazed. "Alright, you are going to Alaria Academy, so preparing for it in gravitas with F+ bosses as the strongest creatures is good." Replied my father, "Just take your bike to not tire yourself." I mentally face-palmed, all that planning gone for waste. It makes sense afterall Nero despite being F ranked can fight E- ranks on equal terms so with monsters being F+ at best, so he wouldn't face threat. Daisy my sister, who popped into the conversation said, "Brother be careful, I know you're strong but if you get injured then I won't talk with you for 5 days." Okay third objective updated, don't get injured to not anger Daisy." Okay then dad, mom and Daisy, I will come return after a while. I made way towards the garage where I saw a bike propped at the left side of the garage. It was sleek black and was reminiscent to sport bikes. I mounted the bike and it felt suprisingly comfortable. Suddenly a voice originating from the bike startled me. 'System recognition.... Welcome Nero, where would you like to go?' I replied with,"Gravitas mountain range. Suddenly a holographic display acting as a GPS popped up showing the directions to my destination. I revved the bike as I made way towards my destination. They ride was smooth and quick with the AI aiding me while driving and recommending the shortest routes. After a while I finally reach the mountains which would allow me to graduate from extra to supporting role. As I reach the 4th mountain of the mountain range I got of the bike and activated it's camouflage. I ran untill i found my self near an obscure route. I took said route and rapidly went up the trail. After hours of trekking I finally made it towards the end of a route. It house a small cabin made out of logs. It seemed to be abandoned judging by the thick layer of dust on it. I walked untill I found my self face-to-face with a door locked by a rusty iron chain which I broke easily. As the orange red object was discarded, the door dramatically opened. The cabin was empty minus a steel chest at the center of the room containing a treasure left by a saintess according to my knowledge. i slowly opened the chest which contained a beautiful glass bottle with golden engravings running throughout its' body. The stopper resembled the cross of the holy church, a massive religious organisation responsible for most healers on Alaria. The bottle contained a red liquid. Despite not reading the bottle description I knew what it was, it was an elixir with 3 uses. As if to prove my point a holographic interface popped up


Blessed Elixir (legendary)

An elixir created by one of the greatest alchemist and 3rd saintess during war between Alarians and demons.

Uses (3/3)
