
Extinction's Hive

Us Ancestors as those humans called us are In everyday superior to the genetically and mentally, and yet they managed to drive us to such a lower state as to flee. Tho we will not flee as we will have them believe we have, for we shall send this embryo of our race to another universe all together to grow and evolve so they can repay this blood debt. For shall not rest until it is done. Our champion of our cryptid race shall rise above all other and lead our race to beyond every world every star for he is our greatest our race has evolved. He shall be the one He will fight for us For he is our Champion Consume, Expand, Evolve

Lord_tachanka · Video Games
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4 Chs

Champions archive 3 "Desirable mutations"

In a bloddy clearing inside a dark forest a being could be seen kneeling connected to 4 dark yellow eggs with only 3 of them glowing, surrounding it with a thick eerie fog covering the ground

*Pssss* x4

With a hiss the four vines of flesh detached themsleves from the eggs as they slowly slithered back to the figure entering his body as the holes patched themselves over as he began to fully standing up

'3 of the eggs survived. A better outcome then I was expecting, those beings had just enough mass that I could condese down into enhaced muscle and armor for it to work with my capabilities

Although I can tell already that something is not what it should be'

Just then the scouts inside the eggs began to shift around as they started to rip and tear there way out of their fleshy sheels

As the 3 of them crawled their way out you could already teel what was different about them. With their 4 tusks with 2 faceing up and a bigger pair facing down along with their 3 sets of jaws and 5 eyes with 1 of them being in its forehead. (I know it sounds weird but i'll put a pic for a better referance)

Though that's not what was wrong, what was as I'll call a desirable mutation was the now black exoskeleton armor instead of the white and the blue flesh and muscles instead of the usuall pink. 2 of them were also slighty larger then they should have been by about 1.2x they normal, not much of a game changer but the last one was the size of a hunter at 1.5x the size of a scout

The Alpha scout as I'll call him, rallied the other 2 with a growl as they responded with clicks as they went up to me and bowed their armored heads to me communicating through the psychic link we shared

"What are our orders our champion" the alpha said in a deep voice/thought

"We are to take over a village of this worlds inhabitants of smaller greenskinned like humans"

"very well, champion"

"For now follow me"

After the quick thought communication I turned towards the dead egg as I walked up to it and then crushed it with my leg exploading it's contents outwards and turning the dead cryptid into mush leaving it for the wildlife to consume

'I will leave little chance for another species to tamper with our race again like with what happend with the breeder. Although a soon to be usefull tool for the future'

As for now though, we shall siege our future home


a/n: I'ma change the lake to a simple waterfall feeding into the small river going through the settlement type deal. You'll thank me in the future and if your not happy with that then just think of it differently or something.


After a 25 minute run back to the settlement we were soon welcomed by the sight of the dark pallisades and the green skins atop of them. Although we were quickly spotted and they began alerting other once we exited the tree line I did not care.

their strenght was below what I was expecting and with our numbers I came up with a simple and effective strategy for this settlement.

Brutalization and pycological warfare

Once we reached the walls we all jumped up and began rapidly climbing, only 2 had bows and were firing but we simply jumped to the side and let our claws sink into the wood for grip to dodge.

When we finally made it to the top I grabbed one of the green skins that made it up while we were climbing and threw him off before I made it onto the scafolding.

Meanwhile the other 3 all pounced on one of the bow green skin ripping him apart, throwing blood everywhere as we quickly decended the ramparts by jumping off and onto the green skins waiting below.

While we were up ther I got a look of the settlement and saw that their weren't as many huts as I thought there would've been, with half a dozen torches stuck in the ground with some dirt paths while the small river ran through the middle and through a small gap and the base of a pallisade.

When we landed we crushed a few below us although 1 of the scouts back leg was torn of by a hastily raised spear. The goblin was mauled in retalitation but multiple green skinss surrounded it before we all recoverd and they begun to beat the scout rapidly with their clubs.

The 3 of us charged at them with me impaling them with my clawed hands and throwing them at the huts while the other scout and Alpha pounced on the others, trying to save the injured scout. So far no stong green skins or signs of other like the one that resembled a psychic caster, similar to the ancesters. If I see any others I'll refer to them as casters from now on.

The Aplha and other scout circled around us clicking their jaws and flinching at the green skins to give us a moment as I looked back at the scout I saw that the leg was completely torn off, pouring purple bluish blood everywhere and that his front armour plate on his face was dented in and deformed along with multiple other dents around it's body with blood leaking out as it coughs out more.

It was in great pain. I felt it. But despite all it's injuries it stood up again woobley with a limp trying to serve it's purpose as a solider of the hive.

"You have done well, Lets send you off with a warriors death serving the hive"

With that I picked the scout up and spun using momentum to throw it a small group of 3 green skins with spears as it released a hissing warcry as it bolted through a the air in a straight line towards the green skins.


The goblins were fast enough however impaling it with 2 of the 3 spears but the momentum caused all 3 to fall over with it's body on top and with it's final breath managed to lock it's jaws around the head of a green skin and crush it as the light faded out of the scout as it finally fell limp, dead. Dying to kill at least 1 more enemy of the hive.