
destruction of Wang clan

Chen Yang's clone was on his way to the green mountain village.  Elsewhere,At the river side where Xu Lin and Xu Mei had found the Chen Yang in injured state. The shadow of a man in a black robe could be seen, and their face appeared to be covered by a mask.

" Second brother, it has been three months, since we have began to search for that scordel but haven't managed to find a trace of him , he seems to have really die."  One of the men spoke in an irritated tone.

"Third brother is correct; second brother, we have already scourged the riverside, questioned villagers, checked every corner, and third brother has even destroyed several villages but have found no trace of him; why waste so much time looking for a dead body whose body may have already been eaten by fish in the river." Another man interjected.

After hearing the two men's conversation, the man in the middle paused for a moment before saying, "What you two said made sense, but we have already come this far, why do not we search nearby village for a week or two and if we can not find him this time, we will return to clan."

Seeing as the third brother was about to explode in rage and say something after hearing the second brother's words.

The fourth brother quickly replied, "Yes, what second brother said made sense. It has been a while since we left the Wu clan. We can also take the opportunity to play with some beauty and enjoy ourselves for a week or two. If we are lucky and found that scordel Chen, we might even get our hands on the secret that allowed a trash at body tempering realm to soar and reach the middle of qi condensation stage in a year."

"Hahaha, fourth brother, you truly know how to motivate me," the third brother said, patting his soldier on the fourth brother's soldier.

As the three were talking, a voice from the forest said, "Third brother, why are you so happy? Have you found the Chen Yang?" A man wearing a black robe emerged from the forest.

"Oh, fifth brother, how come you are here? Did the matter with Wang clan already resolve?" the second brother asked, surprised by the person emerging from the forest.

"Haha.. second brother, how can a clan with only two early and one late foundation establishment realm realm ancestor be hard to destroy if we are determined to destroy it?" asked the fifth brother in a mocking tone.

" Huh , fifth brother do you mean to say our Wu clan has decided to reaveled our strength to world." Third brother asked excitedly.

"Yes, after first brother instructed you to search for Chen Yang, first brother had been playing with Wang clan for some time, but who would have thought they would be brave enough to send foundation establishment ancestor to assassinate nephew Wu Shen and hang his body on Wang clan gate."

The news of Wu Shen's death sent shockwaves through the group of brothers, their expressions darkened with rage and indignation.

"What, Wu Shen has died? How dare they!"

" We must not even spar the dog and chicken of the Wang clan"

Looking at his three enraged brothers about to return to the clan, the fifth brother asked them to calm down and allow him to finish his words.

" Brother don't worry When first brother had seen the body of young master hung on Wang clan, in his rage he unleashed his Late stage foundation establishment realm strength to destroy the Wang clan "

"So, why are you here instead of staying in the clan to support first brother?" fourth brother inquired.

"Ahh .. I almost forgot, second brother, you should return to the clan and manage it while first brother is mornin for Wu Shen, and I will follow third and fourth brothers to find Chen Yang."

The second brother agreed and said, "I will hurry back, and you should also be careful not to cause unnecessary trouble."

As second brother left for qinfeng city, three brothers also decided to go separate ways to search for Chen Yang and inquire about him in different village around the area.

Inside , the green mountain village.

Children were happily playing in the open area of the village when a man approached them with a smile on his face.

He took a sweet from his pocket and motioned for one of the young boys to approach with his hand, showing the sweet.

As the little child came near him. he pinched the chubby chick of child and said " I will ask you a question if you answer correctly I will reward you with this sweet okey "

The child nodded heavily while keeping his gaze fixed on the sweet.

He was pleased with the child's expression, so he took a picture of Chen Yang and asked, "Have you seen this man in the village?"

When the child saw the sketch of Chen Yang, he became excited and said, "This is that cool invincible old uncle, you know uncle, with a shoo... This uncle killed a big monster in our village." While waving his hand, he attempted to imitate Chen Yang's movement as he snatched the sweet from the man's hand and ran away.while giggling and teasing him while running.

Looking at the running child, the man did not chase or do anything.

" Is he really here , hmm.. let ask other villagers and confirm if they have seen him or not." Muttering to himself, he approached the other children and villagers.

After showing the sketch to other children, he received the same response as the previous child: a super strong old uncle; however, when he asked the villagers, the majority of them denied his existence, while some told him about it.

"Haha, luck appears to have been smiling on my face."

After confirming Chen Yang's was here , he used the massage talisman to alert his third and fifth brothers.

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