
Exploring the World of To Love Ru

Most of the chapters are about 2000 words A boy reincarnating in To love Ru with a System, but here comes the problem he was not ready and made a mistake in making his wishes that he kinda regrets for days. Now finding himself in a world where aliens can be anywhere from being weak as an insect to being too powerful that can blast planets, how will he survive. The story will start horrible since I am new to writing but I think it improve on the later chapters. P.S the name of the OC is kinda unique and kinda funny but if you search, it kinda had a good history. All the characters except my Ocs are not mine, they belong to their respective owners. I also don't own the Profile cover. This is my first try at making fanfic so please don't complain if I made a mistake as I will just try to fix it. I don't even get even one penny on this it's totally free

Ayries_Jesea · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Seaside Summer School Camp 1


Currently, me, Rito, Lala and all my classmates are on the bus toward the resort where we will stay for the entire camp.

I look over at lala while she was watching the window with awe on her while talking to Sairenji who was beside her and she was also my brother's nemesis.

I look at Rito with his friends eating together and talking while I look at myself with no one around.

I am currently at the back and for some reason, I am alone, it's not like I don't know some people but it's like they just subconsciously avoid me.

Honestly, I felt like crying now.

Just kidding I actually don't have close friends but I know most of my classmates and can be called friends with some of them at least that's what I think.

I can't help but sigh.

"What are you sighing for, we are here to enjoy and relax not for you to act like a loner you know"

Suddenly someone sit beside me and I look over and saw the first person who made me feel violated.

"Well not like I can't do about it for some reason I don't know why most of them avoid me how about you tell me Risa"

Yep the person beside me was the girl who touched my thing first before Raikou and she was also the person who ruined one of Rito's confessions.

I just looked at her with my head tilted on the other side which made some of the hair fall over my face that has really a bored look.

"We-well I suppose I can tell you"

For some reason, she suddenly started to act shy.

"Well, I'm all ears since I am bored to hell here."

I moved my hair on the back of my ear as I spoke ignorantly to the reaction of some who pay attention to him.

Well you can't blame him although he had an emphatic ability it didn't mean he will always put attention to it, he just trains it to just sense malicious feelings towards him or else he will feel suffocated just from Raikou's feelings towards him.

And boy you don't know how heavy her love is, I can easily lift airplanes but her feels like an ocean while I was at the bottom being crushed by it so yeah although I love Raikou I need to filter my empathy from her love that was even boosted by her madness.

"Well how should I say this, you know your looks is like in perfect balance a total neutral face that looks more beautiful than girls."

I nodded

"So what's up with it, I know I am beautiful and I am proud of it."

What, I accept I am beautiful and for l can't look manly for some reason unless I find some bulking technique.

I thought of doing what bodybuilders do but I find that they are too easy for the current me.

So I give up and accept myself that at least I don't look ugly or something.

"Wow! Talk about confidence, I want to say you are narcissistic but you do speak the truth, as for the reason why most avoided you well for boys they are trying to keep sexualities in the correct direction and being with you was kind of torture for them since they sometimes imagine you in their wet dreams"

I look at her blankly and turn my head to the guys who were peeking at me, when they saw that they were caught they immediately look away.

I was silent for a moment before I spoke.

"For some reason, I feel being violated again..., so what's with the girls"

I look at her tiredly, right now I am thinking that memory is a part of the soul so can I kick it with my long ass name kicking technique their memory and their dreams away?

"Hmm well if I put it into words they somehow felt defeated, they also felt inferior being with you and some just feel their hard beat being fast when looking at you."

She spoke with some blush on her face that I can see.

Why is being so beautiful troublesome, I wish I can get some bodybuilding type technique at my next gacha.

"Sigh forget it, so in which category in the two of these are you?"

I got nothing so might as well tease her, Risa might give me a bad impression that I already forget.

She is actually also a nice person and friend to have, although she is too playful and perverted that she gropes all the boobs in our class including lala, she even tried to touch Raikou unfortunately for her whether they are a girl or boy she will not just let just let them touch her cause in her words everything about her is only for me.

Talk about loyalty so my guys Yandere are the best for a wife.

Risa just got a Bumped on her head at that time.

Back to our conversation when she heard my question she blinked before smiling seductively.

"of course, it was the second"

She says in her most erotic voice she could muster.

While I was watching her performance which is kinda turn on and I am bored with nothing to do so I replied for fun by making myself as seductive as possible.

"Ara to think our Risa-chan has this feeling for me, so should I let have some dib's on me?"

I move closer to her while I copied some of Raikou's way of speaking to me sometimes, I move my lips and smile seductively and whisper in her ear.

"O kawaii koto..."

I never thought it was this fun and effective her face is kinda like a tomato right now while her mind is full-on imaginative mode.

I look around for some reason some girls also has some blush on their face which I find it cute which put a smile on my face.

Then I turn towards the boy's which remove that smile, the way they look right now kinda made me want to learn some memory erasing powers.

Looks like I have underestimate my charm since they got turn on... please give me some body building Lord Gacha🙏.....

I honestly try to find something to distract myself from what I saw luckily Risa is back from her mind where we just talk and she is really a good company so I spend time with her in the whole road trip.

It took sometime but we finally reached the place the place we will be staying for the rest of the trip.

We were greeted by some beautiful lady in kimono with a of the workers in the front of the door.

"Hello everyone from Sainan high, thank you for traveling all the way to come here!"


Our principal as always being a pervert rush towards the beautiful lady only to get punch in the face.

As an expert of boxing who even improve it beyond its normal scope, I nod inside in a approval, her punch has a very good form that can beat most pro.

She look at us like nothing happens and her professional attitude is amazing.

"Please follow me"

She began to show us around until we reach the a big hall.

The principal who already recover from that amazing blow he received started give a speech like it was nothing.

"By the way we have a "dare" tonight so look forward to it, right takami-chan!"

It would have been nice if he didn't again device to assault the lady only to get in uppercut.

Her forms is really amazing it's as natural as breathing when she punch the pervert to the sky.

"Could it be...that he held this camp just to see this landlady"

Rito muttered who got nods from crowd so we just ignored it and go to our respective room.

Rito and his friends go to their room while I go to mine alone for some reason, I don't see anybody from my class going my in my way.

I reached the room and open the door only to be be pulled by a pair of hands and my face was brought to some big and soft place that also smells heavenly.

"Master! Hehe are you surprised!?"

"Yes, a very good one but what are you doing here, wait let me guess you are my roommate are you?"

"Yep I made sure to threa-I mean to ask and convince them nicely to be put together with you!"

I already got use to her behaviour so I only find it cute.

And it looks like this will be like a honeymoon for us, so we looked at each other and know what they want so I close the door put some barrier around to seal the sound inside.

It's been a week since we last did it and lala was always around when we sleep so we never did it, it almost brought back her frustration on lala again if I didn't comfort and play with her from time to time.

So I look at Raikou who was showing a lust and hunger look that has not been able to eat for days right now and who I am to not feed my lovely girl, looks like I will busy for a while.

Meanwhile on the other rooms Rito was convince by his best friend's to peek at the girls.

So they go to bath and look for a place to climb and peek.

"Honestly I think this is really a bad idea, if my brother know this we are dead he is you can say kinda possessive although he won't kill us but he will make sure our bones will break and our memories will lose so I think we should stop before it happens."

Rito who is hesitantly followed them is now talking a bit scared. Others who hear his words kinda look pale and started to look around and sigh in relief when they didn't see him around, then they suddenly look determine like they were going to a battlefield.

Saruyama Ritos best friend look at him like an elder guiding a young man who is lost in his path.

"Rito as a man we should not have fear on what is in our back!! We should look always forward and not walk back, and don't you wanna see it! Sairenji who was completely naked just next to us, are you sure will back down now!!!!"

Hearing his words and thinking of Haruna being naked his scared face was replaced by a burning determination.

"Let's do it!!!"


Rito, Saruyama and one of his mob friends started to climb thinking this is a wall they should climb and reach their dreams.

They started fast but as time goes by they started to feel slow feeling tired, but they are determined to reach the top so they ignored it.

They are close but they heard a shout.


They suddenly look around where it come from but they only find the sound was on the other side.

"You deserve it pervert principal!"


The girls on the other side look at the suffering principal while covering their selves.

"Good thing lala-chan machine was here, otherwise we wouldn't notice him, but lala-chan what's in his face that looks like a face mask"

"Huhuhahaha!, tada! this is my new invention Anti Anti pervert-kun, Errol is kinda possessive of me so he didn't like it when other boys see me naked, and I almost let it slip so I made him Anti pervert-kun, he can scan people and judge whether they are peeking or being a pervert to me so they fire that spicy sticky mask that is sticky for a half an hour while the spicyness is increasing as time pass until it was removed"

Lala look proud as she spoke while letting other see Anti pervert-kun that looks like a big spider the other girls look at her with worship.

"Woah! That is one hell of a machine you made that will surely be hell for those who experience it even I felt scared of my face being burn by spicyness, but lala I don't think one is enough to cover this place."

Risa who is close spoke in amaze and doubtful tone thinking about about the entire area.

"Oh don't worry I made at least 10 of it and it's sensor is also can cover a large area so you don't need to worry."

Hearing those words the 3 boys who is Rito, Saruyama and Friend Mob suddenly felt chill on their back they look up slowly only to see at least 3 of that spider with red glowing eyes that looks scary right now watching them.

That day the 3 of them swear never ever to peek when lala is around.